WEEK 5 - Random Sampling
WEEK 5 - Random Sampling
WEEK 5 - Random Sampling
1 2 3
Illustrate random Distinguish Identify sampling
sampling; between distributions of
parameter and statistics
statistic; (sample mean)
LESSON 1A: Random
Sampling and Its Types
Simple Random
• most basic sampling
• every member of the
population has the
same probability of
being selected to be
part of the sample.
Ways to do Simple Random Sampling
• Table of random Numbers
o contains rows and columns of mechanically generated digits.
• Lottery method
o numbers are written on pieces of paper with identical size and
A.Random Sampling Without Replacement (SRSWOR).
pieces of paper are then folded, placed in a bowl or box, and then
mixed thoroughly. The researcher, with his eyes closed, picks the
required number of elements for his sample.
B. Random Sampling With Replacement (SRSWR).
involves returning the selected piece of paper into the bowl after it
was noted and the next sample is drawn from the same population.
A researcher wants to find out the effects of watching math lessons on YouTube by 250 Grade 11
students from a certain Senior High School. He wishes to use simple random sampling by using
the lottery method.
Solution: Since the population is small and known, the modified
Step 1: Determine the sample size . Cochran’s formula can now be used:
Using the Cochran’s Formula:
Where e = desired level of precision (margin of error).
Use 5%.
Therefore, the sample size is 152.
p= (estimated) proportion of the population which has
the attribute in question. (Use 50% if unknown/unsure.)
Where = sample mean
n= total number of observations
• Consider the population consisting of the values 1, 3, and 7. List all the possible
samples of size n=2 that can be drawn from the population with replacement.
Then compute for the mean for each sample . Then find the mean of the
sampling distribution of means and the mean of the population.
Means of Samples Drawn with The probability of occurrence of each mean is shown
Replacement from the Population (1, 3, 7) below.
Sampling Distribution of with Replacement n=2
and n=2 Observation Sample
1 (1,1) 1.0 ഥ
𝑥 𝑃𝑥ҧ
2 (1,3) 2.0 1.0 1/9
2.0 1/9
3 (1,7) 4.0
4.0 1/9
4 (3,1) 2.0 2.0 1/9
5 (3,3) 3.0 3.0 1/9
5.0 1/9
6 (3,7) 5.0
4.0 1/9
7 (7,1) 4.0 5.0 1/9
8 (7,3) 5.0 7.0 1/9
σ 𝑥ҧ= 33
9 (7,7) 7.0
a. Mean of the Sampling Distribution of the
𝑥 𝑃𝑥ҧ Means
1.0 1/9 =
2.0 1/9 Using the Alternative Formula
4.0 1/9
2.0 1/9
3.0 1/9
5.0 1/9
4.0 1/9
5.0 1/9
7.0 1/9
σ 𝑥ҧ= 33
b.Mean of the Population (1, 3, 7)
Where is the sum of the observations and N is the total number
of observations in the population
Notice that the population mean is equal to the mean of the sampling distribution of the means. =
• A population consists of two numbers (2, 8). Consider all possible samples of size
n=3 which can be drawn with replacement from the population. Then find the
a. Population mean b. Population Variance c. Population Standard Deviation
d. Mean of each sample and the mean of the sampling distribution of the means.
a. Population Mean
Observation 𝟐
𝒙 𝒙−𝝁 (𝒙 − 𝝁)
1 2 -3 9
2 8 3 9
𝑥 = 10 (𝒙 − 𝝁)
= 18 b. Population Variance
c. Population Standard Deviation
Observation Sample 𝑥ҧ
1 (2,2,2) 2
2 (2,2,8) 4
3 (2,8, 8) 6
4 (2,8,2) 4
d. Means of Samples Drawn with Replacement 5 (8,8,8) 8
from the Population (2, 8) and n=3 6 (8,8,2) 6
= 7 (8,2,2) 4
8 (8,2,8) 6
σ 𝑥ҧ= 40
• A population consists of three numbers (0, 4, 11). Consider all possible samples of
size n=2 which can be drawn with replacement from the population. Then find
the following:
a. Population mean b. Population Variance c. Population Standard Deviation
d. Mean of each sample and the mean of the sampling distribution of the means.
a. Population Mean
Observation 𝟐
𝒙 𝒙−𝝁 (𝒙 − 𝝁)
1 0 -5 25
2 4 -1 1
3 11 6 36
b. Population Variance
σ 𝑥 = 15 σ (𝒙 − 𝝁) = 62
c. Population Standard Deviation Observation Sample
1 (0,4) 2
2 (0,11) 5.5
3 (4,11) 7.5
σ 𝑥ҧ= 15
d. Means of Samples Drawn with Replacement
from the Population (0, 4, 11) and n=3
The end