CKD - Hema, Endo, Neuro, Derma Aspects - JAMES
CKD - Hema, Endo, Neuro, Derma Aspects - JAMES
CKD - Hema, Endo, Neuro, Derma Aspects - JAMES
Nephrology Hour:
Nephrology Hour:
Aspects of CKD
Classification &
Part 1: 7 October Cardiovascular Aspects of
Hematologic, Endocrine, 14 October 2022
Part 2: 14 October Neurologic & Dermatologic
Aspects of CKD James Vincent C. Legaspi,MD
Adult Nephrology Fellow, Level I
1. To enumerate the causes of Anemia
in CKD
2. To identify possible choices in the
Anemia management
3. To determine other blood problems
identified among CKD patients
Anemia / Reduced Erythrocyte Mass
• One of the most clinically significant complications of CKD
• Severity and prevalence go together with progression of CKD
• Anemia is relatively uncommon in earlier stages (stages G1–3) of CKD
• Prevalence begins to increase significantly with an eGFR below 60
mL/min/1.73 m2
• Often more severe among patients with CKD and diabetes mellitus
• Reduction below normal range for Hgb concentration and hematocrit
• Results in reduced oxygen carrying capacity and delivery to the body’s
tissues and organs
Hgb <13g/dl for adult men Hgb <12g/dl for adult women
Overview of Pathogenesis of Renal Anemia
• Both RBC life span and the rate of RBC production are reduced
• The normal bone marrow has considerable capacity to increase the rate of
erythropoiesis, however, this EPO-induced compensatory increase in
erythrocyte production is impaired in CKD.
• Produced primarily by the liver in the fetal period
• After birth, mainly produced in the kidneys (specifically peritubular
fibroblasts, located in the renal cortex) – Brenner
• Synthesized by the renal peritubular interstitial fibroblast-like cells
(primary source) and hepatocytes (lesser degree) - KDIGO
• Major regulator of production of erythrocytes by interaction with
specific EPO receptors (EPO-Rs) on bone marrow erythroid
• Cofactors: iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid
• Modulated by the delivery of oxygen from the circulating
Renal Anemia Relative
• Normocytic, normochromic
anemia Shortened
• Slightly hypochromic
Drugs Red cell
anemia, with insufficient
production of erythrocytes
Marrow Blood
Fibrosis Loss
Aluminum Uremic
Inhibitors of
Overload Erythropoeisis
Folic Acid, Metabolism,
Vitamin D, Hepcidin,
Zinc Anemia of
Deficiency Chronic
1. Relative Erythropoietin Deficiency
• Serum EPO concentrations are generally equal to or higher than those in patients without
• Even with advanced CKD, the ability to produce EPO is preserved and some degree of
responsiveness to lower Hgb is retained.
• However adequacy of EPO rise relative to the anemia is insufficient
• Become more a function of GFR than of Hgb concentration when the GFR drops below
around 40 mL/min/1.73 m2
• Mechanism of blunted EPO response: disturbed oxygen-sensing mechanism
2. Shortened Red Cell Survival
• Uremic red cells: more fragile to osmotic stimuli
• Glutathione deficiency - not able to mount an effective response to oxidative stress
• Carnitine deficiency
3. Blood Loss
• Coagulopathy of CKD - major role in the occult blood loss via gastrointestinal bleeding
• Blood loss due to the dialysis procedure: estimated the blood loss due to hemodialysis to
be between 1 and 3 L/year (Each milliliter of blood contains approximately 0.5 mg of iron)
4. Uremic Inhibitors of Erythropoeisis
• Cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1, IL-8, IL-12, and INF-γ may impair erythroid
proliferation via multiple mechanisms
• Cytokine-induced apoptosis
• Downregulation of EPO-Rs
• Impaired production of other factors, such as stem cell factor
• Direct toxic effects on progenitors.
