Q4 Week1
Q4 Week1
Q4 Week1
Week 1
Decode the numbers
19;25;14;15;14;25;13; SYNONYM
13;5;1;14;9;14;7; MEANING
19;16;5;12;12;9;14;7; SPELLING
23;15;18;4; WORD
Determining the Meaning of Terminologies
using Dictionary, Thesaurus and Online
Let us Review!
When do you use Dictionary
dictionary? • a reference source in print or electronic
form containing words usually
alphabetically arranged along with
information about their forms,
• If you are unable to pronunciations, functions, etymologies,
understand the meaning of meanings, and syntactic and idiomatic
an unfamiliar word uses
Look at the preface and notes Good dictionaries include all If the difficult word has a prefix
in your dictionary. The known definitions of a word. such as un-- or mis-, you may
preface contains explanations When you are looking up a have to look up the root word.
about the various symbols word, do not stop after you
and abbreviations. Find out have read the first meaning!
what your dictionary has to Keep reading and look for the
offer. meaning that best fits the
context of your sentence.
Entry Elements
The words listed in a dictionary are listed in
alphabetical order, letter by letter. Pairs of guide
words are usually at the top of each set of facing
pages. Guide words list the first and last defined
word to appear on a page (or facing pages).Using
guide words help you quickly locate the word you
seek. If the guide words on facing pages are
symbolic and sympathy, you will have to turn to
single words, compound words, abbreviations,
affixes, or phrases.
Word entry
Parts of
The dictionary uses nine abbreviations for the parts
of speech. n. noun v.t. transitive verb adj. adjective
pron. pronoun interj. interjection adv. adverb v.i.
intransitive verb conj. conjunction prep.
Part of speech
• Subject labels tell you that a word has a
special meaning when used in a particular field
(mus. for music, med. for medicine, zool. for
zoology, etc.)
• Usage labels tell you how a word is used
Restrictive (slang, colloq, for colloquial, dial. for dialect,
Labels • Geographic labels tell you in which region of
the country (N.E. for New England, West,
South, etc.) the definition applies.
Restrictive labels
Not knowing how to spell a word can make it
difficult to find in the dictionary, but not
impossible. You will be surprised at how quickly
you can find most words by following the sounded-
out spelling.
When do you use Thesaurus
thesaurus? • A thesaurus is, in a sense, the opposite of a
dictionary. You go to a dictionary when you
know the word but need the definition. You
go to a thesaurus when you know the
• The best reference to look definition but need the word. For example,
for synonyms and you might want a word that means fear, the
antonyms is the thesaurus. kind of fear that causes more worry than pain.
Without the use of Thesaurus With the use of Thesaurus
d. trouble
Which is the closest a. immortal
antonym for the word
viable? b. infectious
c. impractical
d. industrious
In this sentence, the
Although the growing city prosperity DOES NOT
gained great prosperity mean:
during the economic boom, a. wealth
its citizens remained
concerned about rampant b. success
poverty around the country.
c. failure
d. affluence
Which word is a synonym a. allow
of forbid?
b. disallow
c. invite
d. friendly
In this sentence, the
mundane means:
d. abnormal
Activity: Search the Term
Directions: Replace the italicized words in the following sentences with their exact
specialized terms. Use a dictionary, the internet, and the words in the parentheses as
your reference. Configuration clues (boxed letters) are also given.
Ex.: Use a hand to grab the heavy metal ball by the handle and swing it up until it
rests against your forearm. (Physical fitness)
Answer: Use one hand to grab a kettle bell by the handle and swing it up until it
rests against your forearm.
Directions: The text below is
an excerpt of Steve Jobs, “Stay
Hungry, Stay Foolish” speech.
To understand his message
better, look for the meaning of
the eight (8) unfamiliar words
in the speech. In doing so,
refer to the sample below.