Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Tech Civil
Subject: Water and wastewater Treatment
• The end of water supply scheme ,in a sense ,is the starting point of waste
water engineering or sanitary engineering.
• Strom water sewers or drains come in use only during the rainy season. And
During other part of the year, these may be used as dumping place for
garbage, and may get chocked.
• Because of lesser air contact in small size sewers, foul smell may be there
due to the sewage gases formed.
2. Combined system:
• The combined system provides only one sewer to carry both the foul sewage as well as the rain
water. The sewage and rain water are carried to the sewage treatment plant, before its final disposal.
• The combined system is advocated on the ground that the street surface washings are as impure as
the sewage itself, and should therefore be suitably treated before being allowed to enter the natural
Advantages: 1.The system requires only one set of sewers. Hence the maintenance costs are
2. The sewers are of lager size, and therefore the chances of their choking are rare. Also, it is
easy to clean them.
3. The strength of the sewage is reduced by dilution.
4. There is more air in the larger sewers than in smaller ones of the separate system. Hence the
sewer gases that may be formed gets diluted. Thus the chances of foul smell are reduced.
• Disadvantages of combined sewer
1. The cost of construction is very high because of large dimensions of the
2. Because of large size of sewers, their handling and transportation is difficult.
3. Due to the inclusion of the storm water, the load on the treatment plant
4. The system is uneconomical in the circumstances when pumping is required
for lifting of sewage.
5. During heavy rains, the sewers may overflow, and may thus create
unhygienic conditions and cause pollution problem.
6. Storm water is unnecessarily get polluted.
7. Large sewers are more difficult to be ventilated than the smaller ones.
3. Partially combined system
• In this system, only one set of underground sewers is laid. These sewers admit the foul
sewage as well as the early washings by rains.
• As soon as the quantity of storm water exceeds a certain limit, the storm water overflows,
and is thus collected and conveyed in open drains to the natural streams. The foul sewage,
however, continues to flow in the sewers.
Advantages: 1. Due to reasonable size of sewer, cleaning is easy.
2. It combines the advantage of both separate and the combined system.
3. The storm water permitted in the sewer eliminates its chances of chocking. The sewers
are completely cleaned during rainy season.
4. The problem of disposing off storm water from homes is simplified.
Disadvantages: 1. During the dry weather, when there is no rain water, the velocity of
flow will be very low. Thus self-cleansing velocity may not be achieved.
2. The storm water increases the load on treatment units.
3. The storm water also increases the cost of pumping.
• In order to design the section of the sewer, it is essential to know the
total quantity of waste water or sewage that would flow through the
• The total waste water is divided in two parts:-
1. Dry weather flow
2. Storm water flow
Dry Weather Flow (D.W.F)
• Dry weather flow refers to the waste water flow in a sewer system
during periods of dry weather when no storm water is in the sewer.
• The dry weather flow is also sometimes called as sanitary sewage.
• It consists of mainly:
1. Domestic sewage
2. Industrial waste water
Factors Affecting D.W.F
The dry weather flow or the quantity of sanitary sewage depends upon
the following factors:-
1. Rate of water supply
2. Population growth
3. Type of area served
4. Infiltration of ground water
1. Rate of water supply
• The rate of water supply to a city/town is expressed in litres/capita/day.
• The quantity of waste water entering the sewers would be less than the
total quantity of water supplied. This is because of the fact that water is
lost in domestic consumption, evaporation, lawn sprinkling. Fire fighting.
• Hence for design purpose quantity of sewage may considered to be 75%
to 80% of water supplied.
2. Population growth
• The peak factors also depend upon the Above 7,50,001 2.00
density of population, topography of
the site, hours of water supply and
therefore individual cases may be
further analyzed if required..
Typical design thumb rule
1. Rational Method:-
• This is most commonly used method for the design of storm drains.
• It takes into account the three factors
1. Catchment area (A)
2. Impermeability factor (I)
3. Intensity of rainfall (Ri)
The rational formula can be expressed as..
