Nervous System II
Nervous System II
Nervous System II
Write a list of words associated with
‘nervous system’
Key words for your glossary
Add definitions during the lesson or at home
• Stimulus (plural – stimuli)
• Central nervous system
• Peripheral nervous system
• Receptor
• Neuron
• Reflex
• Synapse
• Effector
Somatic nerves make
up the part of the
nervous system we can
Autonomic nerves
make up the part of
the nervous system we
cannot control.
Sympathetic nervous
system: Fight or flight
nervous system: Rest
and digest
Why do we need a nervous system?
Reflex Actions
Stimulus Receptor
(change in the cells in back of eye
Stimulus Receptor cells
(change in the in back of eye
The reflex arc
The pathway of a reflex action does not initially go to
the brain to increase the speed of reactions
What’s happening when we detect a
stimulus which causes a reflex?
Each reflex action takes the follows the pathway:
stimulus receptor sensory neurone relay neurone
motor neurone synapses effector response
What’s happening when we detect a
stimulus which causes a reflex?
Each reflex action takes the follows the pathway:
stimulus receptor sensory neurone relay neurone
motor neurone synapses effector response
TASK: Order the reflex arc…
a) A chemical crosses the gap (synapse) between a sensory neurone and a
relay neurone.
b) a motor neurone.
c) A muscle responds by contracting, a gland responds by releasing chemical
d) A stimulus is a change in the environment of an organism.
e) Impulses from a receptor pass along a sensory neurone………….
e) Impulses from a receptor pass along a i) to the central nervous system (the co-
sensory neurone…………. ordinator).
1. An electrical impulse
travels along an axon
How Impulses Pass from Neurone to
Neurone – the Synapse
2. This triggers the nerve-
ending of a neurone to
release chemical messengers
called neurotransmitters
How Impulses Pass from Neurone to
Neurone – the Synapse
3. These chemicals diffuse
across the synapse and bind
with receptor molecules on
the next neurone
How Impulses Pass from Neurone to
Neurone – the Synapse
4. The receptor molecules bind
only to specific chemicals
released. This stimulates the 2nd
neurone to transmit the
electrical impulse
1. The connection between 2 neurones is
called a synapse .
2. The nerve signal is transferred by chemicals
which diffuse (move) across the gap.
3. These chemicals then set off a new electrical
signal in the next neurone.
• a sensory neurone
• a motor neurone
• an intermediate (relay)
• an axon
• a synapse
• the spinal cord
• a sense organ/receptor
• and an effector muscle