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PNP Memorandum

Circular No. 2013-020


a. PNP Pre-Charge Evaluation and Summary Hearing Guide (PNP

Internal Discipline Mechanism) 2011;

b. Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service

(RRACCS) dated November 21, 2011;

c. DPRM Discipline, Law and Order Manual dated January 20, 2009;
d. Letter of Instructions (LOI) No. 21/08 (PATNUBAY II) dated April
30, 2008;

e. NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular Number (NMC No.) 2007-

001 dated March 6, 2007;

f. LOI (PATNUBAY) dated July 31, 1998; and

g. Republic Act Number (R.A. No.) 6975 as amended by R.A. No. 8551
dated February 25, 1998, and further amended by R.A. No. 9708.

PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030 through the Strategic Focus “CODE-P

2013 and beyond” on Discipline


● Provide measures to determine the public perception on the

level of PNP’s performance in enforcing discipline, law and order;

● Review the implementation of new IPER system;

Institutionalize new mechanisms and safeguard (digitized storage)

in fast-tracking administrative cases; and

Establish one PNP clearance system nationwide.

● Institutionalize new mechanisms and safeguard (digitized storage)

in fast-tracking administrative cases; and

Establish one PNP clearance system nationwide.
This PNP MC shall amend the existing LOI 21/08
(PATNUBAY II) to include the new policies on discipline
issued by the Civil Service Commission (CSC),
National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) and
Philippine National Police (PNP).

a. Concept of Operations:
1) Preventive Phase

2) Investigation and Adjudication Phase

3) Reformation Phase

4) Case Monitoring and Clearance System

1. Preventive Phase

• All PNP offices/units shall conduct a monthly inspection

• for accounting
• individual’s well grooming
• issued firearms
• Individual Performance (IP) Card
• Miranda Doctrine Card and other uniform paraphernalia;

• All RPHRDD/RPMD/ARMD shall conduct a five (5) day orientation

• all newly appointed PNP personnel (recruit/lateral/PNPA graduates)
before undergoing Field Training Program (FTP)

• All PNP offices/units shall require all personnel to draft their own IP
Card based on the actual duties and responsibilities within the said

• All PNP offices/units shall strictly comply with CMC No. 19-2013 re PNP
Review and Compliance Committees (RCC) and Policy Guidelines and
Procedures on Accomplished Statement of Assets, Liabilities and
• All PNP offices/units shall establish a Quality Service Lane (QSL), a
version of “Isumbong mo kay Tsip” or “Subukan Nyo Po Kami”

• Conduct of Police Information Continuing Education (PICE) the topics on

ethical standards and decorum, human rights and anti-graft and corrupt
practices in order to mold and instill unit discipline among its personnel;

• In case of transfer or relief of personnel, conduct formal inventory of all

records/documents/property under his/her custody in the presence of his
immediate supervisor and shall turn-over the same to his/her successor in
the position prior to the issuance of a property clearance;

• All PNP personnel who shall be designated/assigned in a certain position

shall conduct inventory to counter-check the records/documents/property
of such unit and receive the same from his/her predecessor;

• In case no inventory and proper turn-over has taken place, the successor
has the duty to conduct the inventory and initiate appropriate charges
against the predecessor;
• All PNP offices/units shall comply with NMC No. 2010-004 and NMC No.
2012-002, a transparent criteria and procedures on giving incentives,
awards and rewards as well as promotion by position and rank based on
merit and fitness;

• All PNP offices/units shall strictly observe the simplified procedure on

personnel transaction of Directorate for Personnel and Records
Management (DPRM);

• All PNP offices/units shall submit request for random drug test and
physical and mental examination of their respective personnel to the PNP
Health Service (HS) and PNP Crime Laboratory Group (CLG), annually;

• The PNP HS and CLG shall schedule the annual random medical and
neuro-psychiatric test and drug test respectively, to all PNP personnel;

• All results of random medical and neuro-psychiatric test and drug test
shall be submitted to DPRM for consolidation and for proper disposition
within the required period as mandated by pertinent rules and
regulations, especially in cases of “positive” result;
• All PNP offices/units shall conduct a quarterly inventory of
administrative and criminal records of all personnel with complete
details and status and submit the same to DPRM for establishment of
database for Case Monitoring and Clearance System;

