Basic Concept of Economics
Basic Concept of Economics
Basic Concept of Economics
Economics as Defined
From the Greek words OIKOS meaning household and NOMOS meaning management
= household management
Society have to decides what outputs will be produced and in what quality.
Economics is concerned with DISTRIBUTION
Distribution is the allocation of the total product among members of society. It
is related to the problem of for whom goods and services are to be produced.
Economics is concerned with CONSUMPTION
Consumption is the use of a good or service. Consumption is the ultimate end of
economic activity. When there is no consumption, there will be no need for
production and distribution.
Economics deals with PUBLIC FINANCE
Public Finance is a concerned with government expenditures and revenues.
Economics studies how the government raise money through taxation and
General, Economy as a whole
Deals with the economic
Deals with the economic
behaviour of the whole economy
behaviour of the individual units
or its aggregate such as
such as consumers, firms, the
Government, Business,
owners of factors of productions.
Unemployment, Inflation and etc.
Types of Economics
1. Household Economics – most common use of economics is for the family. At this level anyone
who knows the economics principles will be able to improve the running of the household.
2. Business Economics – when a person or group of persons begins to work, they come under
the system of business economics in their workplace. In this type, you deal with the rent, salary,
profits and others.
3. National Economics – Economic factors of problems affecting the whole nation. Deals with
the management of income, expenditures, wealth or resources of a nation.
4. International Economics – the highest stage of economic activities involving the business of
one country with other countries like trade, tourism, exchange rates.
Economics as a Science
Is a science because it is an organized body of truth, coordinated, arranged and systematized
with reference to certain general laws and principles (observation, formulation of theories,
gathering of data, experimentation, conclusion, and Generalization)
Economic analysis seeks to explain economic events using some kind of logic based on a set of
systematic relations.
It is a social science because the subject matter of economics is people or societies and their
behaviour, and unpredictable in nature.
Relations of Economics to the Sciences
Ethics/Religion Sociology
History Geography
Essence of Studying Economics
To understand the world better
Applying the tools of economics can help you understand global and cataclysmic event such as
wars, famines, epidemics, and depressions. Economics has the power to help us understand
these phenomena because they result from the choices we make under the condition of
To gain self-confidence and become wise decisions makers
Mastery of economics will help you to understand how things work in your society thereby
“feeling Equipped”
Essence of Studying Economics
To Achieve Social Change and Contribute to National Development
Economics can help us understand the origins of serious social problems such as:
Unemployment, hunger, poverty, disease, child abuse, drug addiction, violet crime.
To help prepare for the other careers.
Economics has long been a popular college major for individuals who are intending to work in
Developments of Economics
Hunting and Fishing
Pastoral Stage
Agricultural stage
Handicraft Stage
Industrial Stage