5. Iron Deficiency, Hepcidin & Anemia of Chronic Disease
• Hepcidin: negative regulator and key
regulator of iron homeostasis
• Reduce duodenal, iron absorption,
heme iron recycling and iron
mobilization from macrophages
• High iron = high hepcidin
• Hepcidin is a central regulator of
systemic iron homeostasis
5. Iron Deficiency, Hepcidin & Anemia of Chronic Disease
• In CKD
• Elevated hepcidin in dialysis
• Progression or severity of anemia in patients
with nondialysis-requiring CKD (ND-CKD)
seems to be associated with higher serum
hepcidin concentrations
• EPO therapy leads to a reduction in serum
hepcidin values that correlates with the bone
marrow response
• Use of antihepcidin compounds may
restore iron availability in and improve the
effectiveness of ESA therapy
6. Folic Acid, Vitamin D & Zinc Deficiency
• Net loss of folate is associated with dialysis
• Best assessed by measuring RBC folate because the plasma assay is
affected by recent dietary intake and overestimates the true
prevalence of folate deficiency
• Vitamin D supplementation (50,000 IU/month) in patients on
dialysis did not result in changes in Hgb concentrations
• A Zn supplementation trial has shown measurable improvements in
Hgb concentration
7. Aluminum Overload
• Altered iron metabolism
• Direct inhibition of erythropoiesis
• Disruption of red cell membrane function and rheology
• In dialyzed patients: most notable hematologic effect of aluminum overload is microcytic
• EPO responsiveness is reduced
• Improvement of anemia has also been shown in patients with the use of chelation therapy with deferoxamine
8. Marrow Fibrosis
9. Drugs
• (RAAS) inhibitors
• Angiotensin II has direct facilitating effects on erythroid progenitor cells, which are inhibited by these
• AcSDKP, an endogenous inhibitor of erythropoiesis, accumulates in patients treated with angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
Pathogenesis of Renal Anemia
Key players
• Von Hippel Lindau
• Steady-state:
• Ubiquitin protein
EPO concentration at
degradation system
approximately 10 to 30 U/L
• Anemia or hypoxia:
EPO concentrations as much
as 10,000 U/L.
How do we test for Anemia?
• KDIGO guidelines recommend the ff tests for the initial evaluation of anemia:
CBC, w/c includes Hb concentration, red cell indices, WBC count and differential,
platelet count
• Severity of anemia
• May be given as a single large dose or as repeated smaller doses
• Common practice – initial course of 1000mg IV iron
• may be repeated to increase hgb level or allow a decrease in ESA dose;
if TSAT remains <30% and ferritin <500
• Serum ferritin and TSAT levels should not be measured until at least one
week has elapsed since the most recent prior IV iron dose.
Iron Status Evaluation
• Evaluate iron status (TSAT and ferritin) at least every 3 months during ESA therapy
• Address all correctable causes of anemia (including iron deficiency and inflammatory
states) prior to initiation of ESA therapy.
• Use ESA therapy with great caution, if at all, in CKD patients with active malignancy— in
particular when cure is the anticipated outcome (history of stroke or malignancy)
higher death rate from cancer in darbepoetin vs placebo
Absolute risk of stroke attributable to high hgb/ darbepoetin was 8% with hx of stroke vs
1% in w/out hx of stroke.
ESA Initiation in Adult CKD ND Patient
Initiating ESA in Adult CKD 5D
Individualization of therapy
some patients may have improvements in QOL at higher Hb
concentration and ESA therapy may be started above 10.0 g/dl
ESA Maintenance Therapy
• ESAs not be used to intentionally increase the Hb concentration above 13 g/dl. (1A)
ESA Dosing
• Half life 6-8hours
Longer half life then rhEPO – 48 hours
No significant difference b/w IV or SQ route
• CERA “Continuous erythropoietin receptor activator”
Half life of 130 hours IV/SQ; less frequent injections
ESA Administration
• Frequency of monitoring
• During the initiation phase of ESA therapy, measure Hb
concentration at least monthly. (Not Graded)
• During the maintenance phase:
• For CKD ND pts, measure Hb concentration at least every 3
months. (Not Graded)
• For CKD 5D patients, measure Hb concentration at least
monthly. (Not Graded)
Evaluation for Pure Red Cell Aplasia
• Investigate for possible antibody-mediated PRCA when a patient
