Understanding Culture, Society and Politics - Concept, Characteristics, and Forms of Stratification Systems
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics - Concept, Characteristics, and Forms of Stratification Systems
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics - Concept, Characteristics, and Forms of Stratification Systems
And then there’s the upper income class in between the middle
class and the rich.
Write a short paragraph of your insights and reflection of Arrange the following jumbled letters into words. Explain
the topic/lesson. Each Word.
1. ationtificStra
2. weLor lasCs
3. ppeUr lascs
4. dleMid scsla
5. quaIlityne
Group 3 Group 4
*List as many social Based on the lesson, create a diagram which
problems that you can shows the hierarchy of social classes that exist
relate in the picture. in the Philippines.
*Based on the picture,
is there a system of
hierarchy that exist in
our society?
Directions: Choose from the given options which are best described in
each of the items. Write only the letter which corresponds to the correct