Q = K.A.I.Ri
Where, Q = Storm water flow
K = Constant which permits the expression of the factor A, I and R
in convenient units
Let, Q = Runoff in cubic meters per second
A = Catchment area in hectares
Ai = Impervious area = A * I
Ri = Intensity of rainfall in mm per hr.
In order to find corresponding value of factor K, we have
Q = 104 A* I*(Ri/1000*3600)
Q = AIRi/360 = Ai Ri /360
In Other words, K = 1/360
Design of sewer:
•General approach for design of sewer is similar to the design of water mains.
•However there are two differences in the design of sewer and water mains
1. Sewage contains particles of solid matter (both organic and inorganic) the heavier of
which may settle down at the bottom of the sewers, as and when the flow velocity
reduces, resulting to clogging of the sewer.
To avoid the clogging of sewer they must be laid at such a gradient that self cleansing
velocity is achieved.
2. The sewer pipe carry sewage as gravity conduit or open channel hence they must be
laid at continuous downstream gradient.
Hydraulic formulae
To determine the velocities, the following empirical hydraulic formulae's are used
1. Chezy’s formula:
V = C √ RS
V= velocity if flow;
C= Chezy’s coefficient;
R= Hydraulic mean depth; R=A/P
P = Wetted perimeter
A = Area of cross section
S= Slope or gradient of sewer
Constant (C) is very complex. Depends on size, shape and smoother roughness of the channel, the mean
depth etc..
Different formulae can be used for the calculation of
a) Bazin’s formula:
K is Bazin’s coefficient
C = Chezy's roughness coefficient
S = slope
R = Hydraulic radius (m,)
n = Kutter's roughness (unit less)
2. Manning’s formula:
N = Manning coefficient, N value are given in table below.
𝑉 𝑠=
Vs = self cleansing velocity
( 𝐺 𝑠 −1 ) 𝑔 . 𝑑 𝑠
• It must be collected in such a manner that nothing is added or lost in the portion
collected before laboratory examination.
• Physical Characteristics
• Chemical Characteristics
• Biological Characteristics
Physical Characteristics
Total Solids
Physical Characteristics
1. Total solids:
• Wastewater normally contain 99.9 % water and only 0.1 % of total solids that may
composed in any of the four: suspended solids, dissolved solids, colloidal solids, and
settle able solids.
• Suspended solids are those solids which remain floating in sewage, dissolved solids are
those which remain dissolved in sewage just as a salt in water. Colloidal solids are finely
divided solids remaining either in solution or in suspension . Settle able solids are that
solids which settles out, if sewage is allowed to remain undisturbed for a period of 2 hrs.
2. Colour:
The colour of the sewage indicates the freshness of sewage. If it’s colour is greyish brown
or yellowish, it indicates fresh sewage. With passage of time, as putrefaction starts it begins
to get black. The colour of stale and septic sewage is black.
3. Odour:
• The odour of a fresh sewage is not offensive, but as it become stale, will begins to
give offensive odour. Within 3 to 4 hours, all oxygen present in the sewage gets
exhausted and it starts emitting offensive odour.
4. Temperature:
• The normal temperature, of sewage is slightly higher than the temperature of the water
supply because of the additional heat due to utilization of water. Also when the
wastewater flows in a closed pipes, its temperature future increases.
• The average temperature of sewage in India is about 200C which is near about ideal
temperature of sewage for biological activities.
5. Turbidity:
• Turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid. It is an optical
characteristic of water and is a measurement of the amount of light that is
scattered by material in the water/wastewater.
• The higher the intensity of scattered light, the higher the turbidity.
• Material that causes water to be turbid include clay, silt, very tiny inorganic and
organic matter, algae, dissolved coloured organic compounds, and plankton and
other microscopic organisms.
• Dissolved oxygen: Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen in the
dissolved state present in water or waste water.
• Generally waste water does not have DO, its presence in untreated sewage
indicates, the waste water is fresh.
