Lecture Note 03 - Bond Price Volatility
Lecture Note 03 - Bond Price Volatility
Lecture Note 03 - Bond Price Volatility
Price vs. Yield
Price-yield curve is not only downward sloping but
also convex: the rate of bond price decrease is faster for
low yield than it is for high yield.
Example: Price vs. Yield
Example: The price of a 10-year zero-coupon bond,
with par value $100 and required yields ranging from
Required Yield 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10
Bond Price 90.53 82.03 74.41 67.56 61.39 55.84 50.83 46.32 42.24 38.55
Bond Price
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Required Yield 3-5
Example: Price vs. Yield
Starting from 5% required yield, the price of bond goes
up more due to a 1% decrease than it will go down due
to 1% increase in yield.
• from 4% to 5%:
• (61.39 – 67.56) = – $6.17
• from 5% to 6%:
• (55.84 – 61.39) = – $5.55
Effect of TTM on Price Volatility
Example: Consider a zero coupon bond with TTM = 1
day. If the required yield is 1%, the bond price is:
• 100/(1.01)(1/365) = 99.997
• If the required yield jumps to 20%, the bond price would
drop to: 100/(1.20 )(1/365) = 99.950
Effect of TTM on Price Volatility
Another example: Consider a zero coupon bond with
TTM = 10 years. If the required yield is 1%, the bond
price is:
• 100/(1.01)10 = 90.5287
• If the required yield jumps to 2%, the bond price would
drop to: 100/(1.02 )10 = 82.0348
Effect of Coupon on Price Volatility
Question: How does coupon rate affect a bond’s
sensitivity to change in required yield?
• A coupon bond should be thought of a portfolio of zero-
coupon bonds, each with different maturity.
• For a given maturity, the smaller the coupon rate, the
more ‘weight’ a portfolio has of zero coupon bonds with
long maturity.
• It follows that a smaller coupon rate translates into higher
• Zero-coupon bonds have highest volatility for a given
Example: Bond Price Volatility
YTM T = 1 year T = 10 years T = 20 years
8% Coupon Bond
8% $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
9% $99.06 $93.50 $90.80
% change in price 0.94% 6.50% 9.20%
Zero Coupon Bond
8% $92.46 $45.64 $20.83
9% $91.57 $41.46 $17.19
% change in price 0.95% 9.15% 17.46%
Price Value of a Basis Point
The price value of a basis point (PVBP or PV01) is the
change in price of a bond if the required yield decreases
by 1 basis point
• This measure of price volatility indicates dollar price
volatility as opposed to percentage price volatility.
• This measure is also referred to as the dollar value of an
01 (DV01)
• DV01 is positive most of time: all fixed coupon bonds
and most other fixed income securities do rise in price
when rates decline.
Let ΔP and Δy denote the change in price and rate,
respectively, and note that the change in rate measured
in basis points is 10,000×Δy. Then the dollar value of an
01 is
The price value of a basis point is:
PVBP / DV01: Example
Example: 25-year Treasury bond with coupon rate of
6%, now selling at PAR. Price = 100.
• YTM changes to 6.01% Price = 99.871473
• YTM changes to 5.99% Price = 100.128771
PVBP / DV01: Example (cont’d)
Using derivative,
M = 100, C = 6, y = 6%, m = 2, T = 25.
Yield Value of a Price Change
The yield value of a price change is the change in yield
for a specified price change
• A bond’s yield to maturity is calculated when the bond’s
price is decreased by, say, X dollars – then the difference
between the initial yield and the new yield is the yield
value of an X dollar price change. Low value, high price
• In the Treasury market investors compute the yield value
of a 32nd
• In the corporate and municipal bond markets investors
compute the yield value of an 8th
Yield Value of a Price Change: Example
Assume 6% required yield.
Coupon TTM Initial Price Initial Price Yield at New Yield Value
minus a 32nd Price of a 32nd
0% 5 $74.4094 $74.3781 6.0087% 0.0087%
4% 5 $91.4698 $91.4385 6.0077% 0.0077%
6% 5 $100.0000 $99.9688 6.0073% 0.0073%
8% 5 $108.5302 $108.4990 6.0070% 0.0070%
0% 25 $22.8107 $22.7795 6.0056% 0.0056%
4% 25 $74.2702 $74.2390 6.0030% 0.0030%
6% 25 $100.0000 $99.9688 6.0024% 0.0024%
8% 25 $125.7298 $125.6985 6.0020% 0.0020%
Yield Value of a Price Change: Example
Assume 6% required yield and use percentage change in
Coupon TTM Initial Price Initial Price Yield at New Yield Value
minus 0.1% Price of 0.1%
0% 5 $74.4094 $74.3350 6.0206% 0.0206%
4% 5 $91.4698 $91.3783 6.0226% 0.0226%
6% 5 $100.0000 $99.9000 6.0235% 0.0235%
8% 5 $108.5302 $108.4217 6.0242% 0.0242%
0% 25 $22.8107 $22.7879 6.0041% 0.0041%
4% 25 $74.2702 $74.1960 6.0071% 0.0071%
6% 25 $100.0000 $99.9000 6.0078% 0.0078%
8% 25 $125.7298 $125.6040 6.0082% 0.0082%
While price value of a basis point measures the dollar
price volatility, duration measures the percentage price
Modified duration measures the percentage change of
bond price for a unit change in the required yield.
Modified Duration
Example: 25-year Treasury bond with coupon rate of
6%, now selling at PAR. Price = 100.