receiving ESA therapy for more than 8 weeks develops the following
• Sudden rapid decrease in Hb concentration at the rate of 0.5 to 1.0 g/dl per week OR requirement of
transfusions at the rate of approximately 1 to 2 per week, AND
• Normal platelet and white cell counts, AND
• Absolute reticulocyte count less than 10,000/ml
• Diminished aggregation
response to ADP and
• Reduced ristocetin-induced
platelet agglutination
• Fibrinolytic Inhibitor
Tranexamic Acid • Short term (6 days)/ Long term (3 months)
Hypercoagulability in CKD
• Prothrombotic, hypercoagulable state, • Oxidized plasma albumin has also been
which may play a role in the implicated in generating a prothrombotic
atherosclerotic/ cardiovascular state via CD-36-mediated platelet
complications activation
• Symptomatic venous thromboembolism • No significant differences in
is moderately increased thromboembolic or hemorrhagic
• ESA therapy may further increase complications in CKD patients treated
thromboembolic complications with warfarin or NOACs
• Indolic uremic solutes have also been • Omit heparinization when dialyzing
implicated in the procoagulant patients on chronic anticoagulation
phenotype of uremia therapy with vitamin K antagonists
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
1. Polycystic Kidney Disease
• Degree of anemia in ADPKD is less severe than for other causes of CKD
• Although patients with ADPKD on dialysis usually require treatment
with ESAs
• Occasionally may become polycythemic
• EPO concentrations up to twofold higher
• Cyst wall interstitial cells have been shown to express EPO mRNA and
cysts derived from proximal but not distal tubules contain increased
concentrations of bioactive erythropoietin
• Cyst expansion results in pericystic hypoxia -> enhanced production of EPO in
cystic kidneys is probably due to local hypoxia and mediated via HIF activation
• Regional hypoxia also appears to stimulate cyst growth, primarily via increased
fluid secretion into the cyst lumen
2. Post Transplant Erythrocytosis
• Transplantation is usually followed by full correction of renal anemia
• 10% to 20% erythrocytosis - more likely to occur in patients with normal kidney function
• Increased plasma EPO concentrations: selective venous catheterization studies suggest that
the native kidneys are the main source of increased EPO
• unclear how the secretion rate is enhanced after transplantation
• Treatment:
• RAASi: most effective therapy
• No evidence that angiotensin acts directly on EPO- producing cells, but there are several ways through
which RAAS blockade may inhibit erythropoiesis
• Angiotensin II leads to preferential constriction of efferent glomerular arterioles -> increases the ratio of
filtered sodium -> Na is the main determinant of renal oxygen consumption -> increased o2
consumption -> less o2 in the peritubular capillaries -> enhanced EPO secretion
• Reversed by RAASi
• discontinuation of diuretics, theophylline, and phlebotomy
3. Renal Artery Stenosis
• Rarely associated with erythrocytosis
4. Renal Tumor
• 5% of patients with renal carcinomas have erythrocytosis
• One-third of tumor-associated erythrocytosis is caused by renal
• Associated with mutations of the VHL gene that interfere with its
ability to target HIF for proteasomal degradation
Anemia Erythrocytosis
CBC, Retic, TIBC, Fe, TSAT, Ferritin ADPKD Post KT Renal Renal
Stenosis Tumors
Disorder of
Plan for KT? Coagulation
Nephrology Hour:
Aspects of CKD
Classification &
Part 1: 7 October Cardiovascular Aspects of
Hematologic, Endocrine, 14 October 2022
Part 2: 14 October Neurologic & Dermatologic
Aspects of CKD James Vincent C. Legaspi,MD
Adult Nephrology Fellow, Level I
1. To enumerate the altered hormones
in CKD
2. To connect the effect of decreased
kidney function to these hormones
and their axis
True or false
The kidneys are part of the endocrine
True or false
The kidneys have endocrine function
Hypothalamopituitary Axis
• Thyroid Hormone Alteration
• Growth Hormone Alteration
• Adrenal axis alteration
Gonadal Alteration
• Prolactin Alteration
• Effects on Female CKD Patients
• Effects on Male CKD Patients
Which of the following are common factors in the
uremic phenotype that have been proposed to
mediate/contribute to insulin resistance?
