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The American Society for Nondestructive Testing

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Ultrasonic Testing
Level II

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Paul Marks, NDT Training Center
Lesson 7
Equipment Calibration
Equipment Calibration


The equipment used in ultrasonic testing involves

electronic and mechanical devices working together
to accurately capture the way ultrasonic waves
interact with various features of test materials.
Ultrasound interaction within a given material is
analyzed by measuring the strength and the nature
of returning waves.
Equipment Calibration

• Equipment calibration is the process of repeatedly
verifying that the ultrasonic equipment is
performing as intended.
• Calibration is carried out at the transducer level,
the instrument level and the integrated system
• The frequency of calibration is based on practical
field experience and is often mandated through
consensus codes and standards.
Equipment Calibration

Before tests are begun,
transducers are usually
checked for their general
condition and conformance
to specified performance
criteria, such as beam
angle, depth resolution
and absence of excessive reverberation noise.
Horizontal and vertical screen linearity, as well as
proper dB control function, are also checked.
Equipment Calibration

Transducer Performance Checks

In general, the performance
characteristics of transducers
can be measured as they
relate to fundamental
generation and reception of
ultrasonic energy or as part of
checking their practical
behavior related to testing
Equipment Calibration

Transducer Performance Checks

Considered as a stand-alone
component, transducers can be
characterized by their electrical
and acoustic responses. Typical
features include electrical
amplitude and frequency
responses, such as relative pulse-
echo sensitivity, center frequency,
frequency bandwidth, time
response, electrical impedance
and sound field measurements.
Equipment Calibration

Amplitude Linearity
• In analog instruments, measurements of signal
strength (pulse height) and transit time (related to
distance from the sending transducer) are taken
directly from the display screen.
• It is important in these instruments that the visual
A-scan axes be directly proportional to incoming
signal strength (vertical axis) and expended time
(horizontal axis).
Equipment Calibration

Amplitude Linearity
• Onsite checks of amplitude linearity (vertical axes)
can be performed by observing how pairs of
pulses, which differ in amplitude by some fixed
amount, maintain their relative amplitude difference
while changing the instrument’s amplification.
• If the amplifier is linear, the ratio of the two pulses
will remain the same as the gain of the instrument
is changed over its operational range.
• ASTM E-317 provides instructions for how this
procedure can be performed.
Equipment Calibration

Amplitude Linearity

Here, two signals are set to 80% and 40% of full

screen height (FSH). The gain setting is then
decreased by 6 dB, which should decrease the
signal amplitudes by 50%, resulting in the signals
dropping to 40% and 20% FSH, respectively.
Equipment Calibration

Checking Horizontal Linearity

The basic calibration steps
before an inspection include
establishing the horizontal
axis scale to correspond to
the physical region of interest
within the test object.
Reminder: ASTM E-317
provides exact instructions
for the performance of this
Equipment Calibration

Straight Beam Calibration

For a simple longitudinal
wave transducer (straight
beam) test instrument,
system level calibration
typically uses any calibration
block, such as the IIW block,
to establish the range of
thicknesses directly
displayed on the screen.
Equipment Calibration

Straight Beam Sensitivity

Equipment Calibration

Setting the Sensitivity for

Straight Beam Calibration
• The sensitivity of the system is adjusted based on
a standard reference reflector.
• Both side-drilled holes (SDHs) and flat-bottomed
holes (FBHs) are used for this purpose.
Equipment Calibration

Setting the Sensitivity for

Straight Beam Calibration
Shown here are two sets Hole sizes are the
of blocks which contain same throughout
this set but
FBHs. At the top is a distance changes.
distance amplitude set; an
area amplitude set is
displayed at the bottom.

