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Role of Government in Economy

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How China Controls the

How China Controls the
• Chinese government was considered the world’s
worst abuser of internet freedom for the fourth
consecutive year.

• Platforms focused on apolitical topics, including

entertainment, dating, and celebrity gossip
applications, faced new restrictions.

• Chinese citizens’ risk of being detained or

imprisoned for accessing or sharing information
online has increased considerably in recent years. 
What else does the government control in different countries?

News? Movies?

Women’s Rights?

International Trade?
The Role of the
Government in
our Economy
 Protecting Competition
 Protecting Business Agreements
 Protecting Creative Properties
Topics  Regulating the Production Process
 Government’s Role in Society
 How Government is Funded
 How Government Allocates Resources
 Monopoly
When a company controls an industry or is
the only one to offer a product or service.
 Oligopoly
Small number of companies control an
 Monopoly
There is no competition
Any price can be charged for products and
Quality may lower
Both limit choices
 Trust
Group of companies that band together to
form a monopoly and cut out competition.
 Antitrust laws
Allow government to break up monopolies,
regulate them or take control of them.
Federal Trade Commission - FTC
Formed by the government to enforce
antitrust laws
Protecting Business
Government enforces Contracts
Contract: legally enforceable agreement
between two or more parties.
Written, verbal or formed over a handshake.
Car Repair
Job Contract

Car Rentals
Protecting Business
Breach of Contract: when a party fails to
live up to the terms of a contract.
Easier to prove with a written contract.
Protecting Creative

Law protect the right to own creative

Copyright gives artist the legal right to own
their creations.
Protects photographs, music, paintings,
books, plays.
Usually last 70 years after the owner’s death
Protecting Creative
Patent legal grant for the sole right to own an
No one can copy a patented product or process
without permission for 20 years after the inventor
filed his/her application with the US Patent and
Trademark Office.
Protecting Creative
Trademark is a name, a symbols, or a
characteristic that identifies a product.
Can only be used by the owner.
Regulating the Production Process

Pollution Minimum Wage Work Procedures Worker Safety

Waste Requirements
Government as Provider

 Provide key services to the Public

 Government provide different services for the

good of the community
 Highways, bridges, water treatment plants and
national defense – example of public goods and
 Social Welfare – Parks, museums, libraries.
Government as Provider

Income government gets from all sources.
Taxes, fees consumers pay for certain public
goods and services

Business that offers a public good or

Transfer Payment
Angel Guardian, 120 a los 65, Padrino Empresario,
Red de Oportunidades
Consuming Goods &

 L argest consum er of goods

and ser vices,
 Buys co mputers, furniture
and s upplies for sc hools
and governm ent offi ces.
 Cars & Motorc yc les for the
poli ce a nd other enti ties.
Supporting Business

 Supports Busi ness es

 Subsides:
Mo n e t a r y g ra n t s g ive n to
p ro d u ce r s o r co n s u m e r s to
e n co u ra ge ce r t a i n b e h av i o r s
How Government
is Funded

 Amount of mo n e y
pe o pl e and b u sin e ss e s
pay gove rnm e nts to
he l p ru n the n at io n .
 In c l u d e d in pu rc hase
pr ice .
 Taxe s p ay fo r stre e t s,
park s, e d u catio n
How Government Allocates

 Prepare annual budget

 Allocates resources by deciding the best
ways to spend tax revenues.
 Determine which projects are priorities
Wrap Up & Questions

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