2 Pronouns

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Subject, Object, Possessive, OF SPEECH
Possessive Adjectives; Relative Pronouns
and Adverbs;
Forms of Other; and Non-referential IT and
There Subjects
Previously in this session…
• We have learnt some parts of speech in English,
among others nouns and articles.
• In this unit, we will focus on different kinds of
• ProNouns are divided into several types; Subject,
Object, Possessive, and Reflexive Pronouns.
• Beside those nouns, we will also discuss Possessive
Adjectives, Relative Pronouns and Adverbs then the
form of Other and Non-referential It and There
A. Subject and Object Pronouns
 Subject pronouns are used as SUBJECT of a verb
 Object pronouns are used as OBJECT of a verb or of a
Jason lent the novel to h e r after h e finished reading i t .

They gave him the money he asked for.

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
I We me us
You you you you
He they him them
She it her it
B. Possessive Pronouns …
Possessive Pronouns may function as either as
SUBJECT of a verb or OBJECT of a verb or of a
My roommate borrowed mine because his is
He promised to introduced a friend of his
tomorrow. Possessive Pronouns
Mine O u r s OP
Yo u r s Theirs
His Hers
C. Reflexive Pronouns …
• Reflexive Pronouns are used as the object of verb or of
a preposition, and used when the object refers to the
Reflexive Pronouns
For example:
Myself Himself Ourselves
Yourself Herself Themselves
Ron hurt himself. Yourselves Itself oneself
Children should be taught to depend on themselves.
The students themselves come up with the plan.
D. Possessive Adjectives
• Possessive Adjectives* function to modify nouns (*refer to
Adjectives) and must agree with the nouns they refer to.
My His Our
Your Her Its Their

For examples:
All students must bring their ID card.
He explained his plan to all of us.
She has her hair redone.
I need my agenda to check on my activities.
E. Relative Pronouns and Adverbs …
Relative Pronouns are usually used only in Adjective / Relative
Who or that is used as a subjects referring to a person.
Whom is used as an object referring to a person.
Which or that is used as a subject or an object referring to
Whose is used to replace a possessive adjective.
Relative Adverbs, also used in Adjective / Relative Clauses,
substitute for adverbs.
When refers to a time (time marker/word).
Where refers to a place.
Why refers to a reason.
Check out the sample sentences on your book…
F. Forms of OTHER
Other has different forms and they usually refer to
certain meaning. The forms of Other are:
1. Another : a non specific singular noun, additional
2. Others : a non specific plural nouns.
3. The other : a specific singular noun, the rest of
previously mentioned items.
4. The others : a specific plural nouns, the rest of
previously mentioned items.
Check out the sample sentences…
G. N o n - r e fe r e n t i a l I t a n d T h e r e S u b j e c t s
It and There belong to Pronouns, but they are different from
other pronouns.
It and There main function is either to provide a sentence w/ a
subject or to anticipate a true subject in predicate position.
The non-
The non-
To show It referential
identification There
Occurs most
To express often w/ linking
weather, time and verbs and verb
distance agrees w/ the
To describe a subject that
situation comes after it
To anticipate the
true subject
Check out the sample sentences…
Some examples …
It to anticipate the true
Subjects :
It to show special There to anticipate the
meaning : • It
is important to be
punctual. true Subjects :
• Identification
(To be punctual is
: important)
It’s Ann. • There is a student in
• Weather : • It
is important that you the library
be punctual
It was snowing yesterday (That you be punctual ( A student is in library)
• Time : is important) • There seem to be two
It’s Sunday
• Distance : • It
is incredible what problem s in the
It’s ten miles from the
scientist can do these project. (Two problems
days .
university to my house. (what scientist can do seem in the project)
• Situation : these days is
It’s lonely here. incredible)
Strategies …
1. Make sure that the Pronouns correctly refer to the
1. Industries that use plastics have recycled its waste
for years.
2.When water is heated, it changes into steam.
3.Plato was born in Athens and their family was one of
the most distinguished in the city.
4.Sylvia Plath’s works emphasize her sharp insight and
ironic wit.
5.Platinum has unique qualities that make them
Strategies …
correct form and agree with its antecedent.

