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OOP Chapter 1

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Chapter One – Introduction to OOP

By Abdu A.
Programming paradigm
 Programming Paradigm is a way of conceptualizing what it means to
perform computation and how tasks to be carried out are organized on a
 Two common approaches are Structured and Object Oriented
 Structured Programming
 Problem solving would involve the analysis of processes in terms of the
procedural tasks carried out and the production of a system whose representation
is based on the procedural flow of the processes.
 Procedures typically operate on data items that are separate from the procedures.
 programmer is responsible for organizing everything in to logical units of
 A procedural program is divided into functions, and (ideally, at least) each
function has a clearly defined purpose & a clearly defined interface to the other
functions in the program.

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Disadvantages of Structured Programming
1. Unrestricted Access
 Functions have unrestricted access to global data.
2. Real-World Modeling
 Unrelated functions and data, the basics of the procedural
paradigm, provide a poor model of the real world.
3. Difficult of Creating New Data Types
 Traditional languages are not extensible because they will
not let you create new data types.

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OOP Approach
 Object-oriented programming is centered on creating objects
rather than procedures.
 Objects are a melding of data and procedures that manipulate that
 Data in an object are known as attributes.
 Procedures in an object are known as methods.
 OOP allows us to decompose a problem into number of
entities called objects and then build data and methods
(functions) around these entities.
 The data of an object can be accessed only by the methods
associated with the object (information hiding)
 Follows bottom-up approach in program design
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Features of OOP
 Emphasis is on data rather than procedure.
 Programs are divided into objects.
 Data Structures are designed such that they characterize the
 Methods that operate on the data of an object are tied
together in the data structure.
 Data is hidden and can not be accessed directly by external
functions .
 Objects may communicate with each other through

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Object-Oriented Programming
. Object
Attributes (data)
Programming typically private to this object


(behaviors / procedures)

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Basic OOP Concepts
 The following are the basic OOP concepts:
1. Objects
2. Classes
3. Data Abstraction
4. Data Encapsulation
5. Inheritance
6. Polymorphism
7. Dynamic Binding
8. Message Passing

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Basic OOP Concepts
1. Object
 An object is an any real world entity which may represent
place, person, data item related to program.
 An object is a variable/instance of class.
 An object is a run-time entity.
2. Class
 Is the template or blueprint that defines the states/attributes and
the behaviors/methods common to all objects of a certain kind.
 It is a collection of objects of similar type.
 Classes are user-defined data types & behave like the built-in
types of programming language.

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Basic OOP Concepts
3. Data Abstraction
 Abstraction means representing essential features without
including the background details or explanations
 A classes can use the concept of Abstraction and are defined as
list of abstract data and functions to operate on these data.
 Since the classes use the concept of Data Abstraction, they are
known as Abstract Data Type(ADT).
4. Data Encapsulation
 The wrapping up of data and methods into a single unit (called
class) is known as encapsulation.
 This insulation of the data from direct access by the program is
called data hiding.

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Basic OOP Concepts
5. Inheritance
 Is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of
objects of another class.
 It provides the idea of reusability( reusing the code)
6. Polymorphism
 In polymorphism, ‘Poly’ means many and ‘morph’ means forms, i.e.
many forms.
 Is the ability to take more than one form. It allows a function
responding in different ways.
7. Dynamic Binding
 Dynamic binding means that the code associated with a given
procedure call is not known until the time of the call at runtime.
 Memory is allocated at runtime not at compile time.

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Basic OOP Concepts
8. Message Passing
 The process of invoking an operation of an object is called
Message Passing.
 In response to the given message, the respective method or
operation is called.
 Message Passing involves specifying the name of the object, the
name of the function (message) and the information to be sent.
 employee.salary (name);
 A message for an object is a request for the execution of a

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Introduction to Java
 Java is an Object Oriented Programming language developed by Sun Microsystems
in the year 1991(now owned by Oracle) led by James Gosling
 Initially it was named as “Oak” by James Gosling
 In 1995, “Oak” is renamed to “Java” due to legal matters

 James Gosling and his team members were consuming a lot of coffee supplied from
a place called “Java Island’.
 Hence they fixed the name of the language as Java.
 The symbol for Java language is cup and saucer.

 Sun formally announced Java at Sun World conference in 1995.

 On January 23rd 1996, JDK1.0 version was released.

 Originally designed to program various devices (home appliances).

 Difficult task because appliances are controlled by a wide variety of computer processors.
 Team developed a two-step translation process.
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Features of Java (Java Buzzwords)
 Simple: Learning and practicing Java is easy because of
resemblance with C and C++.
 Object Oriented: Unlike C++, Java is purely OOP.
 Distributed: Java is designed for use on network; it has an
extensive library which works in agreement with TCP/IP.
 Secure: Java is designed for use on Internet. Java enables the
construction of virus-free, tamper free systems.
 Robust (Strong/ Powerful): Java programs will not crash
because of its exception handling and its memory management
 Portable: Java does not have implementation dependent
aspects and it gives same result on any machine.
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 Interpreted: Java programs are compiled to generate the byte
code(.class file).
 This byte code can be interpreted by the interpreter contained in JVM.
 Architectural Neutral Language: Java byte code is not machine
dependent, it can run on any machine with any processor and with
any OS.
 High Performance: Along with interpreter there will be JIT (Just In
Time) compiler which enhances the speed of execution.
 Multithreaded: Executing different parts of a program
simultaneously is called multithreading.
 This is an essential feature to design server side programs.
 Dynamic: We can develop programs in Java which dynamically
change on Internet (e.g.: Applets).
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Java Environment
 Java Environment includes
 Development tools also called Java Development Kit (JDK) and
 java standard library (JSL) hundreds of classes and methods also
called Application Programming Interface (API).
 JDK comes with a collection of tools that are used for developing,
debugging and running java programs:
 javac (java compiler)
 java (java interpreter)
 javap (java disassembler)
 javah (for C header files)
 javadoc (for creating HTML documents)
 jdb (Java debugger)
 appletviewer (for viewing java applets )

