A3 Problemsolving Trainingtemplate Tcm36-68772

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A3 PROBLEM SOLVING TOOL:<Title> Contact: <Name> Date: <date>


•What issue or problem do we need to solve? What solutions will solve the root causes? (Tools: Brainstorming and Affinity Diagram)
•Why is this issue important to solve now? •What solutions are best and we should recommend?
•What benefits do we anticipate from solving the problem (e.g., quality, timeliness, cost,  Tool for a few primary options: Impact/Difficulty Matrix
customer/employee satisfaction)?  Tool for many options: Criteria Decision Matrix
 Consider including an evaluation of the status quo (no change) option
STAKEHOLDERS •What impacts (positive and negative) may result from implementing the solutions? (Tool:
•Who are internal and external customers? Impact Wheel, FMEA)
•Who are team members that will complete the A3 Problem Solving Tool? •How will we mitigate or resolve negative impacts?
•What communication or stakeholder engagement is needed? (Tool: Communication Plan)
CURRENT CONDITION •What training is needed?
•What do we know? What customer, process, program data/measures do we have on the
problem (location, patterns, trends, frequency, factors)? Answer questions like: What ACTION ITEMS
errors are occurring? Who is making the errors? Where are the errors occurring? When are
the errors occurring? How are the errors occurring? Task Owner Proposed Actual
•What don’t we know and need to find out? We may need to develop a Data Collection Plan Date Date
that includes: The information/data we need to collect, who will collect the data, data
sources, who will prepare the visuals (bar chart, trend, pie chart), when and who will be
sent the data.
•What is the Problem Statement? What specific performance measure needs to improve?
We need to understand the scope and nature of the problem before we can create a
problem statement. More analysis may be needed if the team cannot write a problem
 Example: Reduce/Increase the number/percent of <?> from <current level> to •What tasks or actions do we need to take? Who will be responsible for the task? When
<desired level> by <date>. should the task be completed? (Tools: Action Plan, Gantt Chart)
•What support and resources are needed for each task?
•What are root causes? Why are the errors occurring? •What metrics will we use to track progress and performance? How will we validate
 If the root cause is not obvious, use a root cause analysis tool. Use the simplest tool results?
to show cause-and-effect down to the root cause(s). The root cause should be •How and when will we check progress and performance (e.g., daily, weekly, 30, 60, 90-
specific – not vague like “poor communication”. days)?
 Tools: 5 Whys, Fishbone diagram, or Affinity and Relations diagrams •What processes will we use to enable, assure, and sustain success?
•Does our data verify the root causes? – a team may need to collect additional data to verify •How will we communicate results and share what we learn with others?
the root cause(s)
A3 PROBLEM SOLVING TOOL: <Title> Contact: <Name> Date: <date>

•Team Members:
Action Owner Proposed Actual
Date Date



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