• Discipline of NUPs shall be in accordance with the URACCS or

RRACCS, which is in force at the time of the commission of the

• Jurisdiction over administrative cases against NUP shall be vested

with their respective appointing authority (Regional Director (RD) or
Chief, PNP, as the case may be); and

• All PNP personnel shall be required to update their contact

information (home address, e-mail addresses and phone numbers)
annually. The DPRM, through RPHRDD, DPHRDD, ARMD of all
offices/units shall ensure compliance hereof.
2) Investigation and Adjudication Phase

• All Pre-Charge Evaluation Report initiated by DIDM shall be submitted for

approval by the Deputy Chief for Administration pursuant to the delegation of
authority bestowed upon him by the Chief, PNP and in observance of the
impartiality principle of prosecution aspect of all administrative cases;

• All Pre-Charge Evaluation Report initiated in the Police Regional Offices (PROs)
and National Support Units (NSUs) shall be submitted and approved by the
respective Regional Directors and Directors of said office/unit;

• Newly appointed PNP personnel (recruit/lateral/PNP Academy graduate) who

commits any violation while still in temporary status shall be subjected to
termination proceedings as provided under the applicable circular, NMC No.
2007-009 for recruits and NMC No. 2008-006 for lateral entrants;

• All referrals or complaints against uniformed PNP personnel shall comply with the
documentary requirements as provided by NMC No. 2007-001 and shall be
submitted for evaluation for determination of probable cause within three (3)
working days from the date of its submission for evaluation. In case of NUPs, the
procedures on preliminary investigation under Rule 4 of the RRACCS shall be
complied with;
• All complaints filed against PNP Non-Uniformed Personnel shall be
evaluated for determination of probable cause within 20 working days
pursuant to the RRACCS;

• All PNP offices/units shall initiate administrative proceedings against all

their personnel with pending criminal case;

• In cases where the PNP personnel had not been subjected to an

administrative proceeding during the pendency of his/her criminal case
where he was later adjudged as guilty, the appropriate administrative
charges should be filed against that personnel;

• All personnel detained by reason of criminal charges filed against them

shall be placed under automatic leave of absence without pay;

• All complaints filed for purely “non-payment of debt” should be

accompanied by any documentary evidence proving that the obligation
due is considered “just debt”.

• As defined in the RRACCS, “Just Debt” shall apply only to claims with
court adjudication or an obligation admitted by respondent (this provision
only applies to NUP respondents);
• Following the case law in Madrid vs Auditor General (108 Phil 578) “a person
claiming his right to a position in the Civil Service must institute the proper
proceedings to assert his right within the period of one (1) year from the date of
separation, otherwise, he will be considered as having abandoned his office or
even acquiesced or consented to his removal and therefore not entitled to bring
action for his reinstatement”;

• All decisions granting the Motion for Restoration/Reinstatement (MR) on

Dropped From Rolls (DFR) cases shall include an order for the respondent to
be subjected to physical and mental examination and drug test and shall be
subjected to Pre-Charge, and Summary Hearing Proceedings, as the case
warrants. Prior to the issuance of Reinstatement orders, the respondent must
have passed the drug test and Neuro-Psychiatric (NP) examination, otherwise,
he/she shall be separated or retired from the PNP pursuant to Section 14 of R.A.
No. 8551, amending Section 30 of R.A. No. 6975. Provided that reinstatement of
personnel pursuant to the decisions rendered by appellate bodies (National
Appellate Board, Regional Appellate Board, Secretary of Interior Local
Government, CSC, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court) which had attained
finality, shall be immediately implemented as a matter of course, without
requiring the reinstated personnel to pass NP and Drug Tests.
• No order Lifting the Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) status shall
be issued upon the return of the personnel who had been ordered
AWOL. Instead an order of return to active duty shall be issued with an
indication that the subject is assigned to Personnel Holding and
Accounting Unit (PHAU), pending the resolution of the administrative
proceedings initiated against him/her

• All reported AWOL cases should be referred for Pre-Charge Evaluation

and may be subjected to Summary Hearing Proceedings despite
continuous absence of the respondent;

• No personnel in AWOL/DFR status shall be entitled to receive his/her

salary, pay and allowances under the principle of “No work, No pay”.
The Heads of Offices shall be responsible in monitoring the stoppage of
salary, pay and allowances from the date of the effectivity of
AWOL/DFR order;

