Research Process
Research Process
Research Process
The strength of what you find largely rests on how it was found..
The main function of a research design is to explain how you will
find answers to your research questions. The research design sets
out the specific details of your enquiry. The research design
signifies study design,(whether your study is cross-sectional
study, before-after study), sampling strategy, measurement scale,
tools and techniques of data analysis.
For any investigation, the selection of an appropriate research
design is crucial in enabling you to arrive at valid findings,
comparisons and conclusions. A faulty design results in misleading
findings. Therefore you should select the design the is most suited
to your study. You must have strong reasons for selecting a
particular design, you must be able to justify your selection.
Data Collection
In this step, you need to decide how you are going to collect data for
your proposed study. . There are two sources of data collection:
primary sources and secondary sources.
Primary data is the first hand data. It is collected through primary
sources which includes observations, interviews, questionnaires etc.
Secondary data is second-hand data. It is collected from secondary
sources like journals, newspapers, books, magazines, internet,
published or unpublished research work.
If you are planning to collect data specifically for your study
(primary data) , you need either to construct a research instrument
or to select one that has already been constructed. Whatever
instrument you are using for the collection of data it should be valid
and reliable.
Data Analysis