Direct Indirect Speech

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10th Grade

Direct Speech and

Indirect Speech
Contents of this template
1.Direct Speech
2.Indirect Speech
3.Perubahan yang diperhatikan saat mengubah Direct Speech
menjadi Indirect Speech dan sebaliknya (Tenses, Pronoun,
4.Jenis perubahan kalimat direct speech dan indirect speech
(kalimat pernyataan, perintah dan pertanyaan)
Direct Speech

Quoted Speech Quotation mark

01 Direct speech dikenal
juga dengan quoted
02 Menggunakan tanda
kutip (“...”)

Direct speech In British English

03 mengacu pada mereproduksi
kata-kata persis seperti yang
04 quotation marks are called
“inverted commas” (koma
terbalik) and can consist of
aslinya diucapkan
either double marks (“) or a
single mark (‘)
Penulisan Direct Speech
(a) She said, "My brother is a student.“

(b) "My brother is a student," she said.

(c) "My brother," she said, "is a student."

(a): Gunakan koma setelah she/dia berkata. Gunakan huruf kapital pada kata
pertama dari kalimat yang dikutip. Letakkan tanda kutip terakhir di luar titik di
akhir kalimat.

(b): Gunakan koma, bukan titik, di akhir kalimat yang dikutip ketika
mendahului induk kalimat (She said).

(c): Jika kalimat yang dikutip dibagi dengan kata dia (she said), gunakan koma
setelah bagian pertama kutipan. Jangan menggunakan huruf besar pada kata
pertama setelah dia berkata (she said).
Need to know !
(j) "Let's leave," whispered Dave.

(k) "Please help me," begged the unfortunate man.

(l) "Well," Jack began, "it's a long story."

Say and ask merupakan verb yang sering digunakan.

Verb lain yang juga bisa digunakan: add, agree,
announce, answer, beg, begin, comment,
complain, confess, continue, explain, inquire,
promise, remark, reply, respond, shout, suggest,
Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)

Reported speech mengacu pada penggunaan klausa kata benda untuk

melaporkan apa yang dikatakan seseorang.

Tidak ada tanda kutip yang digunakan.

Jika Reported speech (kata kerja kalimat utama, misalnya, said) adalah
simple past, maka kata kerja dalam klausa kata benda biasanya juga akan
dalam bentuk lampau.
"I should watchTV." She said she should watch TV.
"I ought to watchTV." She said she ought to watchTV.
"I might watchTV." She said she might watchTV.

should, ought to, and might do not change to a past

When the reporting verb is simple present, present perfect, or
future, the noun clause verb is not changed.

(p) She says "I watchTV every day."  She says she watchesTV every day.
(q) She has said "I watchTV every day."  She has said that she watchesTV
every day.
( r ) She will says "I watch TV every day."  She will say that she watchesTV
every day.
Perubahan yang perlu diperhatikan

Pronoun Adverb

Tenses Learn more

01 Pronoun
 Bila pembicara melaporkan kembali apa yang dibicarakan oleh orang lain, maka
pronoun dalam kalimat tersebut harus berubah.
Direct Speech: Indirect Speech:
Ana says to nana, “I am late.” Ana says to Nana that she is late.
Ana berkata ke Nana, “Saya terlambat.”. Ana berkata ke Nana bahwa dia terlambat

 Bila pembicara melaporkan dirinya sendiri, maka kata ganti orang (I, My, Me)

Direct Speech:  Indirect Speech:

I said, “I will leave the country.” I said I would leave the country.
02 Adverb Adverb of time
now menjadi then
today menjadi that day
yesterday menjadi the day before, the previous day
last night menjadi the night before
last week menjadi the week before
a week ago menjadi a week before
a month ago menjadi a month before
tomorrow menjadi the following day, the next day
next week menjadi the following week
next month menjadi the following month
next year menjadi the following year
02 Adverb Adverb of place

here menjadi there

this menjadi that
these menjadi those
03 Tenses
Jika Reported speech (kata kerja kalimat utama,
misalnya, said) adalah simple past, maka kata kerja
dalam klausa kata benda biasanya juga akan dalam
bentuk lampau.


D: She said “ I am a good student)

I: She said She was a good student

(a) "I watch TV every day." She said she watched TV every day.
(b) "I am watching TV." She said she was watching TV
(c ) "I have watched TV.“ She said she had watched TV.
(d) "I watched TV." She said she had watched TV.
(e) "I had wacthed TV." She said she had watchedTV.
(f) "I will watch TV." She said she would watch TV.
(g) "I am going to watch TV." She said she was going to watch TV.
(h) "I can watch TV.“ She said she could watch TV.
(I) "I may watch TV." She said she might watch TV.
( j) "I must watch TV." She said she had to watchTV.
(k) "I have to watch TV. She said she had to watch TV.
Perubahan dalam kalimat tanya (Question)

1. Pertanyaan diawali dengan kata tanya: who (siapa), what (apa),

when (kapan), where (di mana),
dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

– Kata tanya tetap dipakai dalam pertanyaan tidak langsung.

