The Nature of Grammar in Language Learning
The Nature of Grammar in Language Learning
The Nature of Grammar in Language Learning
in Language Learning
Children and Adults Learning
language gain their linguistic
competence with intriguing and yet
amazing differences: children are
not conscious of the grammar, while
adults, especially those learning a
foreign language, exert so much
effort learning the grammar of
“that” language.
◘ Children learn in a non-
◘ Adults learn through formal
conscious assimilation of instruction and conscious
a language mainly through comprehension.
first hand exposure.
◘ A subconscious or non- ◘ Relatively deliberately done
through conscious process.
conscious process.
◘ Doesn’t care about ◘Puts enormous effort in learning
grammar rules. the grammar rules of a language.
To most linguistics, grammar serves to
understand and describe the systematic
properties of the linguistic code for the varieties
of every language. Some define grammar as a
set of elements and rules from which every
sentences of a language can be generated.
Linguists conceive of several grammars for
each language, one for every social or regional
variety having its own set of rules. The linguist
that if a sentence conforms to the rules of any
variety of English, then it is grammatical in
◉ Grammar operates at two levels:Morphology and