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Java API (Java Standard Library)
 It includes hundreds of classes and methods grouped into several
functional packages.
 Most commonly used packages are:
 Language Support Package: a collection of classes and methods required
for implementing basic features of java.
 Utilities Package: a collection of classes to provide utility functions such as
date and time functions.
 Input/output Package: a collection of classes required for input/output
 Networking Package: a collection of classes for communicating with other
computers via Internet.
 AWT Package (Abstract Window Tool kit package): contains classes that
implements platform-independent graphical user interface.
 Applet Package: includes set of classes that allows us to create java applets.

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Types Of Java Programs
 Java programs can be of two types:
 Applications
 Java applications are large programs that run by their own
 Stand-alone programs that run without the aid of a web browser.
 Has relaxed security model since the user runs the program locally.
 Applets
 Small applications that require the use of a Java enabled web browser
to run.
 Applets are great for creating dynamic and interactive web
 Has enhanced security model since the user merely goes to a web page
and the applet runs itself.

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Types of Java Program…

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Java program structure
 In the Java programming language:
 A program is made up of one or more classes
 A class contains one or more methods
 A method contains program statements
 These terms will be explored in detail throughout the
 A Java application always contains a method called main

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Java Program Structure …
// comments about the class
public class MyProgram

// comments about the method

public static void main (String[] args)
method header
method body

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Tools needed to create java programs
 There are many tools to do java programming, to the very least you need to
 Sun Java Development Kit (JDK/ Recent version JDK 8)
 Text editor such as Microsoft Notepad
 Integrated Development Environment IDE for Java
 NetBeans (from Sun/Oracle)
 Eclipse (from IBM)
 Borland JBuilder
 BlueJ
 JCreator
 DrJ
 IntelliJ
 Android Studio and
 Many others
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The Compiler and the Java Virtual Machine
 A programmer writes Java programming statements for a
program called source code
 A text editor is used to edit and save a Java source code file.
 Source code files have a .java file extension.
 A compiler is a program that translates source code into an
executable form.
 A compiler is run using a source code file as input.
 Syntax errors caught during compilation if exist.
 Syntax errors are mistakes that violate the rules of the
programming language.
 Compiler creates another file that holds the translated
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The Compiler and the Java Virtual Machine
 Most compilers translate source code into executable files
containing machine code.
 The Java compiler translates a Java source file into a file that
contains byte code instructions.
 Byte code files end with the .class file extension.
 Byte code instructions are the machine language of the Java
Virtual Machine (JVM) and cannot be directly executed directly
by the CPU.
 The JVM is a program that emulates a micro-processor.
 The JVM executes instructions as they are read.
 JVM is often called an interpreter.
 Therefore, Java is both compiled and interpreted language.
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Program Development Process
Saves Java statements
Text editor Source code

a d b y
Is re

Produces Byte code

Java compiler (.class)

e d by
nt er p re t
Is i
Java Results in Program
Virtual Execution

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Your First Java Program
 Open your text-editor and type the following piece of Java code

class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");

 Save this file as HelloWorld.java (watch capitalization) in the

following directory:
 c:\java (you need to create the directory if it
doesn’t exist)
 Class-name has to match file name

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Compiling and Running Your First Program
 Open the command prompt in Windows
 To run the program that you just wrote, type at the command prompt:
cd c:\java
 Your command prompt should now look like this:
 To compile the program that you wrote, you need to run the Java
Development Tool Kit Compiler as follows:
At the command prompt type:
c:\java> javac HelloWorld.java
 You have now created your first compiled Java program named
 To run your first program, type the following at the command prompt:
c:\java>java HelloWorld
Although the file name includes the .class extension , this part of the name must be left off when
running the program with the Java interpreter.

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Creating, Compiling, and Running

Create/Modify Source Code

Source code (developed by the programmer)

Saved on the disk
public class Welcome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Welcome to Java!"); Source Code

Compile Source Code

Byte code (generated by the compiler for JVM i.e., javac Welcome.java
to read and interpret, not for you to understand)

Method Welcome() If compilation errors
0 aload_0 stored on the disk

Method void main(java.lang.String[])
0 getstatic #2 …
3 ldc #3 <String "Welcome to
5 invokevirtual #4 …
8 return Run Byteode
i.e., java Welcome


If runtime errors or incorrect result

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Some questions
 Java compiles into an intermediate language called byte-
code. What is byte-code?
 What is a syntax error?

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Next: Basics in Java Programming

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