5 Human Person As Embodied Spirit
5 Human Person As Embodied Spirit
5 Human Person As Embodied Spirit
The human body stands as the mediator between the material world
and the spiritual world. Being an embodied spirit, the person is able to
encounter the world of objects (and other personal subjects) in a
manner that transcends the physical. This feature allows him to form
intimate relationship with those outside him.
not only to people but also to objects. (pair of shoes as a present from
a loved one)
Embodied Spirit
A pat on the shoulder from your idol, a smile from your crush, a kiss
from your partner will create intense emotional reaction in you. These
examples show that it is through embodiment that a person in able to
have a very unique relationship with the world. And it is this unique
relationship that defines us as humans.
Limitations and Possibilities of One’s Transcendence
Human nature still has limits despite being an embodied
spirit. It can be said that the person is very biologically
deficient being. We do not have the natural ability to fly. We
cannot breathe underwater without using breathing
apparatus. We cannot survive in certain environments like
other animals.
Despite this limitations, we have used out intellect to devise
means to achieve several feats.