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Khaksar Khan

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A Paper presentation on


Submitted By: Cdt.jagandeep singh Cdt.vaibhav kumar gupta Cdt.Debashish mishra Cdt.Syed mohd azmi Cdt.Khaksar ahmad khan

Oily water separator is an equipment which is used to separate the oil from oily water mixture. It is necessary aboard vessels to prevent the discharge of oil overboard mainly machinery space bilges. It is a MARPOL equipment on ship.

Environmental Safety Marpol Regulation Companys reputation Economic concern


ANNEX-I Regulation 14.7 Regulation 11-Port State Control

Regulation 14.6 : Oil filtering equipment shall be of a design approved by the administration ensuring oil content after filtering do not exceeds 15 ppm.(400gt to 10000gt). Regulation 14.7 : OWS shall comply with regulation 14.6 in addition it shall be approved with alarm arrangements and automatic stop arrangement if effluent ppm exceeds 15 ppm (10,000 gt and above)


Oil can effect the: Photosythesis Re-aeration It can cause the destruction of algae and plankton which is essential for fish life. It effect the beauty of beaches And indirectly effect the fishing industry, tourism It can snatch the livelihood of many people.


The main principal of separation is gravity differential between oil and water In oily water mixture, the oil exist as a collection of globules of various sizes. The force acting on such a globule, causing it to move in water is proportional to difference in weight between oil particles and water particles of equal volume. This can be expressed as: F= /6D3( w - o)g

Where, F = separation force D = Dia of oil globule w = density of water o = density of oil The resistance to the movement of the globule depends on its size and the viscosity of fluids.

Origin of Bilge Water

The accumulation of water and oil in the machinery space bilge well. Bilges can produce by many ways: Leakage from pipe lines. leaky pump and valve glands.

over flowing of tanks and even due to accidental spills.

leakage in the shaft gland or stuffing box. Fresh water from heat exchangers, fresh water generator and boilers often contribute to the filling of bilge wells. From maintenance, overhauling, oiling, greasing etc.

Construction and Working of OWS

OWS consists of mainly three segments:

Separator unit
This unit consists of catch plates which are inside a coarse separating compartment and an oil collecting chamber. Here the oil having a density which is lower than that of the water, which makes the former rise into the oil collecting compartment and the rest of the nonflowing oil mixture settle down into fine settling compartment after passing between the catch plates.


After a period of time more oil will separate and collect in the oil collecting chamber. The oil content of water which passes through this unit is around 100 parts per million of oil. A control valve (pneumatic or electronic) releases the separated oil in to the designated OWS sludge tank. Heater may be incorporated in this unit for smooth flow and separation of oil and water.

First stage helps in removing some physical impurities to achieve fine filtration in the later stage.

The Filter unit

This is a separate unit whose input comes from the discharge of the first unit. This unit consists of three stages filter stage, coalescer stage and collecting chamber. The impurities and particles are separated by the filter and are settled at the bottom for removal. In second stage, coalescer induces coalescence process in which oil droplets are joined to increase the size by breaking down the surface tension between oil droplets in the mixture

These large oil molecules rise above the mixture in the collecting chamber and are removed when required. The output from this unit should be less than 15 ppm to fulfil legal discharge criteria. If the oil content in water is more than 15 ppm then maintenance work such as filter cleaning or renewal of filters is to be done as required.

Oil Content Monitor and Control Unit

This unit functions together in two parts monitoring and controlling. The ppm of oil is continuously monitored by Oil Content Monitor (OCM); if the ppm is high it will give alarm and feed data to the control unit. The control unit continuously monitors the output signal of OCM and if alarm arises, it will not allow the oily water to go overboard by means of operating 3 way solenoid valve.

There are normally 3 solenoid valves commanded by control unit. These are located in the first unit oil collecting chamber, second unit oil collecting chamber and one in discharge side of the oily water separator which is a 3 way valve. The 3 way valve inlet is from the OWS discharge, where one outlet is to overboard and second outlet is to OWS sludge tank. When OCM gives alarm, 3 way valve discharges oily mixture in the sludge tank

Record Keeping
The Master, Chief Engineer and senior offi cers in the engine department should: Ensure that all entries in the tank sounding log, ORB (oil record book) and incinerator logs are completed by the crew member who performed the task

Ensure that the ORB is examined and signed by the Chief Engineer and/or the Master Require signatures from those conducting overboard discharges and operational tests

Record the independent verifi cation of the correct operation of the oil discharge monitoring equipment Raise awareness of the need for an open chain of command and accurate record keeping that can be substantiated with Port State Control.

OWS on Ship
According to Maritime International Secretariat latest leaflet some rules regarding use of OWS onboard the ship are given.

Instruction to Master,Chief Engineer and Senior Officers

The Master, Chief Engineer and senior offi cers in the engine department should: Promote awareness that any attempt to circumvent MARPOL requirements is totally unacceptable Determine the most appropriate procedures to maintain equipment and systems

Minimize and if possible eliminate leakage through good housekeeping

Correctly maintain the oil record book (ORB) and the record of discharges of oily water separator effluent into the sea Ensure that all routine shipboard and ISM safety meetings include time to discuss a specifi c agenda item on environmental matters Use sign on/off check lists for duty

Use of Oily Water Separators

The Master, Chief Engineer and senior offi cers in the engine department should: Instruct users of OWS equipment and verify the standard achieved

Verify that maintenance schedules are being followed Ensure that audits include operational tests and a reconciliation of records

Ensure that scheduled tank sounding logs are maintained and signed for Keep records of verifi cation of correct operation through testing at sea Ensure that on board spares are adequate to meet the demand

Create a culture where complacency in operation and maintenance standards is unacceptable.

Tracking waste and maintenance

The Master, Chief Engineer and senior offi cers in the engine department should: Conduct analyses of waste disposal records Compare waste output to volumes purchased

Compare waste disposal records with maintenance records Remove disincentives to off-loading waste, or purchasing additional material or parts related to safety and the environment.

We should always use OWS on ship because it is MARPOL requirement. Not because of this, because it is our social responsibility to protect environment. Being a human being, it is our responsibility to protect beaches, fishing industry and indirectly livelihood of many persons.


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