It is the study of meaning in language, or is the part of linguistics that is concerned with
Semantics is one of the important branches of linguistics, and contracts with interpretation and
meaning of the words, sentence structure, and symbols.
Semantics tries to understand what meaning is as an element of language and how it is created by
language as well as interpreted, disguised and negotiated by speakers and listeners of language.
2.Where is Semantics first studied?
Structural ambiguity can also give reason for the importance of Semantic
research. For example:
History of Semantics: understanding the change in some words meaning over time.
Conceptual Associative
(literal used of word.) (Associations attached to a
e.g. ‘Needle’= a thin, sharp, e.g. ‘needle’= pain, blood,
steel instrument. Drugs, thread.
6. Methodology
Example of semantics in literature. Comparing between two plays ‘’
Hamlet ’’ and “ Romeo and Juliet” (By William Shakespeare)
7. Conclusion
Hopefully from listening to this presentation it will have become clear that there are several
reasons to study semantics, for example:
To further our understanding of how the relationship between the words and structure of a
sentence can affect meaning.
To try and find a more comprehensive definition of "meaning" which truly cover the concept.
8. Questions