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CYPTOGRAPHY- is the science of encrypting or decrypting
information to prevent unauthorized access. In cryptography, you
transform data and personal information to make sure only the
correct recipient can decrypt the message. As an essential
aspect of modern data security, using cryptography allows the
secure storage and transmission of data between parties.
The term is derived from the Greek word Kryptos, which means
Here are a few terminologies which will help you understand
what cryptography is, with better clarity.
1. Encryption-is the process of scrambling the information, to avoid third parties from comprehending the
message even if it is intercepted. This scrambling is done using specific mathematical calculations and
steps, often collectively known as ciphers. Along with cipher, it uses an encryption key to encrypt the
2. Decryption- is the process of reversing the work done by
encryption. It converts the scrambled information into its original form
so that the data is readable again. Usually, the encryption key which is
used to scramble the data can decrypt the data, but that varies
depending on the type of cryptography used. Irrespective of whether
or not they are the same, a key is mandatory for both the encryption
and decryption of data.
What are the Different Categories in Cryptography?
Symmetric key Cryptography
*Symmetric key cryptography is the category where the same key is used for both the encryption and decryption of information.
This type of encryption is used when data rests on servers and identifies personnel for payment applications and services. The potential
drawback with symmetric encryption is that both the sender and receiver need to have the key, and it should be secret at all times.
*Block Ciphers- The plaintext is broken down into blocks/chunks of data encrypted individually and later chained together.
The most widely used Symmetric key algorithms are AES(advanced encryption standard), DES(Data encryption standard),
3DES(triple DES),Twofish, etc.
Asymmetric Key Cryptography
In asymmetric key cryptography, there are two keys at play. A public key
and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt the data pre-transit,
and the private key is used to decrypt the data post-transit.
Hashing is the branch of cryptography that scrambles data beyond recognition. However, unlike symmetric and
asymmetric key cryptography, Hashing isn’t designed to be reversible. It gives an output of a fixed size, known as the
hash value of the original data.
You can use hash function to scramble the data. They are not reversible and the output size of a hash function is always
the same, irrespective of the size of the plaintext.
It is to be noted that cryptography isn’t entirely limited to the 21st century .There have been several occasions in history
where cryptography has helped create secure channels of communication.
.Caesar Cipher
.Enigma Machine
What is Cryptography explain with real life Example?
Individuals and organizations use cryptography on a daily basis to protect their privacy
and keep their conversations and data confidential. Cryptography ensures
confidentiality by encrypting sent messages using an algorithm with a key only known to
the sender and recipient.
Cryptography is the study of securing communications from outside
observers. Encryption algorithms take the original message or plaintext,
and converts it into ciphertext, which is not understandable. The key
allows the user to decrypt the message, thus ensuring on they can read
the message. The strength of the randomness of an encryption is also
studied, which makes it harder for anyone to guess the key or input of
the algorithm. Cryptography is how we can achieve more secure and
robust connections to elevate our privacy. Advancements in
cryptography makes it harder to break encryption so that encrypted
files, folders, or network connections are only accessible to authorized
History of Cryptography
Cryptography began with ciphers, the first of which was the Caesar cipher. Ciphers were a lot easier to
unravel compared to modern cryptographic algorithms, but they both used keys and plaintext. Though
simple, ciphers from the past were the earliest forms of encryption. Today’s algorithms and cryptosystems are
much more advanced. They use multiple rounds of ciphers and encrypting the ciphertext of messages to
ensure the most secure transit and storage of data. There are also methods of cryptography used now that
are irreversible, maintaining the security of the message forever.
The reason for more advanced cryptography methods is due to the need for data to be protected more and
more securely. Most of the ciphers and algorithms used in the early days of cryptography have been
deciphered, making them useless for data protection. Today’s algorithms can be deciphered, but it would
require years and sometimes decades to decipher the meaning of just one message. Thus, the race to create
newer and more advanced cryptography techniques continues.
Applications of Cryptography
Confidentiality- Cryptography allows users to store encrypted data, avoiding the major flaw of hacker
Non-repudiation- The creator/sender of information cannot later deny his intent to send information.
Authentication- Helps to authenticate the sender and receiver’s identities along with the destination and origin
of the information.
Integrity- Information cannot be altered during storage or in transit between the sender and the intended
receiver without any addition to the information being detected.