Herbalists Shop Business Plan
Herbalists Shop Business Plan
Herbalists Shop Business Plan
liniment oil
Group 9
All about Sambong Plant
The genus Blumea is found in the tropical and sub-tropical zones of Asia,
especially the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Blumea balsamifera is
one of its species that is used in Southeast Asia. A weed, this plant is a ruderal
species that often grows on disturbed land, and in grasslands.It has been
described physically as:
Softly hairy, half woody, strongly aromatic shrub, 1-4
meters (m) high. Simple, alternate, broadly elongated
leaves, 7-20 cm long, with toothed margin and appendaged
or divided base. Loose yellow flower head scattered along
much-branched leafy panicles. Two types of discoid
flowers: peripheral ones tiny, more numerous, with tubular
corolla; central flowers few, large with campanulate
corolla. Anther cells tailed at base. Fruit (achene) dry, 1-
seeded, 10-ribbed, hairy at top.
It is approved by the Philippine Department of Health,
Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care, and by
the Bureau of Plant Industries of the Department of
What are its active ingredients?
The active ingredients exist in the volatile oil, made from the
leaves of the sambong, which have mostly camphor and limonene,
but also has traces of borneol, saponin, sesquiterpene, and tannin.
Traditional Medicinal Use