Quiz - 2. Methods of Philosophizing

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Methods of Philosophizing
Determine the fallacy
-AH for Argumentum ad
Hominem -PH for Post Hoc Ergo
-AB for Argumentum ad Propter Hoc
Baculum -HG for Hasty
-AP for Argumentum ad Generalization
Populum -RH for Red Herring
-AM for Argumentum ad -SS for Slippery Slope
Misericordiam -FD for False Dilemma
-AV for Argumentum ad -TQ for Tu Quoquoe
verecundiam -AI for Argumentum ad
-PP for Petitio Principii Ignorantiam
You are given 30
seconds to answer
each question

1. "You know, Professor Smith, I really need to get

95 in this class. I'd like to stop by during your office
hours later to discuss my grade. I'll be in your
building anyway, visiting my father. He's your
principal, by the way. I'll see you later.“

2. Jill: "He'd be a terrible coach for the

Bill: "He had his heart set on the job, and it
would break if he didn't get it."
Jill: "I guess he'll do an adequate job."

3. I had been doing pretty poorly this season. Then

my girlfriend gave me this neon laces for my spikes
and I won my next three races. Those laces must be
good luck...if I keep on wearing them I can't help
but win!

4. My opponent claims that a federally sponsored health

care program will solve the health care crisis in this
country. But my opponent is an East-coast liberal without
a moral spine. So, my opponent is wrong: a federally
sponsored health care program will not solve the health
care crisis in this country.

5. Since the students have no

questions concerning the topics
discussed in class, the students are
ready for a test.

6. People have been praying to God

for years. No one can prove He
doesn't exist. Therefore, He exists.

7. If we don't adopt that puppy today, they

might put him down. Do you want to be
responsible for that?

8. I have a right to free speech so I can say

what I want and you shouldn’t try to stop

9. All my friends are doing a low carb

diet. That must be the only way to
lose weight.

10. Mary wore her favorite

necklace today and aced her
spelling test. That necklace must
be lucky.

11. Global warming doesn’t exist

because the earth is not getting

12. Every time my brother Bill uses

hairspray, it is an extremely hot day.

13. In order to really look at the

problem of global warming, we must
first consider how the homeless suffer
when it is cold.

14. You can either stay at

your current job or quit and
live in poverty.

15. Either we go to war

or we appear weak.

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