13 Portfolio Performance Evaluation
13 Portfolio Performance Evaluation
13 Portfolio Performance Evaluation
Portfolio Performance Evaluation
Risk Adjusted Return
Asset managers are targeted on return and risk
So simply comparing asset returns does not lead
to meaningful evaluation
Returns must be adjusted for relevant risk
Risk adjusted return must be compared to
benchmark (i.e., index) risk adjusted return to
evaluate performance
Risk adjusted returns must be ranked to
compare assets
Methods of Risk Adjustment
Market Risk (SML) Based
Used when asset is being evaluated as addition
to a well-diversified portfolio
Includes Jensen’s Alpha and Treynor Ratio
Total Risk (CML) Based
Used when asset is being evaluated as stand-
alone investment
Includes Sharpe Ratio and M2 (Modigliani and
Modigliani) Measure
Jensen’s Alpha
M2 = rP* - rM
Total Risk Based Measures
Both always give same relative performance
versus benchmark as well as ranking
Because both are slopes on the same chart
Ranking will also be same because Sharpe
Ratio is integral to M2
rP rf
ri rf M rf Sharpe Ratio P M
Return Beta SD
Riskless 2.23%
Index 4.88% 1.00 18.0%
Portfolio A 3.93% 1.13 12.0%
Portfolio B 4.86% 1.50 31.0%
Solution (a)
Jensen' s Alpha :
Index : 4.88% [2.23% 1.00(4.88% 2.23%)] 0.00% (Rank 1)
Portfolio A : 3.93% [2.23% 1.13( 4.88% 2.23%)] 1.29% (Rank 2)
Portfolio B : 4.86% [2.23% 1.50(4.88% 2.23%)] 1.35% (Rank 3)
Treynor Ratio :
4.88% 2.23%
Index : 0.027 (Rank 1)
3.93% 2.23%
Portfolio A : 0.015 (Rank 3)
4.86% 2.23%
Portfolio B : 0.018 (Rank 2)
Conclusion : Both measures indicate that both portfolios underperformed the
index on a market risk adjusted basis but they are ranked differently
Solution (b)
Sharpe Ratio :
4.88% 2.23%
Index : 0.147 (Rank 1)
3.93% 2.23%
Portfoio A : 0.142 (Rank 2)
4.86% 2.23%
Portfolio B : 0.085 (Rank 3)
M2 :
4.88% 2.23%
Index : 2.23% 18% 4.88% 0.00% (Rank 1)
3.93% 2.23%
Portfoio A : 2.23% 18% 4.88% 0.10% (Rank 2)
4.86% 2.23%
Portfolio B : 2.23% 18% 4.88% 1.12% (Rank 3)
Conclusion : Both measures indicate that both portfolios underperformed the
index on a total risk adjusted basis and they are also ranked the same.
Performance Attribution
Pinpoints which decisions resulted in
Return difference between a managed
portfolio and benchmark is the sum of
contributions made at various levels
Attribution decomposes returns as due to
Asset class allocation choice decision
Security selection within each asset class
Following is performance of a fund manager versus his
benchmark in a recent month.
Asset Manager Manager Benchmark Benchmark
Class Weight Return Weight Return
Equity 0.70 2.0% 0.60 2.5%
Bonds 0.20 1.0% 0.30 1.2%
Cash 0.10 0.5% 0.10 0.5%