Lesson 1 - Introduction To Network Design

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Introduction to Network Design
Quick Recap
What is a computer network?

• A computer network is a group of computer systems

and other computing hardware devices that are linked

together through communication channels to facilitate

communication and resource-sharing among a wide

range of users.
Types of networks
based on their geographic extension.

• A personal area network (PAN) is a computer

network used for communication among

computers and different information technological

devices close to one person. Some examples of

devices that are used in a PAN are personal

computers, printers, fax machines & telephones.

Types of networks
Classification based on their geographic
• Scale – occupy the space of a room or a building.

• Elements: Clients, server, switches, access points, printers

and router to exit the LAN.

• Typical speed: 100mbps to 1gbps – meant for nearby

communication between devices

Types of networks
Classification based on their geographic
• In a site you can have multiple buildings.

• Scale: less than a few kilometres

• Elements: LANs, high speed switches or routers, high speed circuits (on fiber

optic cable) to interconnect LANs on different buildings.

• Typical speed: from 1 gbps to 40 gbps

• A backbone is a part of computer network that tie together diverse networks in

the same building, in different buildings in a campus environment, or over wide

Types of networks
Classification based on their geographic
•Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
•Broader extension covering a town, a city or a region.
•(eg a firm having multiple branch offices in multiple locations within a region or city)
•Scale: more than a few kilometres
•Elements: LANs, Backbone Networks, Circuits are normally leased to Network providers (eg
cable companies). It is less expensive to lease than to privately lay down fiber optic cables over
long distances.
•The alternative is to have a point to point connections through microwaves – this requires a
straight line of sight for it to work. This is generally expensive.
•A cheaper alternative would be the use of VPN tunnels as a way to communicate between one
branch office and another.
•Typical speeds: from 64 kbps to 10 gbps
•Note: 64kbps is the lowest rate to have VOIP conversation.
Types of networks
based on who can access the network.
• Campus area network (CAN)
- is a set of LAN segments and building networks in an area that
is generally less than a mile in diameter.
• A home area network (HAN) is a residential LAN used for
communication between digital devices typically deployed
in the home, usually a small number of personal
computers and accessories, such as printers and mobile
computing devices.
• A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated network that
provides access to consolidated, block level data storage
& used to make storage devices, such as disk arrays and
tape libraries.
Types of networks
Classification based on their geographic
Wide Area Network (WAN)

• Extends MANs to a much bigger scale.

• WANs are used to interconnect multiple operations across the

globe for a single firm.

• Scale: more than tens or hundreds of kilometres, usually


• Elements: same as MANs, but a greater distance

• Typical speeds: from 64Kbps to 10Gbps

Types of Wide Area Networks (Cont’d)

WANs can be further classified into two categories:

• Enterprise WANs. An enterprise WAN is a WAN that

connects the widely separated computer resources of a
single organization. An organization with computer operations
at several distant sites can employ an enterprise WAN to
interconnect the sites. An enterprise WAN can use a
combination of private and commercial network services but
is dedicated to the needs of a particular organization.

Types of Wide Area Networks
A global WAN interconnects networks of
several corporations or organizations. An
example of a global WAN is the Internet.

Types of networks
based on who can access the network.
• Intranet: is only accessible by internal members of the
• The employees can collaborate using a central
information system (e.g. ERP through an intranet)
• The employees can collaborate on a LAN or WAN

• The employees on the move can access sensible data

from a remote location through a VPN
Types of networks
based on who can access the network.

• Extranet – this is a network that is accessible for

people or entities external to the organization.
• E.g. clients and providers logging into an
inventory system over the extranet.
• Public e-commerce websites
• WIFI network for customers
What is Network Design

• Network design refers to the planning of the

implementation of a computer network infrastructure.

• Network design involves evaluating, understanding and

scoping the network to be implemented. The whole
network design is usually represented as a network
diagram that serves as the blueprint for implementing
the network physically.

• **Analogy of building a house

Network Design

• Typically, network design includes the following:

• Logical map (displays how information flows through a network) of
the network to be designed. To achieve this, you need to have
gathered information about network devices, routing protocols
and subnets.
• Cabling structure
• Quantity, type and location of network devices (routers, switches,
servers, Clients etc)
• IP addressing structure
• Network security architecture and overall network security
• Network design is generally performed by network designers,
network engineers, network administrators and other related staff.
• NOTE: Network design is done before the implementation of a
network infrastructure.
Network Infrastructure explained

• Network infrastructure refers to the hardware

and software resources of an entire network.
• A typical network infrastructure includes:
• Networking Hardware:
– Routers
– Switches
– LAN cards
– Cables
– Access points
Network Infrastructure explained
• Networking Software:
– Network operations and management/NOC  from where network monitoring and
control is exercised over a computer.
• Operating systems: e.g Debian , Ubuntu, Windows server

– Firewall: e.g samba firewall

– Network security applications/Tools e.g. Intrusion detection and prevention
system, Anti-malware etc  
• Network Services:
– T-1 Line – a dedicated transmission connection between a service provider and
– Digital subscriber line (DSL) – used to transmit digital data over telephone lines.
– Satellite
– Wireless protocols
– IP addressing
Types of Network Design
• New network design

• Re-engineering a network design

• Network expansion design

New Network Design
• Actually starting from scratch

• No legacy networks to accommodate

• Major driver is the budget, no compatibility

issues to worry about

• Getting harder to find these situations

Re-engineering a Network Design
• Modifications to an existing network to
compensate for original design problems

• Sometimes required when network users

change existing applications or

• More of the type of problems seen today

Network Expansion Design
• Network designs that expand network

• Technology upgrades

• Adding more users or networked


Compare and contrast the top-down and bottom-up design approaches

• Choosing the design approach that best fits your needs will

result in a stronger network.

