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Module 3.1 - Ideal - Gas

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Module 3.

Energy Analysis of Closed and open Systems,

The second law of Thermodynamic

Ideal Gas Law

Ideal Gas Law
P1 .V1 P2 .V2
 C
T1 .n1 T2 .n2
 R  constant
PV  nRT
Ideal gas Equation P = pressure in Pascal or N/m2
V = Volume in m3
T = Temperature in Kelvin 0K
n = no of moles.
In SI unit
PV 1.01325  10 5  22.41  10 3
Tn 273.15  1mole
R  8.314 J Mole  K
Ideal gas processes
Ideal gas processes
An ideal gas is one which obeys all the gas laws and the
characteristics gas equations, at all pressures and temperatures.
Examples: Air, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium etc.
Gas Laws
1. Boyle’s Law is stated that when a given quantity of gas changes
from one equilibrium state to another at constant
temperature, the volume of gas is inversely proportional to
2. Charles's Law is stated that when a given quantity of gas
changes from one equilibrium state to another at constant
pressure, the volume of gas is directly proportional to its
absolute temperature.
Ideal gas processes

Gas Laws
1. Boyle’s Law
At contant te mperature (T  const.)
P or PV  const .
or P1V1  P2V2  C

This equations represent rectangular hyperbola on PV

Hyperbolic process
Isothermal process
2. Charles's Law:
It represents straight line equation

At contant pressure (P  const.) V  T or

V V1 V2
 const . or  C
T T1 T2

from Boyle' s Law V 
from Charles' s Law V T
combining two laws
V  or  const
3. Avogadro's Law
  The volume and amount (moles) of the gas are directly
proportional if the  temperature  and pressure are constant.
At contant pressure and Temperatur e (P & T  const.)
V V1 V2
V  n or  const .  
n n1 n2
Boyle’s Law Charle’s Law Avogadro’s Law

Constant T , n Constant P , n Constant T , P

• Characteristics gas equation PV  mRT
N 3 J
 m  kg . K
m kg  K
P  RT or Pv  RT
• For an Ideal Gas V 1
where  v  specific volume 
m 
Internal energy change
U  mCv T or U 2  U1  mCv T2  T1 
Enthalpy change H  mCP T or H 2  H 1  mCP T2  T1 

Specific heat ratio C P CV  

Gas constant R  C P  Cv

C P  1.005 kJ kg K Cv  0.718 kJ kg K
R  0.287 kJ kg K   1.4
• A rigid vessel contains 20 kg of Oxygen (O2) at 150 kPa and 20 oC ( as shown in
Figure a) . More Oxygen is added to the vessel unit the pressure and temperature
rise to 250 kPa and 30 oC (as shown in Figure b), respectively. Determine the
amount of Oxygen added to the vessel. R = 0.2598 kJ/kgK for Oxygen (O2).
State ( a ) :

State ( b ) :
Constant pressure process by Charles's Law
• Apply ideal gas law from 1 to 2:
P1V1  mRT1 & P2V2  mRT2
V2 T
 2 as P1  P2  P
V1 T1
V2 V2
W1 2   pdV  p  dV  P  V
V1 V1
2  V1   P2V2  P1V1  mRT2  T1 

w1 2  R T2  T1   Area under curve, for unit mass

• Change in Internal Energy ΔU  U 2 -U 1  mCv T2  T1 
• Apply 1st law of thermodynamics:

Q1 2  W1 2  U

Q1- 2  P  V2  V1   U 2  U 1 
Q1- 2  P2V2  U 2   P1V1  U 1 
Q1- 2  H 2  H 1  m  C P T2  T1 

A gas whose pressure, volume and temperature are 275 kN/m 2, 0.09 m3 and 185C,
respectively, has its state changed at constant pressure until its temperature becomes
15C. How much heat is transferred from the gas , how much work is done on the gas
and internal energy during the process? Where R=0.287 kJ/kg K, Cv=0.718 kJ/kg K and
Cp=1.005 kJ/kg K.
Constant Temperature process by Boyle’s Law
• Apply ideal gas law from 1 to 2:
P1V1  mRT1 & P2V2  mRT2
P2 V
 1 or P2V2  P1V1
P1 V2
PV  C or P  as T1  T2  T
V2 V2
W12   PdV  V 1V dV  C  ln V 1  C ln V2  ln V1 


 V   V   V 
W12  C  ln 2   P1V1  ln 2   P2V2  ln 2 
 V1   V1   V1 
 V 
W12  mRT  ln 2   Area under curve,
 V1 
• Change in Internal Energy U  U 2 -U 1  mCv T2  T1   0

• Apply 1st law of thermodynamics: Q1 2  W1 2  U

 V2   V2 
Q1- 2  W1 2  P1V1  ln   P2V2  ln 
 V1   V1 
Example - 3

A quantity of gas occupies a volume of 0.4 m3 at a pressure of 100 kN/m2 and a

temperature of 20C. The gas is compressed isothermally to a pressure of 450 kN/m 2 .
a. The work ,heat transferred and internal energy during the compression
b. The mass of gas.
Cp=1.005 kJ/kg K
Cv=0.718 kJ/kg K
R= 0.287 kJ/kg K
Example - 3

For the isothermal compression, PV  P V 1 1 2 2

𝑃1 100 3
𝑉 2=𝑉 1 × = 0.4 × =0.089 𝑚
𝑃2 450
Now Q = U+W and for an isothermal process on a gas U = 0

This is heat rejected.

