Chapter 18 Economic Growth
Chapter 18 Economic Growth
Chapter 18 Economic Growth
Economic Growth
After studying this chapter you will be able to
Transforming People’s Lives
Real GDP per person grows only if real GDP grows faster
than the population grows.
The Basics of Economic Growth
Aggregate Hours
Aggregate hours, the total number of hours worked by all
the people employed, change as a result of:
1. Working-age population growth
2. Changes in the employment-to-population ratio
3. Changes in average hours per worker
Population growth increases aggregate hours and real
GDP, but to increase real GDP person, labor must
become more productive.
The Sources of Economic Growth
Labor Productivity
Labor productivity is the quantity of real GDP produced
by an hour of labor; it equals real GDP divided by
aggregate hours.
The growth of labor productivity depends on
Physical capital growth
Human capital growth
Technological advances
The Sources of Economic Growth
Technological Advances
Technological change—the discovery and the application
of new technologies and new goods—has contributed
immensely to increasing labor productivity.
Between 1973 and 1983,
labor productivity slowed to
1.7 percent a year.
A collapse in the contribution
of technological change and
human capital and (purple
bar) brought about this
slowdown in the growth of
labor productivity.
Growth Accounting
Labor productivity growth
rate increased to 2 percent
a year between 1983 and
1993 and to 2.4 percent
between 1993 and 2005.
Technological change and
growth of human capital
contributed most to this
speedup in the growth of
labor productivity.
Growth Accounting
Achieving Faster Growth
Growth accounting tell us that to achieve faster economic
growth we must either increase the growth rate of capital
per hour of labor or increase the pace of technological
The main suggestions for achieving these objectives are
Stimulate Saving
Saving finances investment. So higher saving rates might
increase physical capital growth.
Tax incentives might be provided to boost saving.
Growth Accounting
An Increase in Population
An increase in population increases the supply of labor.
With no change in the demand for labor, the equilibrium
real wage rate falls and the aggregate hours increase.
The increase in the aggregate hours increases potential
Growth Theories
Two further facts play a key role in the new growth theory
Discoveries are a public capital good.
Knowledge is not subject to diminishing returns.
Knowledge Capital Is Not Subject to Diminishing
Increasing the stock of knowledge makes capital and labor
more productive. The fact that knowledge capital does not
experience diminishing returns is the central proposition of
new growth theory.
Growth Theories
Figure 24.9
the ideas of
new growth
theory as a