Presentation 1

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They still give assent to the notion that if a sick person believes he is not sick, he will feel
no pain; if a dying person believes he will not die, he will not die. As a consequence, many people are
healed. Their propagators merely try to strengthen man's psychic force for the relief of physical
ailment. Through the release of man's latent power of the soul, bodily weakness is overcome.
Because of the development of the soul's latent force, wonders are increasing nowadays. Of these
wonders, many are highly supernatural and miraculous. Yet all these are only the manifestations of the
latent power of the soul. Though I am no prophet, I have read books on prophecy. I learn that hereafter
soul's latent power will have greater manifestations. For in the last days the enemy will seize upon
man's psychic force to fulfill his work. If he succeeds in seizing this power, he will be able to do great
There are two classes of people who hold to two extremes respectively. One class insists there is no
wonder. When they hear about wonders such as divine healing, they refuse to listen. Another class lays
stress on wonders so much that they do not care from what source come these wonders-from God or
from the enemy. Today we should be careful not to bend to either extreme. Each time we see or hear of
a wonder performed we must ask, Is this God's doing or the enemy's? Is it done by the Holy Spirit of
God or by the law of human psychology?
Today we should use our abilities-such as that of the mind, the will and the emotion-to do things, but
we ought not express the latent power that is in our soul. The mind, emotion and will are man's psychic
organs which he cannot help but use. For if man does not use them the evil spirit will take over their
usage. However, if man desires to use the latent power behind these abilities, the evil spirit will begin
to give him all kinds of counterfeit miracles. All works done by the soul and its psychic law are
counterfeits. Only what is done by the power of the Holy Spirit is real. The Holy Spirit has His own
law of operation. For it is stated in Romans 8.2, "the law of the Spirit of life". Thank God, the Holy
Spirit is real, and the law of the Holy Spirit is factual. Wonders performed according to the law of the
Holy Spirit come from God.
It is extremely difficult for Moslems to believe in the Lord Jesus. There are therefore comparatively
few who become Christians. Now how do the Moslems pray? Three times every day they do so in their
mosques. They say that if anything needs to be done, pray in one accord with tens of thousands of
people. "Consider the mass of Mahomedans at prayer in the great Jumna Mosque of Delhi," writes Mrs.
PennLewis, "where an hundred thousand followers of Mahomet assemble inside the Mosque, with a
still larger crowd engaged in prayer outside." For what were they praying? In unison they shouted that
they wanted Turkey revived and freed from the domination of the white race. Their psychic force
gained the victory. "It is sufficient," continues Mrs. Penn-Lewis, "to point to the revision of the Treaty
of Sevres, under which all that was lost to Turkey had to be restored. A greater triumph of one Eastern
nation over all Western nations put together, cannot be imagined. The explanation given, and believed
in by millions in India, is expressed in the word `soul-force'."* (*Mrs. Jessie Penn-I.ewis, Spirit and
Soul. Poole, Dorset, England Overcomer Literature Trust, 1968?, p.56. Also available in the United
States from Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pa.)Unfortunately the prayers of many
Christians are not answered by God but are attained by the projection of the latent power of their soul.
They accomplish their goals in much the same way as the Moslems.
Look now at the powers displayed in Hinduism. Some Hindus can walk on fire without being scorched.
And this is not a fake. They walk on fire, and not just a few steps, but across a long course with their
feet treading on red-hot iron; yet they are not hurt. Some of them can lie on beds with nails pointed up.
(Naturally, those whom they consider beginners cannot bear such things and will feel pain and hurt.
This too is a matter of the development of psychic power. How disastrous for believers to perform
wonders with the same power which the Hindus use.

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