• Recognizing the pros and cons of each approach can help you

build the case for the appropriate choice, giving you the

opportunity to build a network that will meet the needs of

the project or organization — and improve network

Bottom up approach begins with the physical layer of the
OSI model and works its way up. New, higher bandwidth
links might be purchased, as well as new routers, switches,
firewalls, etc. Designing a network with a bottom-up
approach enables you to get your network set up much faster.
• Top-down approach is a methodology for designing networks that
begins at the upper layers of the OSI reference model before
moving to the lower layers.
• This means that it focuses on applications, sessions, and data
transport before the selection of routers, switches, and media that
operate at the lower layers (layer 3, layer 2 and layer 1 respectively)
• The application layer is the starting point, and the applications and
services that are desperately needed are analyzed for their specific
requirements first.  
• Top-down network design also is iterative (repeated cycle of
operations). A process for arriving at the desired results by
repeating rounds of analysis. **differentiate between a waterfall life
cycle and a spiral life cycle)
• Determine what applications will run on the network and how those
applications behave on a network.
Waterfall life cycle
• The waterfall life cycle is defined by distinct stages.

• Different waterfall-based processes have different names for the

stages, but they all tend to follow these five general steps, in order:

1. Analyze 2. Design 3. Build 4. Test 5. Deploy

• This life cycle is called a waterfall, because work “flows down” from

one stage into the next.

• After the system is deployed, the life cycle begins again for the next

Spiral cycle

• The spiral cycle is a variation of the waterfall cycle.

• It meant to overcome some of the limitations of the waterfall cycle. This cycle is

often used in multiple-version software development projects; however, some of

its principles can be applied to network development as well.

• The guiding principle behind the spiral cycle is change management. Unlike the

waterfall cycle, the spiral cycle can adapt quickly to new requirements.

• This is accomplished by looping through all stages several times, producing a

limited version of the project each time

Layers of the OSI /TCP/IP Model

• Application layer –
• HTTP - The Hypertext Transfer Protocol
• FTP - File Transfer Protocol
• POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3
• HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
• SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
• SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
• SSH - Secure Shell
• DNS - domain name system

• TRANSPORT layer protocols:

• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) –
guarantees end to end delivery of data
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

• Internet protocol (IP)

• Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
• Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Network Access Layer Protocol
• Microwave
• Ethernet
• T1
• EIA/TIA 568A/B
• X.25
• RJ – 45

PDU (Protocol Data Units)
• This is a generic term used to describe
layer’s information

• Each TCP/IP layer has a PDU associated

with it.






• Each layer has an address which is a
scheme to identify services

• E.g source address and destination


• Application layer = application Layer Gateway (ALG)
– data
• Transport layer = firewalls make decisions based on
the port number.
• Internet/network layer = routers and layer 3 switches
examine the packets and make decisions based on
the IP address – to forward or not to forward the
• Data link layer = Bridges and switches – make
decisions based on the physical address of the
source or destination address – to forward or not to
forward a frame
• Physical layer = repeaters (transceivers) and hubs -
Bits 33
Focus of study in this course will
•Case study/Scenario 1
• Informatics is a private College that provides part-time and full time

courses in IT. It is planning to move to a new site and is considering the

networking that should be installed. The site consists of three buildings.

The Grace Building contains a dedicated computer room with a

number of high performance dedicated servers. The servers provide

services to students and staff who may access them either over the

Internet or over the College’s own internal network. The Maurice

Building contains the staff offices, for both Lecturers and administrative

staff. They have desktop computers on fixed desks, from which they

need access to the Internet and to other College servers.

• Case study/Scenario 1 (Continued)

• The Grace Building and the Maurice Building are 360 feet apart and are

linked by an underground duct. The Alan Building contains a reception

desk, lecture rooms and a café and is 200feet from Grace Building. There

is no duct linking it to the other buildings and installing one is not possible.

The lecture rooms have a desktop computer at the front for use by the

lecturers, but some lecturer’s prefer to use their own laptop or Tablet

computer. All the students use Laptop and Tablet computers to take notes

and keep in touch with their friends.

1. Name the type of Ethernet network that should be deployed in the Grace Building

and hardware equipment that should be installed.

2. Name the type of Ethernet network that should be deployed in the Maurice Building

and hardware equipment that should be installed?

3. Name the type of network that should be deployed in the Alan Building and

hardware equipment that should be installed?

4. Name the type of network connections that should be used to link the buildings

together and where and how the College’s Internet connection should be made.

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