Basic Principles EUlaw
Basic Principles EUlaw
Basic Principles EUlaw
• Original Perception: an exotic, specialised area with little practical importance
outside its boarders like Public International Law
• Reality:dramatic impact on national legal systems
• No area of national law remains untouched by EU law (consumer, company,
competition, discrimination, environmental, banking, criminal, contract etc.)
• It is impossible to call yourself a lawyer and be a purely domestic law specialist
a museum item
• Challenges: different type of Institutions, sources of law, style of legal sources,
volume of materials
Dr. Constantinos Kombos, Associate Professor of Public and EU Law 2
Summer Course Relevance
• It is impossible to engage into the study of European Commercial Law
without having a basic understanding of EU law and of its basic principles
• We are setting the framework & the foundation for the more specialised
• Approach:
1. Simplification of complex concepts
2. Economy of time, thus selectivity
Dr. Constantinos Kombos, Associate Professor of Public and EU Law 3
• retirement age for men was sixty- five and for women sixty
• She was a sociologist with the Jewish Agency for Israel
• Labour Court 5-2
• dismissed her appeal, holding that the differentiation between men and women in
relation to the age of retirement is not a wrongful discriminatory measure
• court cited and distinguished the ECJ ruling in Marshall v Southampton and
South-west Hampshire Area Health Authority (1986): in Israel retirement under a
collective agreement which provides the retiree with an agreed pension is not a
dismissal, but rather fulfilment of the agreement
Dr. Constantinos Kombos, Associate Professor of Public and EU Law 30
HCJ 104/ 87 Dr Naomi Nevo v
National Labour Court (1990)
• rulings of labour court overturned
• Court ruled that women could not be compelled to retire earlier than men. The Court
therefore declared the provision to this effect in the collective agreement and its pension
plan as totally void.
• relied on the Marshall decision ‘compelling and leading example’
• the Court cited another ECJ case, namely Defrenne v SABENA, by ruling that its decision
should only have prospective effect
• the Knesset passed a law that changed the legal situation and gave women the option to
retire at the same age as men The Equal Retirement Age for Male and Female
Workers Law, 5747- 1987, passed in the Knesset on 17 March 1987.
Dr. Constantinos Kombos, Associate Professor of Public and EU Law 31
Essential to Become Familiar
with the Principles of the EU
• Answers:
1. International collaboration and partnership instead of national
2. Equality
Dr. Constantinos Kombos, Associate Professor of Public and EU Law 36
Founding Fathers
Winston Churchill
01/01/1981 Greece
01/07/2013 Croatia
Council of Ministers
European Parliament (The Council) European Commission
• Each MS has a kind of proportional
number of seats
• The disposal of those seats are elected
on a national basis.
• The EP elected MEP are divided into 7
EP political groupings
• 705 MEPs
• Term 5 years
• General Court
• 2 judges/MS
Dr. Constantinos Kombos, Associate Professor of Public and EU Law 57
•Ensures price stability
•Controls money supply and
The decides interest rates
European •Supervises that banks are safe
Bank: •Works independently from
the euro
•President Christine Lagarde
Dr. Constantinos Kombos, Associate Professor of Public and EU Law 58
Citizens, interest groups, experts: discuss, consult
• The whole range of bodies that embody the judicial power of the
state may make references
• It is up to the CJEU to determine whether a body qualifies under
• National categorization is not conclusive
• Case 40/64, Sgarlata: “these considerations, which will not be discussed here, cannot be
allowed to override the clearly restrictive wording of Art. 173”
• Cases 36-8, 40/59, Geitling: the internal law of a Member State was not within the jurisdiction
of the Court “Moreover Community law, as it arises under the ECSC Treaty, does not contain
any general principle, express or otherwise, guaranteeing maintenances of vested rights.”
• The Treaty sets out the following tasks for the Union: To prohibit between MS:
1. Customs duties (i.e., duties on imports or exports) &Charges having an
equivalent effect (i.e., equivalent to customs duties); (arts. 28-30 TFEU)
2. Prohibition of discriminatory taxation (arts. 110-113 TFEU)
3. Quantitative restrictions (i.e., quotas or bans on imports or exports); and
Measures having an equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions) (arts. 34-
37 TFEU)
• Some exceptions apply