Group 1 BCT Draft 3
Group 1 BCT Draft 3
Group 1 BCT Draft 3
1. Definition of AI
In the simplest terms, AI which stands for artificial intelligence refers to systems or machines
that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively improve themselves based on
the information they collect. AI manifests in a number of forms. A few examples are:
Chatbots use AI to understand customer problems faster and provide more efficient
Intelligent assistants use AI to parse critical information from large free-text datasets to
improve scheduling
AI is much more about the process and the capability for superpowered thinking and data
analysis than it is about any particular format or function. Although AI brings up images of high-
functioning, human-like robots taking over the world, AI isn’t intended to replace humans. It’s
intended to significantly enhance human capabilities and contributions. That makes it a very
2. Importance of AI
How AI Technology can help organizations
The central tenet of AI is to replicate—and then exceed—the way humans perceive and react to
the world. It’s fast becoming the cornerstone of innovation. Powered by various forms of
machine learning that recognize patterns in data to enable predictions, AI can add value to your
business by:
The following represent the core building blocks that are needed in AI [2]:
3. Model, Build, Train and Run: The studio of a data science artist to build, train and run
4. Consumer Features: Speech, images and vision, primarily used in consumer use cases
they perform
4. Branches and applications
1. Fuzzy Logic
1. Definition
The word fuzzy refers to things which are not clear or are vague [3]. Fuzzy logic is a technique
that represents and modifies uncertain information by measuring the degree to which the
hypothesis is correct. Fuzzy logic is also used for reasoning about naturally uncertain
concepts. Fuzzy logic is convenient and flexible to implement machine learning techniques and
assist in imitating human thought logically [4]. Fuzzy logic works on the levels of possibilities of
4.1.2. Diagram
It can be implemented in systems with various sizes and capabilities ranging from small micro-
4.1.3. Components
Fuzzification Module − It transforms the system inputs, which are crisp numbers, into fuzzy
LP x is Large Positive
MP x is Medium Positive
S x is Small
MN x is Medium Negative
LN x is Large Negative
Inference Engine − It simulates the human reasoning process by making fuzzy inference on the
Defuzzification Module − It transforms the fuzzy set obtained by the inference engine into a
crisp value.
4. Advantages
2. You can modify a FLS by just adding or deleting rules due to flexibility of
fuzzy logic.
3. Fuzzy logic Systems can take imprecise, distorted, noisy input
5. Disadvantages
3. They are suitable for the problems which do not need high accuracy.
6. Applications
1. Aerospace Automotive
Traffic control
Improving efficiency of automatic transmissions Business Defence Electronics
Microwave ovens
Vacuum cleaners
2. Expert Systems
1. Definition
Expert System is an interactive and reliable computer-based decision-making system which uses
both facts and heuristics to solve complex decision-making problems. It is considered at the
highest level of human intelligence and expertise. The purpose of an expert system is to solve the
2. Characteristics
in a very reasonable period of time with the user. The total time must be less
than the time taken by an expert to get the most accurate solution for the same
3. Good Reliability: The Expert system in AI needs to be reliable, and it must not
Expert system.
5. Effective Mechanism: Expert System in Artificial Intelligence must have
knowledge in it.
4.2.3. Components
a) User Interface
The user interface is the most crucial part of the Expert System Software. This component
takes the user’s query in a readable form and passes it to the inference engine. After that, it
displays the results to the user. In other words, it’s an interface that helps the user
b) Inference Engine
The inference engine is the brain of the expert system. Inference engine contains rules to
solve a specific problem. It refers the knowledge from the Knowledge Base. It selects facts
and rules to apply when trying to answer the user’s query. It provides reasoning about the
information in the knowledge base. It also helps in deducting the problem to find the
c) Knowledge Base
The knowledge base is a repository of facts. It stores all the knowledge about the problem
domain. It is like a large container of knowledge which is obtained from different experts of
a specific field.
Thus, we can say that the success of the Expert System Software mainly depends on the
4. Advantages
Below are the main advantages/benefits of Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence (AI):
10. Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems can steadily work without getting
5. Disadvantages
4. Each problem is different therefore the solution from a human expert can also
6. Applications
1. Information management
5. Loan analysis
6. Virus detection
8. Warehouse optimization
9. Planning and scheduling
1. Definition
Processing of Natural Language is required when you want an intelligent system like robot to
perform as per your instructions, when you want to hear decision from a dialogue based clinical
The field of NLP involves making computers to perform useful tasks with the natural human
Written Text
Name Entity Recognition (NER) is the most primitive algorithm in the field of
NLP. The process extracts the core ‘entities’ present in the text. These entities
represent the fundamental themes in the text. Entities could be the names of
expressions, medical codes, locations, and other key information found in the
May Day”.