• While discharging the treated sewage/wastewater into receiving water, it is
essential to ensure that at least 4 mg/l dissolved oxygen is present in it.
• If the DO is less than 4 mg/l, the aquatic animals like fish, are likely to be
killed due the lack of DO.
•Presence of DO is essential for the livelihood of organisms.
•Aerobic condition will continue only till the oxygen is present in waste
•Thus oxygen is demanded in the waste water for the oxidation of both
inorganic as well as organic matter. The demand of oxygen may be
expressed in the following ways:
1. Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD)
2. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
3. Total oxygen demand (TOD)
4. Theoretical oxygen demand (Th.OD)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
5. Determination of amount of clear water required for the efficient disposal of waste water by
• The organic matter present in the wastewater may belong to
two groups:
1. Carbonaceous matter
2. Nitrogenous matter.
• The ultimate carbonaceous BOD of a waste is the amount of oxygen necessary for
microorganisms in the sample to decompose the biodegradable carbonaceous material.
This is the first stage of oxidation and the corresponding BOD is called as first stage
• In the second stage the nitrogenous matter is oxidized and corresponding demand is called
second stage or nitrification demand.
• In fact these two types of organic matter are the sources of food for most of the
microorganism present in waste water.
• Microorganism takes up oxygen to carry out conversion of complex organic matter into
simple one, (CO2 and H2O).
• More addition of organic matter leads to more degradation of water quality and more
depletion of oxygen in wastewater.
• In fact wastewater will continue to absorb oxygen for long time. Biological oxidation is
slow process and takes infinite time for completion.
• Generally 5 day period is chosen for the standard BOD test during which about 60 to
70% oxidation will complete, while 95 to 99% degradation will complete within 20
days. Also in first 6 to 7 days oxygen is consumed rapidly and then slows down until the
end of about 20 days.
• At a given temperature the rate at which BOD is satisfied at any time (i.e rate of
deoxygenating) maybe assume to be directly proportional to the amount of organic
matter present in sewage at that time.
Minus sign indicates as the time passes decreases.
Where = amount of first stage BOD remaining in the samples at any
time t (oxygen equivalent of carbonaceous oxidisable organic
matter present at any time t) in mg/L.
= rate constant satisfying the rate of oxidation of organic matter
having unit per day or reaction rate constant
t = time in days
Integrating the eq. (1) between time t= 0 (=) to t = t we get
i.e. = …………(2)
Here is the organic matter present in the beginning of BOD
reaction and is organic matter left after t days. This means organic
matter oxidized =
• If we assume = organic matter oxidized in t days then we
1. Stream sanitation
2. Self purification of natural stream
3. Factors responsible for self purification
• Stream Sanitation: After conveying the waste water through sewer the next step is its
disposal either after treatment or even before treatment.
• Methods of disposal of waste water may be classified under the following categories
2. By land treatment
2. Secondary treatment
• This is done on the assumption that sufficient dissolved oxygen is available in the water
body so that biochemical oxygen demand is satisfied.
• If however the dilution water is not sufficient to supply the biological oxygen demand to
oxidize the entire matter present, there will be nuisance of organic matter and unsightly
Condition. In addition, depletion of oxygen would kill aquatic life and danger to public
Self Purification of Natural Stream
• When wastewater is discharged into a natural stream, it pollute the stream water in various
ways by depleting the oxygen level in the water.
• The organic matter is broken down by bacteria to ammonia, nitrate, sulphate and carbon
• In this process of oxidation the dissolved oxygen content of natural water is utilized, and
due to this, deficiency of dissolved oxygen is created.
• As the excess organic matter is stabilized, a normal cycle will be re-established in the
process known as self purification, where in the oxygen is replenished by reaeration due to
wind currents.
• Also the stable by-product of oxidation mentioned above are utilized by plants and algae
to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.