a. Dyslipidemia and increased fat mass
b. Protein-energy wasting and inflammation
c. Anemia and acidosis
d. Vitamin D deficiency and hyperparathyroidism
e. All options
Insulin – Resistance in CKD
a. Subclinical hyperthyroidism
b. Subclinical hypothyroidism
c. Low T3
d. Low T4
Thyroid Hormonal Alterations in CKD
NEGATIVE feedback
KIDNEY: Clearance of Iodide mechanism blocking thyroid
hormone production
Recombinant human GH (rhGH) is • Individualized
an approved treatment for growth • Risks:
failure in children. • Hypertension
GH therapy should be considered in • Hyperglycemia, Diabetes
children with CKD who have a height • fluid retention
less than 2 standard deviations • Colonic polyps, colonic malignancy
(SDs) below the mean • Some mice models: Increased sclerosis =
Progression of CKD
Growth Hormone in CKD
• Galactorrhea and infertility due to the inhibition of
gonadotropin secretion
• Women: amenorrhea
• Men: erectile dysfunction and
Prolactin in CKD
• MINIMIZE OR AVOID Drugs that further stimulate prolactin
• Antidopaminergic medications
• Metoclopramide
• Cimetidine
• Neuroleptics
Adrenal Gland
• Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) was used 60 years ago for the
treatment of nephrotic syndrome in children but was gradually
replaced by synthetic glucocorticoid analog
• Antiproteinuric, lipid-lowering, and renoprotective properties, which are
not fully explained by its steroidogenic effects
• Aldosterone increases oxidative stress and promotes vascular
• Salt overload → increased aldosterone secretion→ aldosterone
causes hypertrophy and fibrosis in the heart
• Prevented by the administration of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR)
Adrenal Gland
• Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) – Low
in CKD
• Associated with the progression of glomerular
injury in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Gonadal Dysfunction in CKD
Successful conception
with pregnancy is rare in
women with ESKD
Gonadal Dysfunction: Women
• Elevated Prolactin, FSH, LH are usual findings in uremia
• Disturbances in menstruation and fertility →
• Menstrual cycle typically remains irregular after the
initiation of dialysis.
• Characterized by the absence of cyclic gonadotropin and
estradiol release
• Anovulation and subsequent infertility
• Decreased libido and reduced ability to reach orgasm
Gonadal Dysfunction: Women
• Successful conception with pregnancy is rare in women with
• Pathologic endometrium morphology - proliferative changes
in 30% and atrophic changes in almost 25%
• Premature menopause, approximately 4.5 years earlier on
average than their healthy counterparts
• Hypogonadism - linked with sleep disorders, depression,
urinary incontinence and, in the long term, osteoporosis,
impaired cognitive function, and increased cardiovascular risk
Treatment of Gonadal Dyfunction in Women
• Education about sexual function in • It is not clear whether unopposed
estrogen stimulation (due to
the setting of CKD, adequate anovulatory cycles) predisposes
dialysis delivery, and treatment of women with CKD to endometrial
underlying depression hyperplasia or endometrial cancer -
• Hypoactive sexual desire disorder routine gynecologic follow-up is
(most commonly reported • Vaginal atrophy and dyspareunia -
problem) - testosterone topical estrogen cream and vaginal
replacement therapy, kidney lubricants
transplantation (most effective) • Uremic women who are menstruating
- birth control
• Chronic anovulation and lack of • Estradiol hormonal replacement therapy
progesterone secretion → to restore regular menses and improve
sexual function in premenopausal
menorrhagia - Oral progesterone
Gonadal Dysfunction: Men
Causes of hypogonadism in CKD
• Hyperprolactinemia
• Comorbid conditions (e.g., PEW, obesity, diabetes mellitus,
• Medications that may influence gonadal function (e.g., ACE
inhibitors, ARBs, spironolactone, ketoconazole,
glucocorticoids, statins, cinacalcet)
• Increase LH, FSH, LH/FSH ratio
• Rarely normalize and often progress despite dialysis
Gonadal Dysfunction: Men
• Kidney transplant may restore normal sexual activity,
although some features of reproductive function may
remain impaired
• Decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, oligospermia and
infertility, osteopenia and, to some extent, osteoporosis,
sarcopenia and anemia
• Treatment - optimal delivery of dialysis and adequate
nutritional intake, as well as screening for depressive
Nephrology Hour:
Aspects of CKD
Classification &
Part 1: 7 October Cardiovascular Aspects of
Hematologic, Endocrine, 14 October 2022
Part 2: 14 October Neurologic & Dermatologic
Aspects of CKD James Vincent C. Legaspi,MD
Adult Nephrology Fellow, Level I
1. To know ways on how to prevent
occurrence of stroke in CKD patients
2. To enumerate different neurologic
conditions encountered among CKD
Disorders of
Sleep Cognitive
Disorders Function
in CKD
Neuropathy Seizure
• Atrial fibrillation increases the risk for stroke by 2.5 to 4.5 times
H20 permeable H20
3. Dialysis Dementia
• First described in the 1970s, occurred almost exclusively among patients on
hemodialysis rather than peritoneal dialysis
• Epidemic forms occur in geographic clusters and are strongly associated with
aluminum contamination of dialysate
Symptoms: neuropsychiatric symptoms, osteomalacia, myopathy, and anemia
• Exacerbated by hemodialysis or by administration of chelating agents such as
deferoxamine or desferrioxamine, presumably due to mobilization and redistribution of
tissue aluminum into the brain
Treatment: Chelation therapy is indicated despite the caveats noted earlier
because there is no other effective method for removal of aluminum
4. Chronic Cognitive Impairment
Evaluation and Management
• In addition to cognitive function testing, laboratory testing for vitamin B12 deficiency
and hypothyroidism is recommended for all patients with suspected dementia
• Intensification of the dialysis regimen is not routinely recommended due to
nondefinitive findings from two clinical trials.