1. My sister Martha believes that she can do the job better

than his friends can.
2. I suspected that John had taken my dictionary because he
said he lost theirs.
3. My parents wanted me to drive my car because his is still
under repair.
4. I think that his ideas are worse than me.
5. Can I borrow your book? I couldn’t find mine.
Strategies …
3. Make sure that REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS are in
the correct form and agree with its antecedent.

1. My daughter Dana always does her homework herself.

2. My teacher always encourages his students to have
faith in himself.
3. Did you yourself clean the living room and the bedroom?

4. He should not think too highly of hisself.

5. We really want you to solve the problem ourselves.

Strategies …
4. Be careful of the wrong uses of RELATIVE PRONOUNS.
a. Do NOT put what in place of which, and vice versa.

1. In the Indus Valley, what is now Pakistan and western India, most
dwellings had drains for waste disposal.
2. Edgar Allan Poe’s reviews includ ed principles of literary analysis
what affected later writers.
3. The Illiad describes events of the Trojan War, what was
fought between Greece and the city of Troy.
4. A species related to poison ivy is poisonous oak tree , which
grows in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.
5. Before World War II, Poland’s economy depended on
agriculture what employed about 60% of Polish workers.
Strategies …
4. Be careful of the wrong uses of RELATIVE PRONOUNS.
b. Do NOT put who in place of which , and vice versa.

1. Political parties are organized groups of people which control a

2. Thomas Aquinas, which was a great scholar, wrote Summa
3. Every grain has an outer shell which may be smooth or
4. Jackson Pollock was an American artist which had an
important influence on modern painting.
5. Kubilai Khan had postal system who consisted of network of
courier stations.
Strategies …
4. Be careful of the wrong uses of RELATIVE PRONOUNS.
c. Do NOT use Relative Adverb WHERE with preposition.

1. Polar bears hunt seals at holes in the ice where the seals come
up for air.
2. A meadow stream-pond develops in a place in where a slowly
moving stream widens as it flows over sloping land.
3. In the U.S., pontoons have been used as permanent bridges in
places in where deep water makes pier construction expensive.
4. In 1771, a porcelain industry developed near Limoges, where
kaolin deposits had been found.
5. Postal workers take mail from post boxes to sorting offices
which it is sorted.
Strategies …
Strategies …
5. Use the form of OTHER correctly. ANOTHER (singular) and
OTHERS (plural) refer to nonspecific nouns. OTHER and
THE OTHER cannot (not others people, not the others

1. Some enjoy outdoor activities while the others like in indoor

2. I need to do two things before leaving for school tomorrow, one is
water the plant and another is feed my cat.
3. Do you still have the other work to do today?
4. the professor assigned us several math problems, but I could only
solve few of them. Others are too difficult for me.
5. The design process often includes package, styling, retail display,
and others devices for distribution of mass-produced goods.
Strategies …
6. The Nonreferential IT may be confused with the
Nonreferential THERE.
It emphasizes identification while There emphasizes existence

1. There is 150 breeds of dogs recognized by American Kennel

Club (AKC).
2. There are clear that poverty occurs in nations with
undeveloped resources.
3. It is clear that American philosophers were the first to
develop pragmatism.
4. It is not known how humans and dogs first learned to coexist.
5. There are a social organization helping certain people to
become members of the parliament.
1. B 1. C 6. B 11.B
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
2. C 2. B 7. A 12.B
3. B 3. D 8. D 13.A
4. B 4. C 9. C 14.C
5. B 5. D 10.D 15.D

Exercises …
Thank you
for your
undivided attention..
Any questions ?
An apple a day,
keep the doctor away …

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