6CS4-02 ML PPT Unit-3

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Machine Learning


S. No. Title of Book Authors Publisher

Reference Books
T1 Pattern Recognition and Christopher M. Bishop Springer
Machine Learning

T2 Introduction to Machine Ethem Alpaydın MIT Press

Learning (Adaptive
Computation and
Machine Learning),
Text Books

R1 Machine Learning Mitchell. T, McGraw



1. Feature Extraction
1.Principal component analysis
2.Singular value decomposition.
2. Feature selection
to Statistical
3. Feature ranking
1.Subset selection,
4.Embedded methods,
4. Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms
5. Model Selection.


Dimensionality Reduction
Reducing the dimension of the feature space is called “dimensionality reduction.”
There are many ways to achieve dimensionality reduction, but most of these
techniques fall into one of two classes:
 Feature Selection
 Feature Extraction

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is a process of dimensionality
reduction by which an initial set of raw data is reduced to
more manageable groups for processing. A characteristic
of these large data sets is a large number of variables that
require a lot of computing resources to process.

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Principal Component Analysis

An important machine learning method for dimensionality reduction is
called Principal Component Analysis. It is a method that uses simple
matrix operations from linear algebra and statistics to calculate a
projection of the original data into the same number or fewer dimensions.
When should I use PCA?

1. Do you want to reduce the number of variables, but aren’t able to identify variables
to completely remove from consideration?
2. Do you want to ensure your variables are independent of one another?
3. Are you comfortable making your independent variables less interpretable?
If you answered “yes” to all three questions, then PCA is a good method to use. If you
answered “no” to question 3, you should not use PCA.
By projecting our data into a smaller space, we’re reducing the dimensionality of our feature
space… but because we’ve transformed our data in these different “directions,” we’ve made
sure to keep all original variables in our model!

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Principal Component Analysis

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Properties of Principal Component

Technically, a principal component can be defined as a linear combination of optimally-
weighted observed variables. The output of PCA are these principal components, the
number of which is less than or equal to the number of original variables. Less, in case
when we wish to discard or reduce the dimensions in our dataset. The PCs possess some
useful properties which are listed below:
1. The PCs are essentially the linear combinations of the original variables, the weights
vector in this combination is actually the eigenvector found which in turn satisfies
the principle of least squares.
2. The PCs are orthogonal, as already discussed.
3. The variation present in the PCs decrease as we move from the 1st PC to the last
one, hence the importance.
The least important PCs are also sometimes useful in regression, outlier detection, etc.

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Properties of Principal Component

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Principal Component Analysis

Implementing PCA on a 2-D Dataset
Step 1: Normalize the data 
First step is to normalize the data that we have so that PCA works properly. This is done by
subtracting the respective means from the numbers in the respective column. So if we have
two dimensions X and Y, all X become 𝔁- and all Y become 𝒚-. This produces a dataset
whose mean is zero.
Step 2: Calculate the covariance matrix 
Since the dataset we took is 2-dimensional, this will result in a 2x2 Covariance matrix.

“The mean value of the product of the deviations of two variates from their
respective means.”

Please note that Var[X1] = Cov[X1,X1] and Var[X2] = Cov[X2,X2]. 10

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Principal Component Analysis

Step 3: Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 

Next step is to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the covariance matrix. The
same is possible because it is a square matrix. ƛ is an eigenvalue for a matrix A if it is a
solution of the characteristic equation:
det( ƛI - A ) = 0
Where, I is the identity matrix of the same dimension as A which is a required condition for
the matrix subtraction as well in this case and ‘det’ is the determinant of the matrix. For
each eigenvalue ƛ, a corresponding eigen-vector v, can be found by solving:
( ƛI - A )v = 0

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Principal Component Analysis

Step 4: Choosing components and forming a feature vector: 

We order the eigenvalues from largest to smallest so that it gives us the components in
order or significance. Here comes the dimensionality reduction part. If we have a dataset
with n variables, then we have the corresponding n eigenvalues and eigenvectors. It turns
out that the eigenvector corresponding to the highest eigenvalue is the principal component
of the dataset and it is our call as to how many eigenvalues we choose to proceed our
analysis with. To reduce the dimensions, we choose the first p eigenvalues and ignore the
rest. We do lose out some information in the process, but if the eigenvalues are small, we
do not lose much.
Next we form a feature vector which is a matrix of vectors, in our case, the eigenvectors. In
fact, only those eigenvectors which we want to proceed with. Since we just have 2
dimensions in the running example, we can either choose the one corresponding to the
greater eigenvalue or simply take both.
 Feature Vector = (eig1, eig2)

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Principal Component Analysis

Step 5: Forming Principal Components: 

