Basic Software Engineering: Prof. Vijya Tulsani Assistant Professor

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Basic Software Engineering

Prof. Vijya Tulsani Assistant Professor

Parul Institute of Computer Application
Software Design
DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
• A Data Flow Diagram (DFD ) is a way of representing a flow of a data of a
process or a system (usually an information system).

• The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of each entity
and the process itself.

• A data flow diagram has no control flow, there are no decision rules and no
DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
• DFD takes an input-process-output view of a system. Data flow into the
software & transformed by processing elements & resultant data flow out of
the software.

Example: Every computer-based system is an information transform.

DFD Notations

Entity External Entity Data Flow

Process Process Data Store

DFD Notations

External Entity: Entities are sources and destinations of

Entity information data.
Entities are represented by rectangles with their respective names.

Example: a person, a device, a sensor

DFD Notations
Process: A data transformer (changes input to output).
Activities and action taken on the data are represented by
Circle or Round-edged rectangles.

Example: computer system, calculate area

DFD Notations
Data Flow: Data flows through a system, beginning as input
& transformed into output.

Movement of data is shown by pointed arrows.

Example: Area of Rectangle


Calculate Area
DFD Notations
Data Store: There are two variants of data storage - it can either
be represented as a rectangle with absence of both smaller sides
OR or as an open-sided rectangle with only one side missing.
Data is often stored for later use.

Example: Area of Rectangle


Calculate area

Data Flow Diagram Guidelines
• All icons must be labeled with meaningful names

• The DFD evolves through a number of levels of detail

• Always begin with a context level diagram (also called level 0)

• Always show external entities at level 0

• Always label data flow arrows

• Do not represent procedural logic

Levels of DFD
Context Level DFD (0 Level / Zero Level):

•A context diagram is a top level (also known as "Level 0") data flow diagram.

•It only contains one process node ("Process 0") that generalizes the function of
the entire system in relationship to external entities.

•A "context level" DFD can be used to show the interaction between a system and
outside entities; it can also show the internal data flows within a system. This
version is also called a context diagram.
Levels of DFD
Context Level DFD (0 Level / Zero Level):

Example: Online shopping Portal

Image source : Google

Levels of DFD
Level 1 DFD:

•A level 1 DFD notates each of the main sub-processes that together form the
complete system.

•We can think of a level 1 DFD as an “exploded view” of the context diagram.
Levels of DFD
Constructing Level 1 DFD:

•If no context diagram exists, first create one before attempting to construct the
level 1 DFD.

•Identify processes & external entities

•Draw the data-flows between the external entities and processes.

•Identify data stores by establishing where documents / data needs to be held

within the system. Add the data stores to the diagram, labelling them with their
local name or description.
Levels of DFD
Constructing Level 1 DFD:

•Add data-flows flowing between processes and data stores within the system.
Each data store must have at least one input data-flow and one output data-flow

•Check diagram. Each process should have an input and an output. Each data store
should have an input.
Levels of DFD
Level 1 DFD Example:

Image source : Google

Levels of DFD
Level 2 and so on

•A level 2 DFD explodes more summarized processes and shows another level of
complexity within them.

•A level 3 or 4 DFD shows even more components opened up to show their inner
Levels of DFD
Level 2 DFD Example:

Image source : Google

Levels of DFD
Level 2 DFD Example:

Image source
source :: Google
Levels of DFD
Level 2 DFD Example:

Image source : Google

Levels of DFD
Level 3 DFD Example:

Image source : Google

What is Data Dictionary?

• It is an integral part of a database.

• It holds information about the database and the data that it stores.

• A data dictionary is a “virtual database” containing metadata (data about

What is Meta Data?
Metadata is defined as data providing information about one or more aspects of
the data, such as:

•Time and date of creation

•Authorization of the data

•Attribute size

•Purpose of the data

Data Dictionary provides information about database
• Tables

• Columns

• Constrains

• Relationship to other variables

• Variable Format

• Data Type

• And more
• Avoid Duplication

• Make maintenance straight forward

• To locate the error in the system

Why Data Dictionary?

Image source : Google

Data Dictionary Format

• There exists no standard format for creating a data dictionary.

• Meta-data differs from table to table.

• The only prerequisite for a data dictionary is that it should be easily searchable.
Example - 1

• Table: Employees

• Holds data about organization’s current and past employees. Each row
represents one person.
Example - 1
Example - 2

• Table: Students

• Holds data about university’s students. Each row represents one person.
Example - 2
UML Overview
• UML is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing and
documenting the artifacts of software systems.

• UML was created by Object Management Group and UML 1.0 specification
draft was proposed to the OMG in January 1997.

• The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose, developmental,

modeling language in the field of software engineering, that is intended to
provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.
Introduction to UML
• According to the OMG specification, "The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is
a graphical language for:

• visualizing
• specifying
• constructing
• documenting the artifacts of a software
Why UML?
• Use graphical notation: more clearly than natural language (imprecise) and
code (too detailed).

• Help acquire an overall view of a system.

• UML is not dependent on any one language or technology.

• UML moves us from fragmentation to standardization.

