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Legal Offensive Against

Threat to National Security

Lesson Goal
This lesson intends to inculcate to the
participants the legal offensive against the
threat to national security groups.
Lesson Objective
• Define the different terms on Legal
Offensive .
• Discuss the LOI PNP Office for legal
offensive .
• Discuss the LOI 55/19 (PNP Committee
On Legal Action) .
Lesson Objective
• Discuss the concept of operation: “
Winning the fight against TNSGs through
Legal Offensive”.
• Discuss the concern offices/units the
implementation of the Legal Offensive.
Definition of Terms
Legal Offensive
• Case Build-Up Activities
• Evidence Gathering
• Prosecution of Cases in Trial Court,
Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, and
other appropriate tribunal
Offense (Legal Dictionary)
• A breach of law; a crime.
• An offense may consist of a felony or
a misdemeanor.
• Indicates a violation of public rights as
opposed to private ones
Offense (Legal Dictionary)
 Are danger to the components of
national security.
 May came from within or without the
nation state.
Offense (Legal Dictionary)
 Political, economic, military, psycho-
social, techno-scientific or geo-
ecological in nature.
Purpose of LOI PNP Office
for Legal Offensive
Purpose of LOI PNP Office for Legal
• Sets forth the organization and
activation of the PNP Committee on
Legal Action (COLA).
Purpose of LOI PNP Office for Legal
• To ensure the strengthening and
effective orchestration of the legal
action efforts.
Purpose of LOI PNP Office for Legal
• To enhance the coordination with the
other government agencies
specifically on cases involving leaders
and other personalities involved in the
threats to national security groups.
The LOI 55/19 PNP Committee
on Legal Action
The impact of an effective and
determine Legal Action effort to disrupt
the activities of the various threat to
national security groups (TNSG) is well
understood and documented in the PNP
collective experience.
With the armed actions to contain the
coercive force of these threat groups
gaining traction on the ground, there is a
need to fine-tune the PNP’s legal
offensive actions in support of these
It is in this light that the PNP intends
to vigorously advance its efforts to file
cases against leaders and personalities
involved in groups considered threats to
national security.
These efforts shall include case
build-up, investigation, prosecution, filing
of charges in court, and profiling, to
ensure success in this part of the
strategy to maintain peace and order,
and to enforce the law.
Concept of Operations “Winning The
Fight Against TNSGS Through Legal
• The DCO shall chair and manage the
PNP Committee on Legal Action
• The ODCO Senior Executive Assistant
(ODCO-SEA) shall spearhead the
(cont.) with other concerned
government agencies to be assisted
by the PPNPLS-legal Officer who shall
act as the Head, Case Secretariat.
• The DIDM shall be the Vice Chairman
of the PNP Committee on Legal Action
• Other QUAD staff and their functional
groups shall be the members of this
PNP Committee on Legal Action.
• The COLA shall be organized from the
NHQ level to the PRO levels.
• For cases filed at the Municipal Police
levels, the supervision and control
shall be within the ambit of the
Regional Director of the PRO, without
prejudice to the NHQ COLA taking
cognizance of such cases as it deems
• The expected output and the
benchmark of success of this office
shall be gauged on the volume and
strength of the cases filed against the
threats to national security groups
Concern Office/Units the Implementation
of the Legal Offensive
• Act as the chairman of the PNP
Committee On Legal Action (COLA)
and over-all supervisor of all COLA
groups nationwide.
• The Designate ODCO-SEA who shall
be responsible for coordinating with the
other concerned government agencies
and PNP LS – Legal Officer who shall
act as the head, Case Secretariat.
• Provide guidance on case build-up,
investigation and other activities
performing to the successful filing of
cases against such threat groups to
national security.
• Render periodic reports and case
updates to the chief, PNP.
• Perform other tasks as directed by
Chief, PNP and higher authorities.
• Act as the Vice-chairman of the PNP
Committee on Legal Action (COLA).
• Designate the Chief, CMD to provide
assistance in the monitoring of cases
under investigation and presently filed
in Court.
• Maintain the database of criminal
cases and WOAs involving threat
groups to national security.
• Supervise and monitor the investigation
undertaken by CIDG and Crime
Laboratory nationwide.
• Supervise the implementation on
manhunt against those personalities
with warrant of arrest (WOA).
• Coordinate and implement a
training/orientation program with the AFP
purpose on imparting basic skills to AFP
personnel on crime scene preservation
and first responder’s course training.
• Submit periodic reports to the COLA
• Perform other task as directed.
• Supervise the intelligence network and
gathering of information with evidentiary
value regarding the modus operandi
including the financial transaction and
areas of operation of each and every
armed and legal units/groups.
• Conduct documentary exploitation and
personality profiling of the known
leaders/members ad affiliates of the
threat groups to national security.
• Supervise and monitor the intelligence
operations undertaken by IG nationwide.
• Maintain an updated national OB,
wanted and reward list of the
leaders/members of the different threat
• Submit periodic reports to the COLA
• Perform other task as directed.
• Allocate funds for the establishing of
PNP Committee On Legal Action
• Perform other task as directed.
• Supervise the information dissemination
to the general public on the actual
account of the atrocities committed by
threat groups to national security.
• Coordinate with Tri media on the
publication of information to expose the
atrocities committed by the threat
• Supervise and monitor the activities of
the PROs in strengthening the Barangay
networking for intelligence gathering
manhunt operation and under LOI
• Submit report to the COLA chairman.
• Perform other task as directed.
• Issue appropriate order to NHQ
personnel to be members of the COLA.