This is the final step where we actually form the principal components using all the math
we did till here. For the same, we take the transpose of the feature vector and left-multiply
it with the transpose of scaled version of original dataset.
NewData = FeatureVectorT x ScaledDataT
NewData is the Matrix consisting of the principal components,
FeatureVector is the matrix we formed using the eigenvectors we chose to keep, and
ScaledData is the scaled version of original dataset
(‘T’ in the superscript denotes transpose of a matrix which is formed by interchanging the
rows to columns and vice versa. In particular, a 2x3 matrix has a transpose of size 3x2)

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Principal Component Analysis

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Principal Component Analysis

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Principal Component Analysis

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem




Feature Selection

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

• Why we need FS:
1. to improve performance (in terms of speed,
predictive power, simplicity of the model).
2. to visualize the data for model selection.
3. To reduce dimensionality and remove noise.

• Feature Selection is a process that chooses an

optimal subset of features according to a
certain criterion.
• Reasons for performing FS may include:
– removing irrelevant data.
– increasing predictive accuracy of learned models.
– reducing the cost of the data.
– improving learning efficiency, such as reducing
storage requirements and computational cost.
– reducing the complexity of the resulting model
description, improving the understanding of the
data and the model.

1. searching for the best subset of features.

2. criteria for evaluating different subsets.

3. principle for selecting, adding, removing or

changing new features during the search.

Search of a Subset of Features
• FS can be considered as a search problem, where
each state of the search space corresponds to a
concrete subset of features selected.
• The selection can be represented as a binary
array, with each element corresponding to the
value 1, if the feature is currently selected by the
algorithm and 0, if it does not occur.
• There should be a total of 2M subsets where M is
the number of features of a data set.
Search of a Subset of Features


Search of a Subset of Features
• Search Directions:
– Sequential Forward Generation (SFG): It starts with an empty set of features
S. As the search starts, features are added into S according to some criterion
that distinguish the best feature from the others. S grows until it reaches a
full set of original features. The stopping criteria can be a threshold for the
number of relevant features m or simply the generation of all possible
subsets in brute force mode.

– Sequential Backward Generation (SBG): It starts with a full set of features

and,iteratively, they are removed one at a time. Here, the criterion must
point out the worst or least important feature. By the end, the subset is only
composed of a unique feature, which is considered to be the most
informative of the whole set. As in the previous case, different stopping
criteria can be used.

Search of a Subset of Features
• Search Directions:
– Bidirectional Generation (BG): Begins the search in both directions,
performing SFG and SBG concurrently. They stop in two cases: (1)
when one search finds the best subset comprised of m features before
it reaches the exact middle, or (2) both searches achieve the middle of
the search space. It takes advantage of both SFG and SBG.

– Random Generation (RG): It starts the search in a random direction.

The choice of adding or removing a features is a random decision.
RGtries to avoid the stagnation into a local optima by not following a
fixed way for subset generation. Unlike SFG or SBG, the size of the
subset of features cannot be stipulated.

Selection Criteria
– Information Measures.
• Information serves to measure the uncertainty of the
receiver when she/he receives a message.
• Shannon’s Entropy:

• Information gain:

Selection Criteria
– Dependence Measures.
• known as measures of association or correlation.
• Its main goal is to quantify how strongly two variables
are correlated or present some association with each
other, in such way that knowing the value of one of
them, we can derive the value for the other.
• Pearson correlation coefficient:

Selection Criteria
– Consistency Measures.
• They attempt to find a minimum number of features that
separate classes as the full set of features can.

• They aim to achieve P(C|FullSet) = P(C|SubSet).

• An inconsistency is defined as the case of two examples with

the same inputs (same feature values) but with different
output feature values (classes in classification).

• Filters:

• Filters:
– measuring uncertainty, distances, dependence or
consistency is usually cheaper than measuring the
accuracy of a learning process. Thus, filter methods are
usually faster.
– it does not rely on a particular learning bias, in such a way
that the selected features can be used to learn different
models from different DM techniques.
– it can handle larger sized data, due to the simplicity and
low time complexity of the evaluation measures.

• Wrappers:

• Wrappers:
– can achieve the purpose of improving the particular
learner’s predictive performance.
– usage of internal statistical validation to control the
overfitting, ensembles of learners and
hybridizations with heuristic learning like Bayesian
classifiers or Decision Tree induction.
– filter models cannot allow a learning algorithm to
fully exploit its bias, whereas wrapper methods do.

• Embedded FS:
– similar to the wrapper approach in the sense that
the features are specifically selected for a certain
learning algorithm, but in this approach, the
features are selected during the learning process.
– they could take advantage of the available data by
not requiring to split the training data into a
training and validation set; they could achieve a
faster solution by avoiding the re-training of a
predictor for each feature subset explored.

