Module 5 (Free Will and Predestination)
Module 5 (Free Will and Predestination)
Module 5 (Free Will and Predestination)
• Two paradoxes:
1) IF Allah did both the knowing and choosing & doing, life would be non sensical and
would not make any sense.
2) IF humans did both the knowing and choosing & doing i.e. You knew everything that you
will be going to do in future and you will also choose to do it and do it yourself…this
knowledge humans just cant handle
Solution: Allah does the Knowing, Humans do the Choosing and Doing
How does this mean I have my own freedom?
If somebody knows in advance what you are going to do does not
negate your choice in that matter
1. You know that I will come in the room at 11am
2. Professor knowing that a certain student will get an F
3. One of the twin brothers will ask a particular question
Reason: The more intimately you know someone the more you can
predict their behavior.
Nature Vs Nurture debate…Behavioral
genes/predetermined biologically?
Philosophers use nature (Tabiyat) and nurture (Maahol) to negate
freewill because they say these things shape a person’s thoughts.
Islam’s reply: We have the ability to modify our behaviour through therapy
and mujahida against nafs or tazkiya of nafs.
• So our behavior is not predetermined genetically (i.e. by our nature)
• Similarly nurture doesn’t determine the outcome but it leads to parameters.
You don’t have the ability to do everything and anything in the world. You
have limited choices. That doesn’t mean it negates your free will…It just
means your free will is not infinite.
Limited freewill
•Pathways predetermined by Allah SWT
1. Taqdeer-e-Mubram (Irrevocable)
2. Taqdeer-e-Mu’allaq (Revocable and Dependent on Actions –Pending evidently or
not so evidently in the Book of Allah)
•Thawban reports that the Messenger of Allah said, "Verily a man is
deprived of a provision (that was written for him) because of a sin that he
commits; only supplication changes destiny; and only righteousness can
increase the life span." (Nasai, Ibn Majah)
Why human beings were created in the first
Firstly, the purpose of mankind’s creation is that we worship Allah
the Almighty and we show obedience to Him. Allah states in the
Holy Qur’an, “I created the Jinn and humankind only that they
might worship me.” (51:56)
Allah ta’ala did this out of love, not out of need.
Hadith e Qudsi*: I was a hidden treasure, and I loved that I be discovered
*Tradition says that it is the divine response to the Prophet Dawpood’s query, when he asked about the
purpose of creation. These are not the words of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and no chain of transmission
is known for this hadith, whether sound or weak, as Ibn Taymiyya and others state. But the meaning is true.
Secondly, this world serves as a test of our obedience towards our
creator and so that He may reward us in the next world
accordingly. Allah states in the Holy Qur’an, “Verily we created
man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: so we
gave him (the gifts), of hearing and sight. We showed him the
way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).”
Thirdly, the notion that this world is a test warrants that the
subjects being tested possess free-will or else there would be no
meaning to such a test.
How will Allah ta’ala be discovered?
• That would be through the freewill of human beings
• They have been given the freedom and ability to i) disbelieve
and ii) disobey. No other creation has this ability.
• When they believe and obey out of their free will, that is
reciprocal love to Allah.
On what basis should human beings exist
• Eternity belongs to Allah ta’ala only.
• His justice dictated that human beings have a distinctive
character to make them live forever based on freewill.
Why a person should go to hell forever?
• Nobody asks why a person should live in heaven forever?
• If a person commits a sin for lets say 80 or 100 years why
should they be sent to hell forever? That is unfair!
Hadith: Actions are judged by intentions.
E.G. A UMT boy goes to an old baba ji and asks till when will you keep praying to Allah
ta’ala? The baba ji would say for as long as I have life. His intention is forever.
E.G. There is a Marxist atheist baba ji and another kind of UMT boy goes to him and says
baba ji till when will you keep denying Allah ta’ala? Please do one or two sajda. And the
baba ji would say no, I can’t do it. I don’t believe in God. I will keep denying god no matter
how long my life is. His niyat is also for forever.
Good and evil
Q: Did Allah ta’ala create evil?
ANS: Yes He did, He created all the evil from day one because creating
evil is different than doing evil. And by this He gave value to GOOD
and kept freewill of humans intact.
E.g. When a class is setup, an opportunity is created for a student to get an A and an
F. is that evil? If a student chooses F, is that the professor’s fault?