Greyhound Operations

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a.To maintain over-all security inside the jail facility
during the conduct of greyhound operations.
b.To secure the safety of the greyhound team
c.To avoid escape and other incidents that may arise
during said activity.
a.Two (2) on-duty personnel will instruct “fall-in” at the basketball
court of Cuerna and under the pretext of accounting inmates
without telegraphing the real purpose – that is, to conduct
greyhound operation. The Pangkat Area shall be keep padlocked to
avoid “mixing” of inmates /confusion during headcount.
b.(Team 18) shall be responsible in escorting inmates to court
hearing for the pre-arranged date of Greyhound operation.
c. At the instant, all inmates shall have fallen-in, duty sentinel at tower
2 will immediately alert the security team through handheld radio.

(Team 17) Shall be responsible in establishing a Media

Center, a specific place for Media practitioners where
press release and briefing are made and all other
queries are answered.

(Team 3) shall position

themselves on designated
tower post with maximum
visibility of the greyhound
team and inmates.
Extraction Teams

 Extracting individual with

concealed weapons.
 Extracting an

which is in an imminent
danger or emergency

d. Security team (Teams 2 & 7) will proceed to the Basketball

Area and strategically position themselves around the inmates,
never allowing anybody from breaking from formation, much
more returning to their respective dorms.
 e. Inmates will be instructed to remove their upper garments by
(Team 2 & 7) while being frisked individually by members of the
support group (Team 12) to ensure that they do not concealed
any weapons/contrabands. (Team 8) Extraction Team will ensure
the security of (Team 12)

f. (Teams 5) shall secure the Pangkat Area, as additional

security measures. OPLAN Greyhound will be in effect
(Teams 9, 10 & 11). (Team 6) shall be responsible in the
safety and security of the Greyhound team.
h. At least two (2) Cell leader or representative shall remain
with the greyhound team.
i. Support group (Team 15) shall document the process and all
contraband confiscated thru video and photographs, while
(Team 14) will record all contraband recovered.

j. (Team 13) shall sort and has the sole authority in the custody of
the confiscated items. Shall prepare the necessary documents
submitted to higher office.
k. A “continuous sound of the whistle” by the respective team
leaders will be the “conclusion” of the greyhound operation, the
greyhound team shall pull-out of the area and all contraband
confiscated shall be turned-over to the Investigation and Intelligence
Office (Team 13). (Team 6) shall be responsible in the accounting of
all the members of the Greyhound team and securing that the place
of operation is “cleared off” of all personnel.

l. Upon the advised of the Ground Commander that the conduct

of operation is already finished, .(Team 4) shall immediately
conduct headcount of inmates assisted by Teams 2, 5 & 7. After
the headcount, (Team 4) shall instruct the inmates at the
Basketball Area to return to their respective dorms in a single file.
Team 2, 5 & 7 shall secure the inmates in their travel back to
their cells.
m. Returned inmates shall have their dorms padlocked pending
instructions from the city jail warden.

a.(Team 18) shall be

responsible in
escorting inmates to
court hearing for the
pre-arranged date of
Greyhound operation.
Two (2) on-duty personnel will
instruct “fall-in” at the
basketball court of selected
dorms and under the pretext
of accounting inmates without
telegraphing the real purpose
– that is, to conduct
greyhound operation.
At the instant, all inmates shall
have fallen-in, duty sentinel at
tower 2 will immediately alert
the security team through
handheld radio.
Security team (Teams 2 & 7) will
proceed to the Basketball Area and
strategically position themselves
around the inmates, never allowing
anybody from breaking from
formation, much more returning to
their respective dorms.

Inmates will be instructed to

remove their upper garments by
(Team 2 & 7) while being
frisked individually by members
of the support group (Team 12)
to ensure that they do not
concealed any
weapons/contrabands. (Team
8) Extraction Team will ensure
the security of (Team 12).
(Team 5) shall secure the
Pangkat Area, as additional
security measures.
OPLAN Greyhound will be in
effect (Teams 9, 10 & 11).
(Team 6) shall be responsible
in the safety and security of the
Greyhound team.
At least two (2) Cell leader or
representative shall remain
with the greyhound team.
Support group (Team 15)
shall document the process
and all contraband
confiscated thru video and
photographs, while
(Team 14) will record all
contraband recovered
j. (Team 13) shall sort and
has the sole authority in
the custody of the
confiscated items. Shall
prepare the necessary
documents submitted to
higher office.
A “continuous sound of the whistle” by
the respective team leaders will be the
“conclusion/end” of the greyhound
operation, the greyhound team shall pull-
out of the area and all contraband
confiscated shall be turned-over to the
Investigation and Intelligence office. (Team
6) shall be responsible in the accounting of
all the members of the Greyhound team
and securing that the place of operation is
“cleared off” of all personnel.
Upon the advised of the Ground
Commander that the conduct of OPLAN GREYHOUND
operation is already finished,
(Team 4) shall immediately
conduct headcount of inmates
assisted by Teams 2, 5 & 7.
After the headcount, (Team 4)
shall instruct the inmates at the
Basketball Area to return to their
respective dorms in a single file.
Team 2, 5 & 7 shall secure the
inmates in their travel back to their
Medical Teams
 A stand-by medical team or first-aid
station shall be posted with a clear and
visible signage, “FIRST-AID”. Detailed at
the area of operation to conduct physical
and immediate medical
treatment/examination to the public.

m. Returned inmates shall have their dorms

padlocked pending instructions from the City
Jail Warden.

God Bless Us All
Thank you

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