(a) "The State recognizes the indispensible role of the private sector,
encourages private enterprise, and provides incentives to needed
investments." (Sec. 20, Art II)
(b) "The State shall promote the preferential use of Filipino labor,
domestic materials and locally produced goods and adopt measures
that help make them competitive." (Sec. 12, Art XII)
In pursuance of these policies, the government shall actively
encourage, promote, induce and accelerate a sound and balanced
industrial, economic and social development of the country in order to
provide jobs to the people specially those in the rural areas, increase
their productivity and their individual and family income, and thereby
improve the level and quality of their living condition through the
establishment, among others, of special economic zones in suitable and
strategic locations in the country and through measures that shall
effectively attract legitimate and productive foreign investments.
Purposes, Intents and Objectives. – It is the purpose, intent and objective of this Act:
(a) To establish the legal framework and mechanisms for the integration,
coordination, planning and monitoring of special economic zones, industrial estates /
parks, export processing zones and other economic zones;
(b) To transform selected areas in the country into highly developed agro industrial,
industrial, commercial, tourist, banking, investment, and financial centers, where
highly trained workers and efficient services will be available to commercial
(c) To promote the flow of investors, both foreign and local, into special economic
zones which would generate employment opportunities and establish backward and
forward linkages among industries in and around the economic zones;
(e) To promote financial and industrial cooperation between the Philippines and
industrialized countries through technology-intensive industries that will modernize
the country’s industrial sector and improve productivity levels by utilizing new
technological and managerial know-how; and
(f) To vest the special economic zones on certain areas thereof with the status of a
separate customs territory within the framework of the Constitution and the national
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Philippines.
Definition of Terms. – For purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply
to the following terms:
(a) "Special Economic Zones (SEZ)" – hereinafter referred to as the ECOZONES, are
selected areas with highly developed or which have the potential to be developed
into agro-industrial, Industrial tourist/recreational, commercial, banking, investment
and financial centers. An ECOZONE may contain any or all of the following:
Industrial Estates (IEs), Export Processing Zones (EPZs), Free Trade Zones, and
Tourist/Recreational Centers.
(b) "Industrial Estate (IE)" – refers to a tract of land subdivided and developed
according to a comprehensive plan under a unified continuous management and
with provisions for basic infrastructure and utilities, with or without pre-built
standard factory buildings and community facilities for the use of the community of
Definition of Terms. – For purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply
to the following terms:
(c) "Export Processing Zone (EPZ)" – a specialized industrial estate located physically
and/or administratively outside customs territory, predominantly oriented to export
production. Enterprises located in export processing zones are allowed to import
capital equipment and raw materials free from duties, taxes and other import
(d)"Free Trade Zone" - an isolated policed area adjacent to a port of entry (as a
seaport) and/or airport where imported goods may be unloaded for immediate
transshipment or stored, repacked, sorted, mixed, or otherwise manipulated without
being subject to import duties. However, movement of these imported goods from
the free-trade area to a non-free-trade area in the country shall be subject to import
“ECOZONE Domestic Market Enterprise” refers to an individual, association,
partnership, corporation or other form of business organization which has been
registered with the PEZA to engaged in manufacturing, assembling or processing
activity falling within the purview of the Act resulting in the sale of its finished
products in the customs territory or in the non-restricted or authorized areas within
the ECOZONE in its entirety or if exporting a portion of its production output, it
continually fails to export at least fifty percent (50%) thereof for a period of three (3)
years without any justifiable reason in case at least 60% of its working capital is
owned by Philippine nationals or in case more than 40% of its working capital is
owned by foreign nationals, it continually fails to export at least seventy percent
(70%) of its production output for a period of three (3) years without any justifiable
“ECOZONE Free Trade Enterprise” refers to an individual, association, partnership,
corporation or other form of business organization which has been registered with
the PEZA to engaged in the importation of goods or merchandise within the
restricted or free trade area in the ECOZONE tax and duty-free for immediate
transshipment or for storage, repacking, sorting, mixing or manipulation and
subsequent exportation unless the Board allows the sale thereof in the customs
territory subject to the payment of customs duties and internal revenue taxes to such
other terms and conditions as it may determine.