• All personnel ordered AWOL shall not receive any salary, pay and
allowances from the effectivity of AWOL order;
• All personnel ordered AWOL or DFR shall be verified before the Office
of Bureau of Immigration (BI) for possible travel activities during the
period of their unauthorized absences. A verification of the travel
activities of a personnel declared on AWOL status must first be
obtained from the BI, which will serve as basis in resolving a Motion to
lift DFR/AWOL status or appeal for reinstatement. A positive finding
from the BI of travel abroad during the period of his/her AWOL shall be
a ground for the denial of the motion/Appeal for Reinstatement;

• In case of non-appearance of respondent uniformed personnel despite

due notice, the proceedings shall proceed ex-parte and a decision shall
be rendered imposing the maximum penalty (Dismissal from the
Service) in cases of AWOL or prolonged unjustifiable absences for
more than 30 days, (Serious Neglect of Duty). Service of Notice and
Summons must in accordance with Rule 18, NMC No. 2007-001 in
cases against uniformed personnel;

• In case of Reinstatement, the number of days on AWOL shall be

deducted on the years of service rendered by PNP personnel which
shall negatively affect the Senior Lineal Listing
• Moreover, in the event that the personnel who went on AWOL had
received a salary despite the AWOL, the number of days on AWOL for
which a salary was received shall be deducted from the personnel’s
leave credit;

• All restrictive custody shall be issued only by duly authorized officer

provided by law. Such order shall be terminated upon the termination of
administrative case or issuance of Warrant of Arrest by court of proper
jurisdiction or upon issuance of order lifting the restrictive custody by the
issuing authorized office;

• All respondents under restrictive custody shall be under the custody of

Headquarters Support Service or its equivalent unit in the PROs who
shall be responsible for the accounting and securing of the subject
• Except in cases where the involved personnel is a non-uniformed
personnel and his/her penalty is dismissal from the service, a
Certificate of Implementation shall be issued by the DPRM, or
equivalent office in the PROs and NSUs, after the denial of the Motion
for Reconsideration filed by a PNP personnel against the Decision of
the Disciplinary Authority on his/her administrative case. The
implementation shall immediately follow.

• All decisions of Disciplinary Authorities reversed by appellate bodies

shall be appealed by the concerned prosecuting office/unit within the
prescribed period;

• All Disciplinary Authority shall issue a Certificate of Finality when no

motion for reconsideration or Appeal was filed or taken by the
adversely affected party after ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of
the Decision by that same party. The implementation shall immediately
• In case the penalty of suspension is imposed, the respondent
uniformed personnel shall turn-in his issued firearm, ammunition and
other paraphernalia covered by an Acknowledgment Receipt of
Equipment to his/her immediate supervisor (Chief of Police/Division
Chief/Director, NSU, Group Leader) who will then indorse the said
equipment to the Supply Accountable Officer
(RegionalSAO/DistrictSAO/Logistics Officer) for safekeeping. The
subject equipment shall only be re-issued to the suspended uniformed
personnel upon the latter’s return to active duty;

• Decisions of D, NSUs on administrative cases involving Grave or

serious offenses where the penalty imposed is either dismissal,
demotion, or suspension, forfeiture of salary, restrictive custody,
withholding of privileges or any combination thereof for a period of
more than 30 days shall be submitted to DPRM (Attn: Discipline, Law
and Order Division) for confirmation by the Chief, PNP to preclude
more appeals and adverse decisions from SILG (Basis: Letter from
SILG dated July 8, 2011, as cited in CPNP Memorandum dated
December 12, 2011);
• Orders, Decisions or Resolutions promulgated by PNP Disciplinary
Authorities shall only be implemented upon issuance of a Certificate
of Implementation or Certificate of Finality, except those issued by
the Office of the Ombudsman which shall be implemented upon
receipt thereof;

• Summary Dismissal Cases decided by District Directors, NCRPO

wherein the imposable penalty is dismissal from the PNP service
shall be submitted to RD, NCRPO for confirmation;