• Two classes of medications – for treatment of Alzheimer type and vascular dementia
• Cholinesterase inhibitors: mild-to-moderate dementia
• Memantine (NMDA receptor antagonist): moderate-to-severe Alzheimer dementia, vascular
• Require dose modification
• A key aspect of dementia management is the assessment of patient safety and ability to
perform self-care functions, comply with medical regimens, and participate in medical
decision making
Seizure in ESKD
• In adults with ESKD receiving maintenance dialysis, seizures are reported to
affect between 2% and 10%
• Uremia lowers the seizure threshold
• Characteristics
1. Uremic encephalopathy - generalized tonic-clonic or myoclonic seizures, partial motor
• Definitive treatment involves the institution of renal replacement therapy
• (AEDs) with low dialytic clearance
2. Dialysis disequilibrium - occur during or immediately after hemodialysis treatment
3. Drugs and intoxication - drugs and/or their metabolites may lower the seizure threshold
in patients with ESKD
• Meperidine, acyclovir, penicillin, cephalosporins, theophylline, metoclopramide, and lithium
• Ingestion of star fruit has been linked with seizures in patients with ESKD
Seizure in CKD…
What will you think of???
• Stroke
• Subarachnoid hemorrhage
• Head trauma Uremia lowers
• Intracranial tumor
• Systemic illness such as meningitis the seizure
• Drug intoxication threshold
• Metabolic disorders: hypoglycemia,
hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia.
Neuropathy in CKD
Which is true about uremic polyneuropathy?
Periodic Limb
Restless Leg
Sleep Apnea Movements
of Sleep
1. Sleep Apnea
• Sleep apnea: prevalence of sleep apnea was 4x higher in
patients on dialysis
• Upper airway occlusion - Pharyngeal narrowing has been
demonstrated in patients on dialysis: pharyngeal water content
and rostral overnight fluid shifts, impaired upper airway muscle
tone resulting from uremic neuropathy
• Central ventilatory control - hypocapnia resulting from adaptation
to chronic metabolic acidosis
• Treatment - CPAP is the primary therapy
2. Restless Leg Syndrome
• Urge to move the legs associated
with feelings of discomfort or
• Occur during periods of inactivity
and are alleviated by movement
• Pathogenesis - associated with
disrupted dopaminergic
• Iron is a cofactor for dopamine
• Iron deficiency has been
2. Restless Leg Syndrome: Treatment
Mild or moderate symptoms: lifestyle
• Good sleep hygiene
• Elimination of exacerbating substances such as
antidepressant medications, caffeine, nicotine, and
Severe symptoms: dopaminergic therapy is first-
line therapy
• Levodopa, Ropirinole
• Side effects such as daytime worsening of symptoms
may occur with continuous use
• Second line agents: carbamazepine or gabapentin,
and benzodiazepines
• Kidney transplantation and short daily hemodialysis,
but not conventional dialysis, appear to have a
beneficial effect on symptoms
• In a clinical trial of 25 patients requiring
hemodialysis, RLS symptoms were reduced with
3. Periodic Limb Movement of Sleep
• Characterized by sudden and repetitive jerking movements
of the lower extremities during sleep
• Common among patients on dialysis and associated with
daytime sleepiness, low quality of life, and, in one study,
an increased risk for mortality
• Pathogenesis unknown
• Kidney transplantation has been reported to reduce the
frequency and improve symptoms of daytime sleepiness
Nephrology Hour:
Aspects of CKD
Classification &
Part 1: 7 October Cardiovascular Aspects of
Hematologic, Endocrine, 14 October 2022
Part 2: 14 October Neurologic & Dermatologic
Aspects of CKD James Vincent C. Legaspi,MD
Adult Nephrology Fellow, Level I
1. To identify the most common
dermatologic manifestation of CKD
2. To enumerate different skin