Issue appropriate orders activating the

Legal Action Management Unit (LAMU)
under the office of the DCO with the
following function:
• To serve as the Secretariat of the PNP-
COLA which shall handle the
administrative and operational activities
as well as the technical requirements of
the committee.
• To formulate plans and programs in
furtherance of the mission and purpose
of this LOI.
• To supervise, direct, and monitor the
implementation of approved policies,
plans and programs.
• To undertake the liaison work and
coordinate of activities with appropriate
government agencies and provide for
forum of dialogue and deliberation of
relevant issues ad concerns.
• To perform other task as directed by
TDCO/ COLA chairman.
Regional Directors PROs
• Designate the DRDO to be the Regional
COLA who shall responsible for the
organization and operation of the said
Regional Directors PROs
• Supervise the filing of cases against
leaders and other personalities of
national security threat groups.
• Maintain the date base of cases filed
against such groups.
Regional Directors PROs
• Submit periodic reports to chairman,
COLA regarding of activities and
accomplishments with regards to this
Regional Directors PROs
• Strengthening the Barangay network for
intelligence and manhunt operations.
• Perform other task as directed.
Director, CIDG
• Designate personnel in-charge of
investigation in accordance with the
mandate of this LOI.
• Provide technical support in forensic
cybercrime analysis to resolve financial
crime transactions and negotiations.
Director, CIDG
• File appropriate charges before courts of
proper jurisdiction.
• Assist the PROs or any of its
subordinates units in the filing of cases
against threat groups.
Director, CIDG
• Implement WOA against wanted
members of groups considered as
threats to nationals’ security.
• Coordinate with prosecutors and courts
when needed.
Director, CIDG
• Render periodic reports on the status of
cases filed before the court.
• Perform other tasks as directed.
Director, IG
• Conduct intelligence operation on the
modus and area of interest of the
various personalities and members of
threat groups to national security.
Director, IG
• Secure witnesses and complainants.
• Assist the CIDG and other investigation
groups for the implementation of WOA.
• Coordinate with other intelligence
groups, as necessary.
• Perform other tasks as directed.
Director, CLG
• Provide technical assistance in evidence
preservation and examination.
• Conduct SOCO when possible.
• Perform other tasks as directed.
Director, LS
• Provide legal assistance in evidence
evaluation and preparation of legal
• Designate a Legal officer who shall act
as Head, Case Secretariat.
• Perform other task as directed.
At the end of the lesson, the Trainees were
able to:
• Define the different terms on Legal
Offensive .
• Discuss the LOI PNP Office for legal
offensive .
• Discuss the LOI 55/19 (PNP Committee
On Legal Action) .
• Discuss the concept of operation: “
Winning the fight against TNSGs through
Legal Offensive”.
• Discuss the concern offices/units in the
implementation of the Legal Offensive.
End of Presentation

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