Hole sizes vary in this set but

distances remain the same.
Equipment Calibration

Setting Straight Beam Sensitivity

Equipment Calibration

Setting Straight Beam Sensitivity

In this example, sensitivity is set based on varying the distance to the

same size FBH using a distance amplitude set.
Equipment Calibration

Straight Beam Calibration

The response curve derived from the distance
amplitude hole reflections becomes the basis for
evaluating readings taken during actual tests of the
test specimen.
Equipment Calibration

Straight Beam Calibration

• When using calibration blocks
for ultrasonic testing, the
required sensitivity is based on
the size of the reference
reflector, typically a flat-
bottomed hole, a side-drilled
hole or, as shown here, the
notched surface in the IIW block.
• For tests with longer sound paths, the attenuation of
the sound is estimated by creation of an appropriate
distance amplitude correction curve.
Equipment Calibration

Angle Beam Calibration

• Side-drilled holes have traditionally been used as
the basis for calibrating angle beam test systems.
• Calibration blocks with side-drilled holes have an
added advantage: the amount of sound reflected
from a side-drilled hole remains the same
regardless of the transducer angle.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach for

Setting Test Sensitivity
The basic calibration
block is rectangular
with varying sizes and
thicknesses. Thickness
selection is based on
the dimensions of the
part to be inspected.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

The block must be long
enough to allow a full skip
distance for the transducer
but may not be less than
15 cm (6 in.). As the
thickness increases, the
block will need to be longer
to accommodate the longer
skip distances.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

One way to calibrate using the basic calibration

block is to use the depth of each hole from the
scanning surface to set the screen width.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

Here we see the same holes being interrogated in

the second leg of the sound beam.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

This can be seen graphically by imagining a mirror
image of the block as shown by the shaded section,
and imagining the sound path as continuing in a
straight line.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

Now the use of the depth designation in 1/4

thickness increments becomes apparent: Each one
of the depths can be depicted on the screen at the
corresponding graticule marker.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

To begin this type of calibration, the operator should

maximize the return signal from the 1/4t hole, set
the amplitude to 80% full screen height (FSH), and
then place it over the first graticule.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

At this point, the signals from the other four
locations (2/4t, 3/4t, 5/4t and 6/4t) should line up
over the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th major graticules,
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

In some instances, the signal amplitude from the

2/4t hole may be higher than the amplitude of the
signal from the 1/4t hole.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

Without changing the
reference level gain setting,
the peak of each maximized
signal can be marked on the
screen either electronically
or using a china marker.
These points can be
connected to create a
distance amplitude
correction (DAC) curve
similar to that shown here.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

When inspecting using a DAC
curve, scanning is performed
at a gain level above the
reference level (typically +6
dB). When indications are
discovered at this scanning
level, the gain is returned to
the reference level and a
careful evaluation is
conducted by the technician
at the reference setting.
Equipment Calibration

ASME Shear Wave Approach

• All indications that reach 20% of the DAC are evaluated
to discover their type (planar, spherical or cylindrical).
• Planar flaws are rejected regardless of length or signal
height. Other flaw types such as slag or porosity are
evaluated for acceptance according to length and
amplitude (e.g., Did the reflection touch the DAC line at
reference setting?).
• ASME specifies that all reflectors that reach 50% of
DAC and above be recorded on the inspection report,
even though they may not produce peaks that reach the
DAC curve.
Equipment Calibration

International Institute of
Welding (IIW) Block

Another commonly used block is the International

Institute of Welding (IIW) calibration block.
Equipment Calibration

IIW Block

Type I (opposite side)

Type II (different view)

Equipment Calibration

IIW Block
This block provides the operator with many options for
straight beam calibrations:
• For straight beam calibration, the block can be
scanned from the side (2.5 cm [1 in.] thickness) to
set up screen widths in 2.5 cm (1 in.) multiples.
• Or it can be scanned from the edge through the
10 cm (4 in.) width for wider screen widths.
• In addition, the 0.2 cm (0.08 in.) notch can be viewed
from the opposite side of the block to check
transducer resolution.
Equipment Calibration

IIW Block

Performance of a
straight-beam inspection
of the base material
adjacent to a weld,
looking for laminations or
small laminar reflectors,
is required by AWS code
prior to shear wave
Equipment Calibration

IIW Block

For angle beam work, the transducer wedge can be

placed in position C on the IIW block and the return
signal from the 0.15 cm (0.060 in.) diameter SDH
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

The following functions required
for shear wave inspection are
enabled by use of this block:
• identification of the transducer
beam index point (B).
• setting of the screen range (B).
• verification of the probe’s
angle of refraction (A).
• setting of the sensitivity level
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

Prior to beginning a calibration using the IIW block,
the operator must determine what screen width will
be required to perform the inspection. Two of the
most commonly used screen widths are 12.7 and
25.4 cm (5 and 10 in), as shown below.

