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Module No.

The Natural Resources
Lesson 1: Classification of Natural
Natural resources can be classified in various ways. A
commonly used one is the classification of natural resources
according to their exhaustibility and regenerative power.
Non-renewable resources are differentiated from renewable
resources (Barsch and Bürger 1996).
 From our basic knowledge we all know natural resources are classified into
renewable and non-renewable type, but there are other classifications base
on different factors or criteria. Below are the different types of natural

1.) On the Basis of Abundance and Availability

Inexhaustible * are those that always have the same amount on earth
compare to its rate of consumption, or not likely to be
* sometimes called as perpetual resources because of their long
term availability
* but can be endangered if abuse and used in excess
* solar energy, atomic power, water, tidal energy, air/ wind
Exhaustible * those that are limited in nature and are liable to be degraded
and depleted in quality and quantity by human activities
* forest, soil, wild animals, plants, minerals, fossils fuels
 2.) Based on the Renewability
 Difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

 It can be renewed as it is available in  Once completely consumed, it cannot be

infinite quantity renewed due to limited stock

 Sustainable in nature  Exhaustible in nature

 High cost and less environment-friendly
 Low cost and environment-friendly
 Replenish slowly reproduce or do not
 Replenish/reproduce quickly replenish naturally at all
3.) On the Basis of Origin

Biotic Includes forest and their

products (habitat)
Humans and population
Different animals and their

Abiotic Land, and soil, water, air,

rocks, minerals
4.) Natural resources can also be categorized based on their
stage of development

Potential Resources
Actual resources
Are resources that exist in a
Are resources that exist in
region and may be used in
the region and are being
the future.
use at the present
time after determining the
For example, different
availability in terms of
metal ores, petroleum in
quantity and quality.
sedimentary rocks, it is a
potential resource until it is
The development of actual
actually drilled out of the
resources is dependent on
rock and put to
4.) Natural resources can also be categorized based on their
stage of development

Reserve resources Stock resources

Part of an actual resource Are resources that have

that can be developed been surveyed, but cannot
profitably in the be used due a lack
future. of technology.

With available technology An example of a stock

(coconut and its products) resource is hydrogen
5.) On the basis of their distribution

National resources Multi-national

International resources
Those that are confine with
the national boundaries Resources shared by more
Those that are shared by all
(PAR. Phil Territorial than one nation
Waters etc.) Minerals and Rivers, lakes and migratory
Air and solar radiation
land animals/birds
Lesson 2: Our Natural resources:
 Our country is one of the largest archipelago in the world. Its coastline is
irregular and longer than the coastline of the United State. Being an
archipelago, it is made up of islands and its landscape is shaped and
surrounded by mountains and volcanoes.
 With the very rich waters around it as well as the mountains present different
kinds of natural resources. Not only the flora and the fauna but there are
diverse minerals present in our country, that makes our country rich in
natural resource. But why are we still poor compare to other neighboring
The following are types of natural resources
found in our country:

 Water resources
 Land resources
 Mineral resources
 Energy resources
 Forest resources
 Fishery resources
 Human resouces
Land & resources components
Lesson 3: Managing Natural Resources
 Every country has its own natural resources, God gave us these
naturally occurring resources for people to live and survive. But as the years
passed-by and population gets bigger, the demands for our natural resources
gets higher which result to frivolous abuse of the environment. As
consequence of excessive and destructive use of these resources depletion
and degradation are the result.
 Our country suffers from naturals disasters since it is located in the
Pacific Ring of Fire and Typhoon Belt that cause natural degradation of the
our resources which happens regularly and rapidly. Not only our natural
resources are affected but also the lives and safety of the people. Despite
these phenomena the country must adopt a natural resource management
with a concept of sustainable development that will form the basis for land
management and good environmental governance.
 It is a sad reality that people to not give equal importance to these
natural resources if they unless do not put value and care those resources
that It is about time to ensure that our natural resources are used judiciously
and preserve for future generation. Sustainable development
What is Management of Natural

 Management of natural resources refers to the plan of action related to

renewable and non-renewable resources. Natural resources like land, soil,
water, plants and animals are affected by climate change overpopulation,
industrialization, urbanization and other related reasons.
Why is Management of Natural
Resources Important?

 Reasons why the management of natural resources is important:

1. To maintain a balance in the ecosystem.
2. To avoid further destruction of the environment.
3. To avoid over-consumption of the natural resources.
Need to Manage Natural Resources

Here are the reasons why we need to manage our natural resources:
 Everything that we use today – food, clothes, house, vehicles, fuel, notebooks,
furniture, cooking gas, utensils, toys, roads, etc. are obtained from resources on
the earth.
 A significant portion of the energy which we use today is obtained from the non-
renewable sources. This implies that once they are used up, they cannot be
replenished. The most important source of non-renewable energy used
extensively is the fossil fuels which have taken millions of years to be formed.
 Managing the resources would not only ensure its rational use but also put a
limit to the degradation it is causing to the environment. For example, the usage
of resources in different forms generates a lot of waste which is being disposed
off into the water bodies. This, in turn, is polluting the rivers and lakes. Limiting
usage will also reduce waste generation and pollution.
Lesson 4: Philippine Protection and Preservation of
Natural Resources

 Every country has their own agency of protecting, preserving and

conserving their natural resources and developing sustainable program to
these resource available in the future. In our case an agency is established to
do such task, different agency are created to protect, manage and regulate
the usage of these resources.
Department of Environment and Natural
(Kagawaran ng Kapaligiran at Likas na Yaman)
 The department is the primary agency responsible for the conservation,
management, regulation, development, and proper use of the country’s
environment and natural resources, specifically forest and grazing lands,
mineral resources, including those in reservation and watershed areas, and
lands of the public domain, as well as the licensing and regulation of all
natural resources as may be provided for by law in order to ensure equitable
sharing of the benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present and
future generations of Filipinos.
Mine and Geoscience Bureau

• responsible for the conservation,

management, development and proper use
of the country’s mineral resources
including those in reservations and lands of
Forest management Bureau

• provides support for the

effective protection,
development, occupancy
management, and
conservation of forest
lands and watersheds
Land management Bureau

• Provide direction through the

development of long and medium-
term strategic plans for the land
sector and monitoring and
evaluation tools to ensure
achievement of goals.
Environmental Management Bureau

• Its main responsibility is to

formulate, integrate, coordinate,
supervise and implement all
policies, programs, projects and
activities relative to the prevention
and control of pollution as well as
the management and enhancement
of environment
Ecosystems Research and Development

• Is the principally involve in

research and development unit
focused on the five
major ecosystems of the
Philippines which include
forests, upland farms, grassland
and degraded areas, coastal
zone and freshwater, and urban
Biodiversity Management Bureau

• Promulgate and implement

rules and regulations governing
the exploration, development,
extraction, disposition, and use
of the forests, lands, minerals,
wildlife, and other natural

• is the primary agency responsible for the conservation,

management, regulation, development, and proper use of the
country’s environment and natural resources

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