CH 6
CH 6
CH 6
Definition of Trading
- Taking positions in financial instruments or commodities in
order to earn profits either from the change in price levels or
discrepancy in relative values.
Investment banks engage in trading activity in two ways-
Proprietary Trading: Trading done for the investment bank’s
own account
Trading and sales both involve buying and selling securities yet
these two are different activities.
– Sales include both broking and dealing activities.
– The difference between trading and sales is a matter of the underlying
– The motive behind sales (broking/dealing) is to make the secondary
market and thereby enhance market liquidity. The business objective is to
generate return through the bid-ask spread from the transaction. The
objective is not to take a long term position.
– In contrast, the motive of trading is to take a position in a security (long
term if needed) and generate return from trading profits (price changes).
• Trading can be broadly classified in two types:
– 1. Speculation: Taking position in a security in an
anticipation of future change in price level so that a
gain can be made from the said price change.
– 2. Arbitrage: Taking simultaneous position in two
or more markets so as to take advantage of any
price differential that might exist in these markets
for a particular security.
Traders, particularly speculators, take risks—
often big risks. Dealers do not take risks as a part
of their “dealer” function.
Taking Position in anticipation of a change in price levels.
● Speculators are forecasters who act upon their forecasts. i.e A speculator
might forecast that a stock’s price will rise then he will buy that stock now.
- They take risks; e.g., risk of forecast not appearing true, exogenous shocks
True Speculators do not have enough power to change the price level
themselves. Price levels change due to market forces. Thus, Speculators are
not manipulators.
Speculative buying and selling are usually in response to information
acquisition and analysis, and any price changes that subsequently result
should represent movement toward market clearing. In the absence of
speculation, market prices would respond more slowly to changing market
conditions, and delays would mean less efficiency in resource reallocation.
Manipulators are those investors who use private power to bring about
a rise or fall in price. For example, investors doing “circular
trading” to increase price of a security are “manipulators”.
– It is illegal as it hinders efficient allocation of resources in the
market and defrauds naïve investors.
Speculative Methods
1. Fundamental Analysis
2. Technical Analysis
Maturity Duration
Answer: Yes, Buy the proxy portfolio and sell the futures, 0.805
Cash & Carry Synthetic Arbitrage
Cash-and-Carry Transaction:
- Involves purchase of an instrument and
simultaneous sale of a future contract (or other
derivative) to create a synthetic short-term
- Such synthetic short term instruments are
created in order to earn low risk short term rates.
- Program trading is an example of Cash-and-
Carry synthetic transaction.
Cash & Carry Synthetic
Example: Cash-and-carry-synthetic with a bond
(93.0625 4) - 93.50 12
Return ( 6 ) 0.0762
Cash & Carry Synthetic
• In this strategy, the investor used two securities.
– Long term T-Bond
– Short term T-bond Futures contract
So, 2 shares of bank Asia is worth 400 tk (200*2). But it’s equivalent share (1 share of
Bank Scotia) is worth 320 tk. So, a price differential exists. Arbitrager will take
advantage of this by buying the cheaper stock and short selling the expensive
So, risk arb will buy 1 Bank scotia shares and short sell 2 Bank Asia share. He will get
400 tk by short selling the bank Asia shares and will spend 320 tk for the 1 bank
scotia share. Once the merger is complete, he will exchange the 1 Bank Scotia shares
for 2 Bank Asia share and use it to close out his short sale position. This will generate
tk 80 profit for him.
Risk Arbitrage
Risk Arbitrage (Contd)
Investment banks spots situations of risk arbitrage
through their relationships and research
Conflict of interest arises when investment bank
is advising a company on takeover or defensive
measures, and it may get involved in arbitrage.
- This may go against the interest of clients.
Usually, when investment banks engage in
advising the clients, they instruct their arb dept to
be off-limits.
Risk Arbitrage
Risk Arbitrage (Contd)
Many investment banks make a deal that they
will not be involved in risk arb until the
takeover effort has been announced. These
are called announced deals.