“ECOZONE Service Enterprise” shall refers to a business entity or concern within the
ECOZONE such as but not limited to those engaged in customs brokerage, trucking /
forwarding services, parcel services, janitorial services, security services, insurance, and / or
banking services, consultancy services, restaurants or such other services within the
ECOZONE as may be determined by the Board, duly registered and/or licensed by the
PEZA whose income derived within the ECOZONE shall be subject to taxes under the
National Internal Revenue Code pursuant to Section 25 of the Act.
SECTION 1. Qualification of Applicants - any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation,
or any other form of business organization, regardless of nationality, control and / or ownership
of the working capital thereof may apply for registration as an Export or Free Trade Enterprise
within the ECOZONE in any sector of industry, international trade and commerce, except duty-
free retailing and wholesale trading of imported finished products for purposes of serving the
domestic market. Furthermore, if the area of investments of the said enterprises falls within Lists
A and B of the Foreign Investments Act of 1991, then the applicable nationality, ownership or
control requirements of the said law shall be observed.
Applications for ECOZONE Developer / Operator, Domestic Market, Utilities, Facilities, Tourism
or Service Enterprises shall comply with the applicable nationality, control and / or ownership
requirements of the working capital thereof in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the
Philippine Constitution, Foreign Investments Act of 1991 and other existing laws and
However, applicants for Domestic Enterprise shall be limited to new or expanding business
entities subject to the guidelines that shall be promulgated by the Board in addition to the
nationality requirements under existing laws and regulations.
SECTION 2. Forms - All applications shall be made upon forms prescribed by the
PEZA duly accomplished in three (3) copies.
SECTION 3. Supporting Documents - The applicant for an ECOZONE Enterprise shall
submit the following documents:
a. Project feasibility study, unless dispensed with and in lieu thereof, the applicant shall
submit basic data / information on its technical, financial, marketing and management
capability / competence to undertake the proposed project or business within the
b. Copies of articles of incorporation and by-laws;
c. Resolution of the applicant's board of directors authorizing the filing of the application;
list of its directors, principal officers, and major stockholders, including their bio-data;
d. List of machinery and equipment to be used by the applicant with a statement of their
capacity, ownership and/or mode of procurement;
b. Submitted within twenty (20) calendar days from receipt of the notice of approval of
the application, a formal acceptance of the proposed terms and conditions of registration.
For good cause shown, said period may be extended if the request therefore is filed
before the expiration of the period sought to be extended; and
For ECOZONE Export or Free Trade enterprises, the income tax holiday incentive
may be extended for an extra year in each of the following cases but in no case to
exceed a total period of eight (8) years for pioneer registered enterprises
Firm under ITH is not exempt from:
b. Expansion Projects - The income tax holiday for expansion projects, as defined in
Section 2(w), Rule I of these Rules shall apply only to the extent of the actual increase
in production.
Expansion - Expansion may include modernization or rehabilitation which, to be
registrable, may or may nor result in increase capacity but in any case, subject to the
following conditions:
a. Investment Priorities Plan - As a general policy, the basis for determining whether
an area of economic activity may be considered pioneer or non-pioneer shall be the
Investment Priorities Plan prepared yearly by the Board of Investments. In the
absence thereof, the applicable criteria shall be formulated by PEZA.
After the lapse of ITH period, PEZA registered enterprises are subject to 5% GIT and
IN LIEU of all taxes, national and local, except real property tax on land owned by
NATIONAL TAXES shall refer to all internal revenue taxes, such as:
3. Transfer taxes
4. VAT and other percentage taxes
5. Excise tax
6. Custom duties
7. Import charges under the Tariff Customs Code
Excluded, however, are the following:
1. Withholding tax on compensation
2. Withholding tax on income payments to persons other than a registered
ECOZONE enterprise, subject to withholding tax at source under Section 50 (b) of
the Tax Code, as amended.
PEZA registered companies are exempt from creditable withholding tax, except for
unregistered operations. However, PEZA registered companies are not exempt from
being a withholding agent.
1. Exemption from duties and taxes
2. Tax credit for import substitution under Export Development Act
3. Additional deduction for training expenses
4. Additional labor expense deduction
5. Exemption from wharfage dues, export tax, imposts, and fees
6. Tax credit on domestic capital equipment
7. Tax and duty-free importation of breeding stocks and genetic materials
8. Tax credit on domestic breeding stocks and genetic materials