History of Flight
History of Flight
History of Flight
• People flew for the first time in
• Two French brothers (Joseph-
Michel and Jacques-Etienne
Montgolfier) built the first hot
air balloon out of cloth and
• They lit a fire under the
balloon. Hot air is lighter than
cold air so it lifted the balloon
off the ground.
• The first people to try a hot air
balloon ride flew over Paris for
25 minutes.
Airships 1852
• Wilbur and Orville Wright
made kites and gliders.
• They went to the seaside,
where it was windy, to fly
• In 1902 the Wright brothers
tested their gliders over the
sandy slopes of Kitty Hawk
in North Carolina.
• Gliders are aeroplanes with
no engines.
• Once they knew how to fly
gliders, they wanted to build a
plane with an engine that
would stay in the air longer
than a glider.
World War II
• Air travel was
becoming more
popular and planes
needed to be bigger.
Concorde 1976