5 in. (12.7 cm) screen 10 in. (25.4 cm) screen

Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

To determine the appropriate screen width, the
operator should determine which wedge angle is to
be used (this may be dictated by the governing
code or specification) and the thickness of the
material to be tested.
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

Cautionary note: If the screen width selected is
less than a full skip distance, then the far end of the
second leg of the sound beam will not show on the
screen and the upper portion of the material or weld
being inspected will not be seen by the operator,
invalidating the inspection process.
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

5 in. (12.7 cm) screen 10 in. (25.4 cm) screen

The signal from the 2.5 cm (1 in.) radius notch is

maximized and set at the appropriate graticule on
the screen display representing 2.5 cm (1 in.) of the
sound path (signal A).
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

5 in. (12.7 cm) screen 10 in. (25.4 cm) screen

The transducer is then aimed at the 10 cm (4 in.)

radius at the end of the IIW block, and that signal is
set over the graticule representing 10 cm (4 in.) of
the sound path (signal B).
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

By using the range and
delay controls as
described previously,
the two signals are
adjusted so that they
both align at the proper
locations on the screen.
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

Once the screen width is selected and set, the

transducer should be placed in position, as shown,
and the signal from the 0.15 cm (0.06 in.)
side-drilled hole maximized.
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

• The amplitude of that signal should be set between 40%
and 60% FSH per AWS Section (or as required
by the governing code or specification); that gain setting
is then recorded as the reference level and reference
line for the inspections performed using this calibration.
• With this type of calibration, as opposed to that obtained
with a DAC curve, the acceptance and rejection criteria
are based on variations in signal amplitude related to
the sound path. Scanning is done at higher gain settings
as described in the governing code or specification.
Equipment Calibration

AWS Style Calibration

When an indication is seen,
the signal is maximized
and the amplitude is set to
the FSH that matches set
point B FSH. This gain
setting is called the
indication level.
The sound path (SP), in inches, to the maximized
indication is then read from the screen. With these
three values, the indication rating can be determined.
Equipment Calibration

AWS Calibration
The indication rating is calculated using:
where A is the indication level in decibels (dB), B is
the reference level in decibels (dB), C is the
attenuation factor and D is the indication rating.
Equipment Calibration

AWS Calibration
• The formula is simple to use and the results are
objective, leaving no room for error.
• Due to the ease of defining the discontinuity value,
the AWS code presents a defined method for
deciding whether a discontinuity is acceptable.
• A personal study of section 6 of the AWS code will
provide you, the shear wave technician, with a
wealth of information for the proper conduct of
shear wave weld inspection.
Equipment Calibration

Indication Evaluation
(dB Rating Chart Example)
Equipment Calibration

AWS Calibration
The indication rating by itself is just a number
(without units). To determine whether or not the
indication is rejectable, the governing code or
specification has to give ranges of values for
rejection. A typical set of ranges might be as follows:
1. If the indication rating is less than +5, the
indication is rejectable regardless of length.
2. If the indication rating is from +6 through +9,
the indication might be rejectable if the length
is greater than 1.9 cm (0.75 in.).
Equipment Calibration

AWS Calibration
3. If the indication rating is from +10 through
+12, the indication might be rejectable if the
length is greater than 5 cm (2 in.).
4. If the indication rating is greater than +12, the
indication might be acceptable regardless of
The above ranges are only examples of how a code
or specification might define indication ratings. For
actual values, the governing specification or code
should be consulted.
Equipment Calibration

DSC Block
A third commonly used
calibration block is the
distance sensitivity
calibration (DSC)
block. This type of
block has two radii of
2.5 and 7.6 cm
(1 and 3 in.).
Equipment Calibration

DSC Block

To calibrate with this block, the appropriate screen

width is selected; then the transducer is placed on
the flat scanning surface. Several signals will be
seen on the screen: from the 2.5 cm (1 in.) radius,
from the 7.6 cm (3 in.) radius and from the notch in
the 7.6 cm (3 in.) radius.
Equipment Calibration

Other Calibration Blocks

• There are many other types of calibration blocks
available but most can be used in a similar
manner as has been discussed here.
• Additional information on other calibration blocks
can be found in the ASTM International (ASTM)
Book of Standards Volume 03.03 and in Section V
of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Equipment Calibration

Thank You Thank You Thank You

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Lesson 7 End Lesson 7 End Lesson 7


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