Types of UML Diagrams

• Use Case Diagram

• Class Diagram

• Activity Diagram

• Sequence Diagram
Use Case Diagram
• A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction
with the system that shows the relationship between the user and the
different use cases in which the user is involved.
Notation of Use Case Diagram
• Actor: An Actor is outside or external the system. It can be a:
• Human
• Peripheral device (hardware)
• External system or subsystem
• Time or time-based event

• Represented by stick figure.

Notation of Use Case Diagram
Use Cases: A use case (Attribute) is a summary of scenarios for
a single task or goal.

•A use case represents a class of functionality provided by the

system as an event flow.
•An actor is who or what initiates the events involved in the task Appointment
of the use case.

•Represented by oval.
Notation of Use Case Diagram
Relationships: Represent communication between actor and use case
•Represented by line or double-headed arrow line
•Also called association relationship


Notation of Use Case Diagram
Boundary: A boundary rectangle is placed around the perimeter of the system to
show how the actors communicate with the system.


Example 1: ATM System

Image source : Google

Use Case Relationships
Relationships: There are several Use Case relationships:
Use Case Relationships
Extend Relationships:
•The extended relationship is used to indicate that use case completely consists of
the behavior of another use case at one or specific point.

•It is shown as a dotted line with an arrow point and labeled <<extend>>.
Use Case Relationships
General Relationships:
•Generalization is a relationship between a general use case and a more specific
use case that inherits and extends features to it.
•It is shown as a solid line with a hollow arrow point.
Use Case Relationships
Uses Relationships:
When a use case uses another process, the relationship can be shown with the
uses relationship.
This is shown as a solid line with a hollow arrow point and the <<uses>>
Use Case Relationships
Include Relationships:
Include relationships insert additional behavior into a base use case.
They are shown as a dotted line with an open arrow and the key word
Example 2: Online Airline Reservation

Image source : Google

Class Diagram
• A class is a description of a set of objects that
share the same attributes, operations,

• Graphically, a class is rendered as a rectangle,

usually including its name, attributes, and
operations in separate, designated
Class Name
• The name of the class is the only required tag
in the graphical representation of a class. It
always appears in the top-most compartment.
Class Attributes
• An attribute is a named property of a class
that describes the object being modeled.

• In the class diagram, attributes appear in the

second compartment just below the name-
Class Attributes (Cont’d)
 Attributes are usually listed in the form:
attributeName : Type

 A derived attribute is one that can be

computed from other attributes, but doesn’t
actually exist.
 For example, a Person’s age can be computed
from his birth date. A derived attribute is
designated by a preceding ‘/’ as in:

/ age : Date
Class Attributes (Cont’d)
 Attributes can be:

 + public
 # protected
 - private
 / derived
Class Operations
 Operations describe the class behavior and
appear in the third compartment.
 There are three kinds of relationships in UML:

 dependencies

 generalizations

 associations
Dependency Relationship
 A dependency indicates a semantic relationship between two or more

 The dependency from CourseSchedule to Course exists because Course is

used in both the add and remove operations of CourseSchedule.
Generalization Relationship
 A generalization connects a subclass to
its superclass.

 It denotes an inheritance of attributes

and behavior from the superclass to the
subclass and indicates a specialization in
the subclass of the more general
Association Relationship
 If two classes in a model need to communicate with each other, there must
be link between them.

 An association denotes that link.

Student Instructor
Association Relationship (Cont’d)
 We can indicate the multiplicity of an association by adding multiplicity
adornments to the line denoting the association.

 The example indicates that a Student has one or more Instructors:

Student Instructor
Association Relationship (Cont’d)
 The example indicates that every Instructor has one or more Students:

Student Instructor
Association Relationship (Cont’d)
 We can also indicate the behavior of an object in an association (i.e., the role
of an object) using rolenames.

teaches learns from

Student Instructor
1..* 1..*
Association Relationship (Cont’d)

Symbol Meaning
1 One and only one
0..1 Zero or one
M..N From M to N (natural language)
* From zero to any positive integer
0..* From zero to any positive integer
1..* From one to any positive integer
Example 1: ATM System

Image source : Google

Activity Diagram
 Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one
activity to another activity.

 The activity can be described as an operation of the system.

Basic Component of Activity Diagram
 Action: A step in the activity wherein the users or software perform a given
task. Actions are symbolized with round-edged rectangles.
 Decision node: A conditional branch in the flow that is represented by a
diamond. It includes a single input and two or more outputs.
 Control flows: Another name for the connectors that show the flow between
steps in the diagram.
 Start node: Symbolizes the beginning of the activity. The start node is
represented by a black circle.
 End node: Represents the final step in the activity. The end node is
represented by an outlined black circle.
Activity Diagram Symbols
Activity Diagram Symbols
Activity Diagram Symbols
Activity Diagram Symbols
Activity Diagram Symbols
Example 1: Login
Example 2: ATM System
Sequence Diagram
 A sequence diagram simply depicts interaction between objects in a
sequential order.
Symbols & Components of Sequence Diagram
Symbols & Components of Sequence Diagram
Symbols & Components of Sequence Diagram
Symbols & Components of Sequence Diagram
Symbols & Components of Sequence Diagram
Example: ATM System

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