“100-degrees” as “Temperature”
NER is based on basic rules of grammar. There are several simple and
simple as having three pre-classified groups - good, bad, or neutral. Or, the text
3. Text Summarization
The two key techniques in Text Summarization are extraction and abstraction.
creating new text based on the assessment of the original source text.
4. Aspect Mining
companies to detect the nature of their customer responses. When those aspects
and sentiments are combined, companies can get a clear idea about various
aspects of customer information. Using these tools, large amounts of text data
Communications – Positive
Topic modelling is a complex NLP tool used to classify natural topics present
Lastly and most importantly Machine Translation is a vital NLP tool. The
techniques that fall under the bracket of Machine Translation are used to both
analyze and generate language. Top companies employ complicated machine
translation systems. They play a vital role in modern commerce. These tools
have been able to break language barriers globally, enabling people around the
world to access foreign websites and interact with users who speak foreign
4.3.3. Components
It is the process of producing meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of natural
It involves −
Steps in NLP
of a language means the collection of words and phrases in a language. Lexical analysis
is dividing the whole chunk of txt into paragraphs, sentences, and words.
grammar and arranging words in a manner that shows the relationship among the words.
The sentence such as “The school goes to boy” is rejected by English syntactic analyzer.
3) Semantic Analysis − It draws the exact meaning or the dictionary meaning from the
The text is checked for meaningfulness. It is done by mapping syntactic structures and
objects in the task domain. The semantic analyzer disregards sentence such as “hot ice-
4) Discourse Integration − The meaning of any sentence depends upon the meaning of the
sentence just before it. In addition, it also brings about the meaning of immediately
succeeding sentence.
5) Pragmatic Analysis − During this, what was said is re-interpreted on what it actually
meant. It involves deriving those aspects of language which require real world
4. Advantages [7]
NLP technology allows for text analysis at scale on all manner of documents,
internal systems, emails, social media data, online reviews, and more. Process
huge amounts of data in just seconds or minutes, that would take days or weeks
of manual analysis.
When performing repetitive (and frankly boring) tasks, like reading and analysing open-
ended survey responses and other text data, humans are prone to mistakes or may have
NLP-powered tools can be trained to the language and criteria of your business, often in just
a few steps. So, once you have them up and running, they perform much more accurately
than humans ever could. And you can tweak and continue to train your models as the
NLP tools work at whatever scale you need, 24/7, in real time.
You’d need at least a couple of employees working full-time to accomplish manual data
analysis but with NLP SaaS tools, you can keep staff to a minimum. When you connect NLP
tools to your data, you’ll be able to analyze your customer feedback on the go, so you’ll
know right away when customers are having problems with your product or service.
NLP tools allow you to automatically analyze and sort customer service
tickets by topic, intent, urgency, sentiment, etc., and route them directly to the
put NLP to work to understand the language of your customer base, you’ll
With all the human hours you’ll save by automating processes and using data
analysis to its full potential, your employees will be able to focus on what
matters: their actual jobs. Furthermore, when you remove tedious, repetitive
tasks, your employees will have less boredom, fatigue, and increased focus.
5. Disadvantages
NL has an extremely rich form and structure. It is very ambiguous. There can be different levels
of ambiguity –
For example, “He lifted the beetle with red cap.” − Did he use cap to lift the
example, Rima went to Gauri. She said, “I am tired.” − Exactly who is tired?
One input can mean different meanings. Many inputs can mean the same thing.
6. Applications
1. Machine Translation
2. Fighting Spam
One of the most common problems these days is unwanted emails. This makes
Spam filters all the more important because it is the first line of defense against
this problem.
3. Question-answering
answering. Search engines put the information of the world at our fingertips,
but they are still lacking when it comes to answer the questions posted by
human beings in their natural language. We have big tech companies like
the valid answers can be generated by the system. The exact answers can be
the sentiments among several posts. It is also used to identify the sentiment
where the emotions are not expressed explicitly. Companies are using
5. Bibliography
[1] Oracle, "What is AI? Learn about Artificial Intelligence," Oracle, 2022. [Online]. Available:
[2] R. Thomas, "The Essential Components Of AI," Forbes, 10 10 2019. [Online]. Available: ai/?
[3] ~anonymous~, "Fuzzy Logic - Introduction," Tutorials Point, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://
[4] N. Tyagi, "6 Major Branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI)," Analyticssteps, 23 01 2021. [Online].
[Accessed 16 05 2022].
[5] D. Johnson, "What is Expert System in AI (Artificial Intelligence)?," Guru99, 8 03 2022. [Online].
[6] R. Admin, "Types of NLP Techniques," Rosoka, 27 04 2020. [Online]. Available: https://
[7] R. Wolff, "7 Benefits of Natural Language Processing (NLP)," MonkeyLearn, 11 12 2020. [Online].