• YTM changes to 6.01% Price = 99.871473
• YTM changes to 5.99% Price = 100.128771
Duration of a Portfolio
The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average
duration of the bonds in the portfolio
• The duration of each bond is weighted by its percentage
within the portfolio (on a market value basis)
Macaulay Duration
Note: Macaulay duration is well-defined even if the
discount rate yt for time-t cash flow is different for
different t.
Macaulay Duration and Modified Duration
Macaulay Duration and Modified Duration
Macaulay Duration: Zero-Coupon
Zero-coupon bond has one single payment, the maturity
payment, at the maturity date. Hence, the Macaulay
duration of zero-coupon bond is the term to maturity of
the bond.
Example: A 3-year zero-coupon bond with a yield to
maturity of 7%. The bond price per $100 of maturity
value is $100/1.073 = $81.629788
• At a yield of 7.01%, one basis point higher, the bond price
is $100/1.0713 = $81.606905
• DV01 = $0.022883
Macaulay Duration: Zero-Coupon
Example (cont’d):
Macaulay Duration: Coupon Bond
Consider a 3-year par coupon bond with coupon rate 7%
and annual payment. For the par bond, the yield to
maturity is the coupon rate 7%.
Macaulay duration is
Macaulay Duration
General Characteristics:
Macaulay Duration of a zero coupon bond with maturity
T is T.
Macaulay Duration of a coupon bond with maturity T is
less than T since some payments are received before T.
For a given maturity T, the higher the coupon rate, the
lower the Macaulay duration.
• Zero-coupon bonds have the largest duration for a given
Excel Application
Excel has functions for calculating duration measures.
Modified Duration
by Excel 2.8037 2.6685 2.6243 2.6039
Macaulay Duration
by Excel 3.0000 2.8553 2.8080 2.7862
Duration Approximation
Recall , where is the slope of the tangent line at a
particular yield level given price-yield curve.
• Per dollar invested, the modified duration of the bond is
determined by the slope.
Alternatively, modified duration can be used to estimate
the curved relationship between price and yield with a
straight line (the tangent line).
Tangent Line
Price P(y)
𝑄 − 𝑃 ( 𝑦∗ ) 𝑑𝑃
Actual Price Curve =
Tangent Line at
y y* Yield y
Duration Approximation
If we draw a vertical line from any yield y, the distance
between the horizontal axis and the tangent line
represents the price P(y) approximated by using duration
starting with the initial yield y*.
Duration Approximation
Actual Price
Taylor Series
A fundamental property in math (calculus) is that an
infinitely differentiable function can be approximated by
a Taylor series (a polynomial function).
Generalized Taylor series formula
Taylor Series and Interpretations
(Duration approximation)
where .
Using Duration and Convexity
Thus, we can use both the duration and the convexity to
approximate the new bond price or the percentage price
Using Duration and Convexity
For increases in interest rates (y1), the
duration plus convexity approximation
gives a higher estimate of the bond price
For decreases in interest rates (y2), the
duration plus convexity approximation
gives a lower estimate of the bond price
P0 First
deriv nd seco
ative nd
d e rs t Price
ri v
y2 y0 y1
Approximate Price Change
Example: Consider a 3-year coupon bond with coupon
rate 7%, annual payment. Suppose the required yield is
5% and par value $100.
a) What is the bond price?
b) What is the modified duration of the bond?
c) What is the convexity of the bond?
d) If the required yield increases to 5.5%, what is the new
bond price? What is change in bond price approximated
by duration only? By both duration and convexity?
e) Answer question (d) for yield decreasing to 4.5%.
Duration Hedging
Duration and convexity measure how sensitive bond
price is with respect to the change in interest rate. In
other words, they measure the interest rate risk in a fixed
income security.
To hedge interest rate risk in fixed income security, one
can find another security (or a portfolio) with
appropriate duration and convexity so that the hedged
portfolio (initial portfolio together with the hedging
portfolio) is insensitive to the change in the interest rate.
Duration Hedging
Example: consider the following portfolio and available
hedging instruments. Assume yields are approximately
the same
Portfolio Price Convexity
Initial Portfolio $32,863.5 6.76 85.329
$97.962 8.813 99.081
Instrument 1
$108.039 2.704 10.168
Instrument 2
Duration Hedging
Create the hedging portfolio consisting of instrument 1
and 2 so that the duration and convexity are matched.
• Let x and y denote the value weight of instrument 1 and 2
in the hedged portfolio. Then, the value weight of the
original portfolio in the hedged portfolio is 1 – x – y.
Duration Hedging
Solving the two equations, we have
Duration Hedging
The hedged portfolio has both duration and convexity
zero insensitive to the change in the interest rate.
Duration hedging is very simple. However, it has
limitations: working well only for small changes in
interest rate, assuming one interest rate factor; assuming
parallel shifts of all interest rates…
Still very valuable in practice.
Discussion Question
Consider two bond portfolios with the same price and
same duration, but with different convexity, say
portfolio(1) having larger convexity than portfolio(2).
Portfolio(1) seems to be a better portfolio because for
any change in yield Δy, the return on portfolio(1) is
higher based on
Arbitrage opportunities?
Discussion (cont’d)
Consider purchasing $100 worth of portfolio(1), and
shorting $100 worth of portfolio(2). Hence, the net
value of this portfolio is zero. No matter what value of
Δy occurs, the combined portfolio seems to make a
End of the Notes!