Assignment model
The assignment problem refers to the class of
LP problems that involve determining the most
efficient assignment of resources to tasks
The objective is most often to minimize total
costs or total time to perform the tasks at hand
One important characteristic of assignment
problems is that only one job or worker can be
assigned to one machine or project
PERSON 1 2 3
Brown 8 10 11
Cooper 9 12 7
Table 10.26
1 2 3
Adams Brown Cooper 11 + 10 + 7 28
Adams Cooper Brown 11 + 12 + 11 34
Brown Adams Cooper 8 + 14 + 7 29
Brown Cooper Adams 8 + 12 + 6 26
Cooper Adams Brown 9 + 14 + 11 34
Cooper Brown Adams 9 + 10 + 6 25
Table 10.27
Set up cost table for problem Revise opportunity cost table
in two steps:
Step 1 (a) Subtract the smallest
number not covered by a line
from itself and every other
Find opportunity cost
uncovered number
(a) Subtract smallest number in
(b) add this number at every
each row from every number
intersection of any two lines
in that row, then
(b) subtract smallest number in
each column from every
number in that column Optimal solution at zero
locations. Systematically make
final assignments.
Step 2
(a) Check each row and
column for a unique zero and
Test opportunity cost table to make the first assignment in
see if optimal assignments are that row or column
possible by drawing the
minimum possible lines on (b) Eliminate that row and
columns and/or rows such that Optimal column and search for another
all zeros are covered unique zero. Make that
assignment and proceed in a
like manner.
Figure 10.3
© 2009 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 10 – 8
The Hungarian Method
(Flood’s Technique)
Step 1: Find the opportunity cost table
We can compute row opportunity costs and
column opportunity costs
What we need is the total opportunity cost
We derive this by taking the row opportunity
costs and subtract the smallest number in that
column from each number in that column
PERSON 1 2 3 PERSON 1 2 3
Brown 8 10 11 Brown 0 2 3
Cooper 9 12 7 Cooper 2 5 0
Adams $5 $8 $0 Adams $5 $6 $0
Brown 0 2 3 Brown 0 0 3
Cooper 2 5 0 Cooper 2 3 0
PERSON 1 2 3
Adams $5 $6 $0
Cooper 2 3 0
Adams $3 $4 $0
Brown 0 0 5
Cooper 0 1 0
Table 10.32
Adams $3 $4 $0
Cooper 0 1 0
Adams to project 3 6
Brown to project 2 10
Cooper to project 1 9
Total cost 25
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Table 10.34