• Filters: for a much faster alternative, filters do not test any particular
algorithm, but rank the original features according to their
relationship with the problem (labels) and just select the top of
them. Correlation and mutual information are the most widespread
criteria. There are many easy to use tools, like the feature selection
sklearn package.

• Wrappers: a wrapper evaluates a specific model sequentially using

different potential subsets of features to get the subset that best works
in the end. They are highly costly and have a high chance of
overfitting, but also a high chance of success, on the other hand.

• Embedded: this group is made up of all the Machine Learning

techniques that include feature selection during their training stage.
LASSO is an example.

Output of Feature Selection
• Feature Ranking Techniques:
– we expect as the output a ranked list of features
which are ordered according to evaluation
– they return the relevance of the features.
– For performing actual FS, the simplest way is to
choose the first m features for the task at hand,
whenever we know the most appropriate m value.

Output of Feature Selection
• Minimum Subset Techniques:
– The number of relevant features is a parameter
that is often not known by the practitioner.
– There must be a second category of techniques
focused on obtaining the minimum possible
subset without ordering the features.
– whatever is relevant within the subset, is
otherwise irrelevant.

• Goals:
– Inferability: For predictive tasks, considered as an
improvement of the prediction of unseen examples with
respect to the direct usage of the raw training data.
– Interpretability: Given the incomprehension of raw data
by humans, DM is also used for generating more
understandable structure representation that can explain
the behavior of the data.
– Data Reduction: It is better and simpler to handle data
with lower dimensions in terms of efficiency and

• We can derive three assessment measures
from these three goals:
– Accuracy

– Complexity

– Number of Features Selected

– Speed of the FS method

• The resulted subsets of many models of FS are strongly dependent
on the training set size.
• It is not true that a large dimensionality input can always be
reduced to a small subset of features because the objective
feature is actually related with many input features and the
removal of any of them will seriously effect the learning
• A backward removal strategy is very slow when working with
large-scale data sets. This is because in the firsts stages of the
algorithm, it has to make decisions funded on huge quantities of
• In some cases, the FS outcome will still be left with a relatively
large number of relevant features which even inhibit the use of
complex learning methods. 41
Using Decision Trees for FS
• Decision trees can be used to implement a
trade-off between the performance of the
selected features and the computation time
which is required to find a subset.

• Decision tree inducers can be considered as

anytime algorithms for FS, due to the fact that
they gradually improve the performance and
can be stopped at any time, providing sub-
optimal feature subsets. 42
Difference between feature extraction/selection

• Extraction: Getting useful features from existing data.

• Selection: Choosing a subset of the original pool of features.

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

Machine learning
Features & Target
Target (Y) is what we’re trying to predict. Features (X) are factors we think will
help us in predicting this target.
This is the manifestation of our estimate of the true (f) relationship between the
features and the target.
Learning algorithm

Loss/Objective function

Parameter & Hyperparameters

Bias & Variance

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

Overfitting: Good performance on the training data, poor generliazation to other data.
Underfitting: Poor performance on the training data and poor generalization to other data.

Bias & Variance:

What is bias?
Bias is the difference between the average prediction of our model and the correct value which we
are trying to predict. Model with high bias pays very little attention to the training data and
oversimplifies the model. It always leads to high error on training and test data.
What is variance?
Variance is the variability of model prediction for a given data point or a value which tells us spread of
our data. Model with high variance pays a lot of attention to training data and does not generalize on
the data which it hasn’t seen before. As a result, such models perform very well on training data but
has high error rates on test data.

High bias implies our estimate based on the observed data is not close to the true parameter. (aka
High variance implies our estimates are sensitive to sampling. They’ll vary a lot if we compute them
with a different sample of data (aka overfitting).

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Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

Bias and variance using bulls-eye diagram

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Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

Validation strategies can be broadly divided into 2 categories: Holdout validation and cross

Holdout validation
Within holdout validation we have 2 choices: Single holdout and repeated holdout.
a) Single Holdout
The basic idea is to split our data into a training set and a holdout test set. Train the model on the
training set and then evaluate model performance on the test set. We take only a single holdout—
hence the name. Let’s walk through the steps:

AIET, JaipurMachine Leaning CS-VI Sem

Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

b) Repeated holdout (Monte Carlo cross validation)
One way to obtain a more robust performance estimate that’s less variant to how we split the data is to repeat the
holdout method k times with different random seeds. The estimate of predictive power of the model will be the
average performance over these k repetitions. In case of accuracy as a proxy for predictive power:
In repeated holdout, we can test our model on a higher number of samples compared to single holdout. This
reduces the variance of the final estimate.

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Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.

k-fold cross validation

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Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection.





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