– Susunan pertanyaan tak langsung menggunakan susunan kalimat pernyataan,
bukan dalam kalimat tanya.
– Perubahan bentuk waktu (tenses) mengikuti ketentuan seperti biasa
sebagaimana bentuk waktu pada kalimat tak langsung yang berasal dari
Direct Speech (DS):
Ronal said to Aning, “What are you doing?”
Ronal berkata kepada Aning, “Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?”

Indirect Speech (IS):

Ronal asked Aning what she was doing.
Ronal bertanya kepada Aning apa yang sedang dia lakukan.

Direct Speech (DS):

He wanted to know, “How did you do this?”
Dia ingin mengetahui, “Bagaimana caranya kamu melakukan ini?”

Indirect Speech (IS):

He wanted to know how I had done that.
Dia ingin mengetahui bagaimana caranya saya telah melakukan itu.
Perubahan dalam kalimat tanya (Question)

2. Pertanyaan tanpa menggunakan kata tanya, dengan ketentuan

sebagai berikut:

– Menggunakan if atau whether dalam pertanyaan tak langsung.

– Susunan pertanyaan menggunakan susunan kalimat pernyataan (statement)
Direct Speech (DS):
Rani asked me, “Can you help me?”
Rani bertanya kepada saya, “Bisakah kamu membantu saya?”

Indirect Speech (IS):

Rani asked me if (whether) I could help her.
Rani bertanya kepada saya apakah saya bisa membantunya.

Direct Speech (DS):

He asked me, “Are you very busy?”
Dia bertanya kepada saya, “Apakah kamu sangat sibuk?”

Indirect Speech (IS):

He asked me if I was very busy.
Dia bertanya pada saya apakah saya sangat sibuk
Perubahan dalam kalimat tanya (Question)

1. Pertanyaan
Mercury dengan
is the katato
closest planet
the Sun and the smallest one
the Solarwho (siapa),
System—it’s only a
what (apa), when
bit larger than the Moon

(kapan), where (di

mana), dengan
This can be the part of the presentation where you
introduce yourself, write your email…
Three columns

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to
Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars
the Sun and the
name and is the second is actually a cold place.
smallest one in the Solar
planet from the Sun It’s full of iron oxide dust
Four columns

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second It’s the biggest planet
planet from the Sun in the Solar System

Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Saturn is a gas giant
Mars is a cold place and has several rings
Six columns

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet Venus is the second Mars is actually a
to the Sun planet from the Sun very cold place

Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Jupiter is the biggest It’s composed of It’s the farthest
planet of them all hydrogen and helium planet from the Sun
“This is a quote. Words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired.”

—Someone Famous
A picture is
worth a thousand
A picture always
reinforces the concept
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of a long text.
Your audience will appreciate it
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
9h 55m 23s
Is Jupiter's rotation period

Earths is the Sun’s mass

386,000 km
Is the distance between Earth and the Moon
Mercury Venus

80% 70%

It’s the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name

Sun and the smallest one in and is the second planet from
the Solar System the Sun
About the
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun

It’s the closest planet
to the Sun

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste Jupiter is the biggest
the new one here. For more info, click here planet of them all
This is a map

Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter is the biggest It’s the closest
planet of them all planet to the Sun
This is a table
Topics Mass Diameter Gravity

Mercury 0.06 0.38 0.38

Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38

Saturn 95.2 9.4 1.16

Mercury is closest planet to the Sun and the

smallest one in the Solar System

Step 2 Step 4
Saturn is a gas giant Mars is actually a
with several rings very cold place

Step 1 Step 3
Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is far away
planet of them all from Earth
If you need percentages
Program A Program B
65% 50%
Mercury is the closest planet Jupiter is the biggest planet
to the Sun in the Solar System

Program D Program D
35% 80%
Venus is the second planet Neptune is the farthest
from the Sun planet to the Sun
About the
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it


Nomine 1 Nomine 2 Nomine 3

Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant Neptune is far away
planet of them all and has rings from Earth
Do & Don’ts

Dos Don’ts
● You can describe what ● You can describe what the
the user should do here user shouldn’t do here
● You can describe what ● You can describe what the
the user should do here user shouldn’t do here
● You can describe what ● You can describe what the
the user should do here user shouldn’t do here

You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Right-click
on it and then choose "Replace
image" so you can add yours
Language arts score

Mars 80/100 You can write relevant information here

Jupiter 85/100 You can write relevant information here

Saturn 90/100 You can write relevant information here

Venus 95/100 You can write relevant information here

Important list

● You can list your reference
websites or publications here
● You can list your reference
websites or publications here
● You can list your reference
websites or publications here
● You can list your reference
websites or publications here
Our team

Alex Joe Orman

You can speak a bit You can speak a bit You can speak a bit
about this person here about this person here about this person here
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Right-click
on it and then choose "Replace image"
so you can add yours
Tablet app
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Right-click
on it and then choose "Replace image"
so you can add yours
Smartphone Web
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Right-click
on it and then choose "Replace image"
so you can add yours
Thank you!
Do you have any questions?
[email protected] | +91 620 421 838 |

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

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