Self purification of stream involves various physical chemical and biological
action in the nature which are explain as below:
5. Reduction: The reduction occurs in the stream due to hydrolysis of organic matter
biologically or chemically. Aerobic bacteria will split the organic matter into liquid and gases
thus paving way for their ultimate stabilization by oxidation.
6. Temperatures At low temperature the activities of bacteria is low and
hence rate of decomposition will also be slow. Though DO will be more
because of increased solubility of oxygen in water. At higher temperature
however the self purification takes less time (though the quantity of DO
will be less).
7 Sunlight: Sunlight helps certain microorganism to absorb and gives out
oxygen. Thus assisting in self purification. Also sunlight act as a
disinfectant and stimulate the growth of algae which produce oxygen
during daylight (but utilizes oxygen in night). Hence whenever there is
algal growth the water maybe supersaturated with DO during daylight
(though anaerobic conditions exist at night).
1. Zone of pollution in the stream
2. Oxygen sag curve
3. Streeter-Phelps Equation
Zone of Pollution in the Stream
The self –purification process of stream polluted by wastewater can be divided in to
following zones
1. Zone of degradation
2. Zone of active decomposition
3. Zone of recovery
4. Zone of clear water
Zone of Pollution in the Stream
1. Zone of degradation
• This zone is found for a certain length just below the point where sewage is
discharged into the river-stream.
• This zone is characterised by water becoming dark and turbid with formation of
sludge deposits at the bottom. D.O is reduced to about 40% of the saturated value.
• There is an increase in carbon dioxide content. Re-oxygenation occurs but is slower
than de-oxygenation.
• These conditions are unfavourable to the development of aquatic life, algae may dies
out, but some fish life may be present feeding on fresh organic matter.
2. Zone of active decomposition:
• This zone is just after the degradation zone and marked by
heavy pollution.
• The water is grayish and darker than previous zone.
• The DO concentration falls down to zero in this zone.
• Active anaerobic decomposition results in formation of S, and
which leads to objectionable odour.
• Scum may also be seen on the surface.
• Fish life is absent but aerobic bacteria at upper and anaerobic
bacteria at lower can be observed this leads reaeration with rise
in DO conc. to 40%.
3. Zone of recovery:
• In this zone the process of recovery starts from its degraded condition to its
former condition.
• The stabilization of organic matter takes place and BOD of water is reduced.
• DO content rises to above 40% of saturation DO.
• The bacterial load decreases as the food supply of bacteria reduces.
• Near the end of the zone microscopic aquatic life reappears.
4. Zone of clear water:
• In this zone, the natural condition of stream is restored with result of
water becomes clear and attractive in appearance.
• DO rises to saturation level and oxygen balance is attained.
• Aquatic life prevails in this zone.
Oxygen Sag Curve
• Do - Initial DO deficit
• Dt - DO deficit at any time ,T
• Dc - Critical DO deficit
• Cs - Saturation DO concentration, mg/l
• Ct – Do concentration at any time, mg/l
• Cc - Critical DO concentration, mg/l
• Oxygen sag or oxygen deficit in the stream at any point of
the time during the self purification process is the difference
between the saturation DO content and the actual DO content
at that time.
• The rate of deoxygenation depend upon the volume of organic matter, time available
for decomposition and temperature of the stream water.
• The depletion of the DO content of the stream with time is represented by de-
oxygenation curve shown by curve-II (Red curve) in absence of aeration.
• The ordinates below the curve indicate oxygen remaining in the natural stream after
satisfying BOD.
• Though the DO content of the stream is gradually consumed due to BOD load, atmosphere
supplies oxygen continuously to the water through the process of re-oxygenation.
• Along with the oxygenation, re-oxygenation also continuously takes place.
• The rate of oxygenation depends on
1. Depth of the water in the stream
2. Velocity of flow in the stream
3. Oxygen deficient below saturation DO
4.Temperature of water
Streeter-Phelps Equation
• The rate of re-oxygenation is expressed by Streeter-Phelps
equation as follow