Smearing and Gram
Smearing and Gram
Smearing and Gram
2)Gently wash the stain off with running tap water for~5 seconds. Shake off excess
4)Gently wash the stain off with running tap water for~5 seconds. Shake off excess
5)Decolourize with decolourizing solution by slowly dropping the solution above the
smear on the slightly tilted slide.
6)Gently rinse off the stain with running water for ~5 seconds. Shake off excess water.
8)Gently rinse off the stain with running water for ~5seconds. Shake off excess water.
9) Carefully blot with filter paper, put a drop of cidar wood oil and examine with oil
immersion lens.
If you're sure that you have mixed preparation of G+ and G-
then you should see purple and pink cells