Criminal Law Note Edited
Criminal Law Note Edited
Criminal Law Note Edited
• Responsibility/capacity is presumed
and any person who alleges
irresponsibility shall proof it.
Reasonable doubt
– Art.57(1) second alinae cum 48(1),
130(2g) Cr.P C and art.196 Civil Code
• Mental /moral fitness
• Grounds of irresponsibility
– Age (infants )
– Mental status (insanity)
– Intoxication
• Criminal responsibility is presumed. Every
person is capable to offend the criminal
law. Art. 57(1) cum 48(1) and art. 130(2g)
of the criminal procedure code(preliminary
objection). Art. 196(1 &2) civil code
• Who should proof responsibility?- the
person who alleges irresponsibility. When?
In the preliminary objection?
• Does this contravene presumption of
innocence? No. because the proof is on the
irresponsibility not on the guiltiness
• Responsibility is related to mind (moral
element)-art. 23(2)
Causes of absolute or partial irresponsibility
• Primary Penalties
– Penalties affecting the criminal's property
• Fine, confiscation, sequestration, forfeiture(90, 91, 97, 99 & 100)
– Penalties affecting the life of the criminal (art. 117 cum Art. 15
FDRE Constitution)- abolitionist vs. retentionist (Art. 6 ICCPR)
• The crime must be exceptionally grave
• The criminal must be exceptionally dangerous
• Completed crimes
• There must not be extenuating circumstance
• The criminal must have attained 18 years
– Penalties affecting the personal liberties of the criminal
• Simple imprisonment and rigorous imprisonment (106(1) & 108(1))
Secondary Penalties
• Caution, reprimand, admonishment and apology (art. 122)
• Deprivation of Rights 123
• Dismissal from the defense force 127(1)
• Protective Measures (134)
– Measures applicable to adults in special cases Art. 130, 131
– Measures applicable to young persons
• Admission to a curative institution 158
• Supervised education 159
• Reprimand ; censure 160
• School or home arrest 161
Extenuating and Aggravating Circumstance
• Art. 88(2)- extenuating circumstance are external/internal factors
surrounding the commission of the crime which are not the legal
ingredient of the crime committed but taken into consideration
during sentencing.
– Nature of the crime High motive
– Incidental circumstance of the crime moral /material distress
– Personality of the criminal threat, reverential fear
– State of mind of the criminal temptation, repentance
– Age, education , knowledge , character (before and after), health
– Economic position, motive and provocation /impulse
• Types of Extenuating General Art.82 material /external,
internal and mixed
Special element of the crime
• No double extenuation and aggravation (art. 82(2) cum 179
and art. 84(2) cum 183
• Aggravation refers to factors that are relevant to the
perpetration of a crime which indicate the degree of guilty
and dangerous disposition of the criminal warranting an
increase in the penalty to be imposed on such a criminal.
Aggravation can be either material or personal conditions
attending the commission of the crime which can be taken in
• General and Special Aggravating circumstance
– Treachery, base motive, deliberate intent, cruelty, abuse of power,
antecedents, habitual or professional nature of the crime, the time
and circumstance of the commission of the crime.
Aggravation in cases of concurrence and
• 184-188
• Notional and material concurrence
• Recidivism
• Stevin Lowstien.(1965 ). Materials
for Study of the Penal Law of
• Philippe Graven. ( 1965). An
Introduction to Ethiopian Penal
Code, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
• Material on Criminal Law prepared
by Justice and Legal System
Research Institute of Ethiopia.