P1V1  mRT1 and T1  20  273 K  293 K

  𝑃1× 𝑉 1 3
100 ×10 × 0.4
𝑚= = =0.477 𝑘𝑔
𝑅 ×𝑇 1 0.287 ×103 ×293
Constant volume process
• Apply ideal gas law from 1 to 2:
P1V1  mRT1 & P2V2  mRT2

P2 T
 2 as V1  V2  V  C
P1 T1
dV  0
W1 2  
PdV  0 There is no Area under curve 1 - 2

• Change in Internal Energy U  U 2 -U 1  mCv T2  T1 

• Apply 1st law of thermodynamics:

Q1 2  W1 2  U w0

Q1-2  U  mCv T2  T1 

Example - 4

2 kg of gas, occupying 0.7 m3, has an original temperature of 15 C. It was then heated
at constant volume until its temperature became 135  C. How much heat was
transferred to the gas and what was its final pressure?

Cp=1.005 kJ/kg K

Cv=0.718 kJ/kg K

R= 0.287 kJ/kg K
Example - 4
• Polytropic process
• What is polytropic process P
– A general process without any restrictions.
– The law of the process is PV n  C  PV n  P V n
1 1 2 2
• Apply ideal gas law from 1 to 2: 2
P2V2 T2
P1V1  mRT1 & P2V2  mRT2 or 
P1V1 T1
V2 V2 V
W1 2   PdV   n dV  C  n dV  C  V  n dV
V1 V1
V V1
V V1
V 
 n 1
V21 n  V11 n  n V 1 n
 V 1 n

W1 2  C   C   P1V1 
2 1

  n  1 V 1  1  n   1  n 
P2V2n  V21 n  P1V1n  V11 n P2V2  P1V1 P1V1  P2V2
W1 2   
1 n 1 n n 1
mRT1  T2 
W1 2 
n 1
• Apply 1st law of thermodynamics:
Q1 2  W1 2  U
mRT1  T2  mRT2  T1 
Q1 2  
n 1  1
mRT2  T1  mRT1  T2 
Q1 2  
 1 n 1
mRT1  T2  mRT1  T2 
Q1 2  
n 1  1
mRT1  T2  1 1
Q1 2  [  ]
n 1  1
   n  mRT1  T2 
Q1 2    
  1  n  1
 n
Q1 2     W1 2
  1 
Example - 5

0.25 kg of air at a pressure of 140 kN/m2 occupies 0.15 m3 and from this condition it is
compressed to 1.4 MN/m2 according to the law PV1.25 = C .
• the change of internal energy of the air,
• the work done on or by the air,
• the heat received or rejected by the air.
Cp=1.005 kJ/kg K
Cv=0.718 kJ/kg K
R= 0.287 kJ/kg K
Example - 5
P1V1 = mRT1 T1 
P1V1 140 x 103 x 0.15
  292.7 K
mR 0.25 x 0.287 x 103
n 1 / n n 1 / n
T1 P P   1.4 x 106 
0.25 / 1.25

  1  T2  T1  2   292.7 x  
3 
T2  P2   P1   140 x 10 

= 292.7 x 1.585 = 463.9 K

• Change of internal energy=

This is positive and hence it is a gain of internal energy to the air.

•   The work done

This is negative and hence is done on the air

• Heat transfer , Q = 30.73 – 49.1 = - 18.37 kJ
  This is negative and hence heat is rejected by the air.
• Isentropic process
• What is isentropic process P
– A general process without any restrictions. 1
– The law of the process is
– Q=0 PV   C  P1V1  P2V2

• Apply ideal gas law from 1 to 2: V

P2V2 T2
P1V1  mRT1 & P2V2  mRT2 
P1V1 T1

• Just replace n by γ (gamma) from all questions

• To find the pressure, temperature and volume , use the equation below for
polytropic and Isentropic process ( Adiabatic process )
Example - 6

Air expands adiabatically from a pressure and volume of 700 k N/m 2 and 0.015 m3,
respectively, to a pressure of 140 kN/m2. Determine the final volume and work done
by the gas. What is the change of internal energy in this case?
Cp=1.005 kJ/kg K , Cv=0.718 kJ/kg K , R= 0.287 kJ/kg K
For an adiabatic expansion, 
 V2  P1 V2  P1 
1/ 

   or   
 V1  P2 V1  P2 
Example - 6

For an adiabatic process,

U = - W
Change of internal energy = -9.69kJ
This is a loss of internal energy from the gas.

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