• All approved Decisions of Disciplinary Authorities against uniformed

personnel shall be furnished the DIDM, RIDMD and DIDMD for
consideration of the aggravating circumstances of repeatedly
charged and recidivism as defined under Section 1, Rule 2 of NMC
No. 2007-001;
• The penalty of maximum suspension [six (6) months] shall be
imposed on PO1 respondents in summary dismissal cases (grave
offenses) where the appropriate penalty is in the medium period [One
(1) Rank Demotion]. Accordingly, the decision should be submitted for
confirmation by the C,PNP;

• All Summary Dismissal Proceedings or Administrative Cases for

Grave offenses decided by RDs and D, NSUs against PCOs shall be
submitted to the OCPNP for confirmation; and

• Decisions of RDs imposing the penalty of six (6) months or 180 days
suspension shall be submitted to the OCPNP for confirmation.

• The Notice of Appeal and/or Memorandum on Appeal without proof of

service to the other party shall not be accepted.
3) Reformation Phase
• All PNP personnel reinstated shall be assigned at Personnel Holding and
Accounting Unit (PHAU) of respective offices/units and shall be required to
undergo medical and physical examination and drug test;

• All the results of the medical and physical examination and drug test shall be
required and form part of compliance for restoration of salary and
reassignment to field units;

• All PNP offices/units shall request for seminar on stress management from
PNP HS at least once a year;

• The DPRM shall draft decorum policies covering minor offenses (first time
offenders) to declog the docket;

• The DPRM in coordination with DIDM, DHRDD and PNPTS shall conduct
an annual three (3) days training for Summary Hearing Officers (SHOs), Pre-
Charge Evaluators (PCEs) and Discipline, Law and Order Division/Sections
(DLOD/DLOS) personnel clustered for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
• All PCOs with the rank of PCINSP and above shall be included in
the list/pool of Summary Hearing Officers as part of the duties and
responsibilities to keep them abreast with the current disciplinary
policies of the PNP;

• All aspirants for position of Provincial Director or City Director

shall submit a certification for having been an SHO or C, DLOS or
C, PCEIS or reviewing authority of administrative cases as
requirement for his nomination to the position;

• All SHOs shall receive an amount of Php2,000 per case to defray

the expenses for the conduct of summary hearing proceedings
and other administrative requirements to ensure the strict
compliance with the 60-day requirement of resolving
administrative case

• All drafters and reviewers (within DLOD/DLOS) in

NHQ/PROs/NSUs shall receive an incentive in the amount of
Php400 pesos each per case;
• All drafters and reviewers shall comply with the quota system of at least
one (1) complete draft decision (for original administrative case) or draft
resolution (for Motion for Reconsideration/Restoration or Appeal) which
shall be submitted per day for approval and signature of the disciplinary

• All drafters and reviewers (within DLOD/DLOS) in NHQ/PROs/NSUs

shall receive an incentive in the amount of Php400 pesos each per

• All drafters and reviewers shall comply with the quota system of at
least one (1) complete draft decision (for original administrative case)
or draft resolution (for Motion for Reconsideration/Restoration or
Appeal) which shall be submitted per day for approval and signature of
the disciplinary authority;

• All recorders and stenographers during summary hearing proceedings

shall receive an incentive in the amount of Php250 pesos per case and
shall assist the SHO in the compliance with the 60 day prescribed
period of submission of resolution;
• All RPHRDD/RPMD/ARMD thru TDPRM shall request for the conduct of
annual training, as well as funds for incentives of the SHOs, drafters,
reviewers, recorder and stenographers who shall be involved in the drafting
of decision/resolution to be approved and signed by the Disciplinary

• All PNP personnel who shall be assigned with PCEID/S and DLOD/S must
have basic Criminal Investigation Course or SHO-PCE-DLOD training;

• All aggravating circumstances attendant in each case shall be incorporated

in the charge sheet and/or Pre-Charge Evaluation report or pleaded in the
pleadings to be filed by prosecutors in administrative cases;

• Case conference for grave offenses/sensational cases is encouraged to be

presided by Ex-O, DPRM or RCDS, PROs to be attended by C, PCE,
SHO/LAD, IAS and SLO/C, RLS and C, DLOD/DLOS should serve as
secretariat; and