conditions seen among CKD patient
Skin Manifestations in CKD
• Skin manifestations of end-stage
renal disease are diverse, with
pruritus being very common
• Calciphylaxis - high morbidity
and mortality
• Range morphologically from a
broken-up, lacelike pattern of pink
to purple erythema early on
(reticulated vascular pattern) to
ulcers, with black eschars in later
Skin Manifestations in CKD:
1. Pruritus
Pruritus is more common in patients with ESRD disease than in
those with acute kidney injury (AKI)
• Up to 90% of patients undergoing hemodialysis may experience
• HD > PD
• Can be localized or generalized
• Pruritus tends to be prolonged, frequent, and intense
• Exacerbating factors include heat, nighttime dry skin, and sweat
• Other potentially pathogenic factors include the opioid system,
xerosis, elevated histamine, excess uremic toxins, peripheral
neuropathy, and hyperparathyroidism
Skin Manifestations in CKD
• Treatment of pruritus: antihistamines are not effective
• A therapeutic ladder
• 1st line: emollients and capsaicin
• 2nd line: ultraviolet light
• Phototherapy with ultraviolet B (UVB; 280−320 nm) - act by
suppressing histamine release or vitamin A levels in the epidermis,
which are known pruritogenic substrates
• Risk of skin cancer should be balanced
• 3rd line: oral gabapentin or intravenous nalfurafine may be
Pruritus Treatment
Skin Manifestations in CKD
2. Xerosis
• Dry, rough, or shiny, may be
scaly or fissured, with a
cracked appearance
• May or may not be pruritic
• Mainstay of treatment is
hydration of the skin. For
pruritic cases, direct
treatment of the pruritus
may be helpful
Skin Manifestations in CKD
3. Acquired ichthyosis
• more than just dry skin because the skin develops patterned scale
• Histopathologic features – hyperkeratosis, occasionally epidermal
• Unknown pathogenesis
• Treatment: hydration of the skin.
4. Pigmentary alteration
• Most common alteration - yellowish tint (more common in hemodialysis
than peritoneal dialysis)
• Hyperpigmentation - secondary to increased melanin production as a
result of elevated levels of β-melanocyte–stimulating hormone
5. Acquired Perforating Dermatosis
• Distributed predominantly on the legs and
arms, although the trunk and head may also be
involved. Individual lesions are crateriform,
umbilicated, or centrally hyperkeratotic papules
and nodules
• Severe pruritus
• May develop in crops and commonly resolve
with scarring after 6 to 8 weeks
5. Acquired Perforating Dermatosis
• Histopathologic evidence of extrusion of
dermal material through an epidermal channel
is necessary for the diagnosis
• Proposed pathogenesis: increased fibronectin,
pruritus and scratching, epidermal
dysmaturation, and dermal deposition of
substances not excreted in renal failure
• Treatment of this disorder is difficult,
• Topical steroids, keratolytics, lubrication, and topical
or oral retinoids
• Narrow-band UVB
6. Calciphylaxis/ Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy
• Most often in dialysis patients generally
with associated hyperparathyroidism or an
elevated calcium phosphate product
• Fatty areas of the thighs, abdomen, and
buttocks symmetrically, lower extremities
• Early lesions: pink-violaceous, broken-up
circles, firm plaques, solid purple-pink or
mottled, retiform purpura, erosions, or
subcutaneous nodules
• Occasionally, bullae may be seen. Early
lesions may progress to painful ulcers with a
black eschar
6. Calciphylaxis/ Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy
Nephrology Hour:
Classification &
Part 1: 7 October Cardiovascular Aspects of
Hematologic, Endocrine, 14 October 2022
Part 2: 14 October Neurologic & Dermatologic
Aspects of CKD James Vincent C. Legaspi,MD
Adult Nephrology Fellow, Level I