History of Philosophy
History of Philosophy
History of Philosophy
(An Introduction)
Philosophy of the Human Person I Classroom Lecture Discussion Patrick Henry I. Balmaceda
Definition of Philosophy
Etymological Definition
philo or philien which means love sophia which means wisdom or knowledge Love of wisdom or knowledge It was Phythagoras, an Ancient Greek philosopher, who coined the word philosophia or philosophy
Traditional Definition
Defined as the science of all things or beings in their ultimate cause and principle known by human reason alone. Why a science? Because it is a body of knowledge derived from reasoned demonstration of causes and reduced into a system. Not based on mere opinions or hypotheses. The science of all things or beings because it studies all things or realities which can be reached by the human mind. It tries to understand the underlying reasons and causes of things. It tries to explain the fundamental essence or nature of reality.
It is a science of all things or beings in their ultimate causes and principles known by human reason alone because it based its knowledge solely on man s reasoning power and not on authority or faith.
Ancient Philosophy
6th century B.C. to 592 A.D Started with the Ancient Greeks
Considered to be the first philosopher of the West The Ionians started to wonder about nature, about the world and asked a simple question: What is the basic element of the world? Thus started the philosophical enterprise
The Ancient Greek philosophy with its corresponding philosophers is divided into three sub periods :
Pre-Socratic Thales of Miletus Phythagoras Heraclitus Anaximenes Anaximander Anaxagoras Sophists Socratic Period Socrates Plato Aristotle Post-Socratic Period Epicurus (Epicureanism) Zeno of Citium (Stoicism) Pyrrho (Scepticism) Plotinus Porphyry Plotinus Neo Platonism
Philosopher Thales Anaximander Anaximenes Anaxagoras Heraclitus Parmenides Pythagoras Protagoras Empedocles Plotinus
Composition of the World Water Apeiron Air Mind (Nous) Fire (change) is of the World; Permanent Numbers; Man has dipartite Constituents Man is the measure of all things; the absolute possessor of truth Fire, air, water and earth One and the Many
Socratic Period
5th - 4th Century B.C. During this period, the Greek civilization flourished (known as the Golden Age of Hellenism) Every aspect of Greek civilization including philosophy reached its peak and full development
During this period three important figures in the History of Philosophy emerged:
Socrates Plato
Known as a moralist, a philosopher who advocated moral transformation among the citizens of Athens. know thyself For him, one can only transform one s self if he knows himself. The Socratic Dialogues written by his student Plato, contained his teachings and philosophy. The dialogue known also as the Socratic Method, was his unique method of teaching.
Human Nature
A. Man and Knowledge:
The origin of knowledge is the DIVINE CREATOR the teacher, the only wise being. Knowledge is innate or inborn. True knowledge application of this knowledge, not merely theoretical or speculative but should be practical.
The wise man, the superior man, the moral man leads and live a virtuous life.
Knowing-what-is-right-means-doing-what-is-right True knowledge means knowing one s self. know thyself ; knowledge is Virtue: Ignorance is Vice
Human Nature
A. Man and Knowledge:
Truth; Truth about the good life, for it is in knowing the good life that man can act correctly. Reflection and self-examination An unexamined life is not worth living ; a life not reflected upon is not worthy to be lived.
Human Nature
B. Man and the problem of Evil
Evil is the result of ignorance or the imperfection of man s knowledge. No one does evil voluntarily or volitionally. It is ignorance of the knowledge of the right and good life that enables man to do evil deeds.
Considered as an idealist, ideas are real. The material world that we see and experience is only a copy of the ideal world or the world of ideas. In the world of ideas, everything is perfect and good, and the soul preexisted in that world, and thus it already knows the ideas. For Plato then, knowledge is a matter of intuition.
Philosophy of Idealism
A philosophical theory which maintains that what is real is in the nature of thought or ideas.
Human Nature
A. Man and Knowledge:
Man is only an IMPERFECT COPY of his Real Original Self, the Perfect Man. Ideas are INNATE. Man before was pure mind, he knew all things by direct intuition. Man can be perfect again through constant Recollection and Imitation of his former Perfect Self by living a life of virtue in which true human perfection consists. Contemplation-communion of the minds to the Universal and Eternal Ideas.
Material Sensing and feeling (as passions and desires are affectations of the body) Composite Cannot live and move apart from the Soul Mutable and destructible Can blind the Soul
Immaterial Invisible
Non-composed (simple) A substance that can exist independently of the body. It existed prior to the body Immutable and Indestructible Seeking pure thought
Head, brain
Stomach, abdomen
The greatest among the three, the philosopher par excellence. He was a realist, for him the world that we see and experience is the real world. We gain ideas about the world through experience. Knowledge for him starts from sense experience or perception, and its through abstraction that we are able to form ideas about things and the world.