• All PNP personnel who were separated from the service thru dropping from
rolls and have withdrawn their commutation of accumulated leave credits
should be considered to have abandon their office and shall no longer be
entitled to reinstatement.
4. Case Monitoring and Clearance System
a. The DPRM thru DLOD in coordination with the ITMS and PAIS shall
establish a database of administrative and criminal cases for Case Monitoring and
Clearance System (CMCS) of the PNP;

b. The CMCS shall include “red flag” information about PNP personnel
pertaining to their involvement in violation of “one strike policy” and other illegal
activities as validated by ODI; violation of “no take policy” and “Crime Volume
Reporting System” as evaluated by ODIDM; violation of R.A. 9165 which includes
bungling of drug cases and non-appearance in court hearing as determined by
AIDSOTF; and awards/commendations and other exemplary recognitions as
recorded by RMD, DPRM;

c. The record of PNP personnel shall be reflected in his

clearance/PAIS record and identifiable by a “Red Flag”;

d. The DPRM thru DLOD shall maintain a database of all

administrative and criminal cases including other administrative actions imposed
against PNP personnel and shall conduct appropriate action for prompt
implementation of decisions/resolutions/orders rendered by PNP, PLEB,
e. All PNP units shall maintain a secured storage of case folders and
shall be maintained/controlled by accountable DLOD personnel;

f. All PNP office/units shall conduct proper turn-over and inventories in

cases of the accountable personnel is relieved or reassigned;

g. All PNP offices/units shall submit every first five days of the month
an update on the administrative and criminal cases filed against PNP personnel
within their AOR;

h. All PNP offices/units shall coordinate with the Regional

NAPOLCOM, local courts, OMBUDSMAN and PLEB within their AOR to extract
any records of administrative and criminal cases filed against PNP personnel to
be part of monthly compliance;

i. All PNP offices/units shall establish a database on administrative

and criminal cases following the ITMS program and upload the same to the
DLOD, DPRM for case monitoring and clearance system;

j. All PNP offices/units shall scan all case folder for electronic storage
of cases and upload the same to DLOD, DPRM for record digitization;
k. All PNP offices/units shall allocate computer equipment and scanner
intended solely for case monitoring and digitization of case folders or electronic
scanner; and

l. The DPRM shall conduct an annual three–day training in coordination

with ITMS, DHRDD and PNPTS for installation and maintenance of database of
administrative and criminal cases to all encoders in the PROs grouped in Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao clustered venue.
b. Tasks

•Shall be the OPR of this PNP MC (PATNUBAY III);

•Shall draft PNP Disciplinary Code covering all disciplinary policies,
issuances and directives issued by PNP, NAPOLCOM, CSC and other
•Shall draft PNP Decorum for minor offenses to be observed by every PNP
•Shall establish case monitoring and clearance system;
•Shall establish case digitization database;
•Shall monitor the implementation of IP CARD and IPER system;
•Shall request for funds and spearhead the implementation of the activities
specified in this PNP MC;
c. Coordinating Instructions:

1. Delegation of Authority – The Chief, PNP hereby delegates his authority

to TDCA as approving authority for all Pre-Charge Evaluation Report originating
from DIDM to monitor the prosecution of all administrative cases and to handle
appellate action as deemed necessary;
2. All administrative adjudication involving serious/grave offenses filed
against PCOs and NUPs (appointed by CPNP) shall be approved and signed by
the Chief, PNP pursuant to the principle of the “power to appoint (hire) comes
with the power to dismiss”;
3. The DPRM thru DLOD is hereby authorized to coordinate with concerned
offices/units for verification and issuance of one (1) national clearance for all
PNP personnel purposely for promotion, transfer, placement, leave abroad,
official travel abroad, UN deployment, restoration and retirement as part of
simplification of processing of necessary documents; and
4. All offices who shall conduct the above enumerated trainings/seminars
shall submit their respective Program of Instruction and budget requirements to
DPRM for consolidation and submission of the same to DHRDD for approval of
the CPNP thru the concurrence of TDC and Command Group.
All existing PNP directives and other issuances which are contrary to or
inconsistent with this directive are hereby rescinded or modified accordingly.


Any portion of this PNP Memorandum Circular inconsistent with the organic
law or declared unconstitutional shall not affect the validity of other provisions.

This circular shall take effect upon the filing of a copy hereof with the Office
of National Administrative Register (ONAR), UP Law Center pursuant to Sections 3 and 4
of the Administrative Code of 1987.

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