Human Nature
Form of all reality APART from this World
Substantial form NOT APART from existing material thing
Down to earth (experiential). It begins with sense perceptions of the things around us, combines observation with reflection and meditation KNOWLEDGE COMES FROM THE SENSES and can be true in itself.
Prime matter: absolute receptivity or Substantial form: absolute imposition determinability (Potency) or determination (Form or Act)
Has no life, it can only posses life when it is united to the soul
Grades of Being
Kinds of Soul
Rational Sensitive
Medieval Philosophy
529 A.D. to 1450 A.D. Dominated by Christian thinkers, the more noted philosophers are:
a. St. Augustine of Hippo b. St. Albert the Great c. St. Thomas Aquinas
How about the goods of the soul, such as wisdom, virtue and all of their forms? Stoics view on the other hand, cast away with the passions and bodily desires. Man is reduced to pure reason. Augustine: Man is a rational animal, a creature endowed both with reason and passion inseparable linked together in his nature.
All things come from God and each has a specific purpose to fulfill in the all embracing plan of divine providence. Virtue means the constant harmonizing and ordering of all the activities of the human personality towards LOVE under the guiding inspiration of LOVE.
Moderate Aristotelianism
a. St. Thomas Aquinas b. St. Albert the Great
A Dominican Priest, known as the Angelic Doctor because of his deep faith and religiosity and his great mind. Followed the tradition set by Aristotle. Said to have baptized the pagan philosophy of Aristotle and transformed it into a philosophy that is compatible to the Christian faith. Famous works: Summa Theologica and Summa Contra Gentiles
Man though had possessed all the goods of this life such as money, fame, power, health, talents cannot make him perfectly happy. Man still longs for the infinite and eternal. Man is capable of transcending himself with the attainment of his supreme purpose and union with God; he is elevated to the rank of the divine, immortal and perfect. Aquinas said that neither man by his natural powers alone nor a higher being such as an angel can effectuate said elevation or transformation. Between the finite creature and the infinite creator an infinite gap can be bridged only by an infinite power.
He gains everlasting life with God, shares divine nature and life of the infinite and eternal God. Perfection and happiness can be found in God alone through TRANSCENDENCE. By constantly being good and doing good we become and eventually identify ourselves with the GOOD who is God himself. When we say that man becomes perfect, he becomes perfect by participation with the perfect. At death, the soul s intellection and will remain in the soul as it is immortal, simple and incorruptible. When he dies he does not really cease to exist he merely transcends his mortal bodily life, his limitations and imperfections in space and time.
Heterodox Aristotelianism
I. Siger of Brabant II. John Duns Scotus
II. Jesuits
Modern Philosophy
1450 to 1799 Period of Renaissance Period of Enlightenment
I. Rationalist II. Empiricists
I. II. III. IV. V. Hugo Grotius Nicholas Copernicus John Kepler Galileo Galelei Nicolo Machiaveli
I. II. III. IV. Ren Descartes Nicholas Malebranche Benedict Spinoza Willhelm Gottfried Leibniz
I. II. III. IV. V. Francis Bacon Thomas Hobbes John Locke George Berkely David Hume
I. II. III. IV. V. Francis Voltaire Jean-Jacques Rousseau Samuel Clarke John Adam Christian Wolff
German Idealism
Immanuel Kant
Metaphysical Idealism
Johann Fichte Friedrich Schelling George Hegel
Contemporary Philosophy
19th century to 20th century A. Dialectical Materialism
a. Ludwig Feuerbach b. Karl Marx c. Friedrich Engels
Auguste Comte
Charles Darwin
Jeremy Bentham John Stuart Mill
Arthur Schopenhauer Friedrich Nietszche
B. Phenomenology
a. b. c. d. Edmund Husserl Max Scheler Paul Ricoer Carl Rogers
I. Existentialist i. Soren Kierkegaard ii. John Henry Newman iii. Jean-Paul Sartre iv. Martin Heidegger v. Karl Jaspers vi. Maurice Merleau-Ponty vii. Gabriel Marcel viii. Albert Camus ix. Martin Buber x. Paul Tillich
II. Structuralism I. Claude Levi-Strauss III. Evolutionism I. Henri Bergson II. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin IV. Psychoanalysis I. Sigmund Freud II. Carl Jung III. Victor Frankl V. Neo-Thomism I. Etienne Gilson II. Jacques Maritain