Results-Based Performance Management - : Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers
Results-Based Performance Management - : Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers
Results-Based Performance Management - : Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
For School Year 2021-2022
S.Y. 2021-2022
3 ORGANIZING The teacher demonstrates a limited range of loosely-associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator.
The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator that sometimes are aligned
4 DEVELOPING with the learners' developmental needs.
The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator that usually are alignedwith
5 APPLYING the learners' developmental needs.
The teacher uses well-connectedpedagogical aspects of the indicator that consistently are aligned with
6 CONSOLIDATING student development and support students to be successful learners.
The teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator to create an environment that
7 INTEGRATING addresses individualand group learning goals. ,,
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KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfac tory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) ( 1)
4. Used Classroom Obser vation Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
eff ective verbal Too l (COT) rating sheet or Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in L e vel 4 in Level 3 in
and non-verba l inter-observer agreement Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as
classroom form from shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT
co mmunication -1 an observation of rating sheets I ra ting sheets rating sheets / rating sheets I rating sheets /
I in te r-
strategies to synchronous inter-obse rver inter-observer inter-observer inter-obse rver observer
support learner teaching (limited face- agreemen t agree ment agreement agreement agreeme nt
unde rstand ing, to-face teaching, online forms forms fo rms forms forms
pa rticipatio n , teachi ng, or two-way
en gage ment radio instruction) or
and _2 if option 1 is Quality
not No acceptable
achievement possible, an obse rvation evidence was
of a recorded video shown
lesson or audio lesson
that is SLM-base d or
MELC-aligne d
_ 3 if options 1 and 2 are
not possible, an
observation of a
demo nstration teaching•
..For mOOu l ar approach , de monstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-lea rning process m
the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall
via L AC
also be complemented with any annotated document (e_g _, module, screenshot of instant messag ing, no tels showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through,
monitoring, etc_
Note· For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year_ I n computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rati ng of each COT rating;
(ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS ratin_g See sam ple com putation belo w:
COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating
Means of Ver ifi ca tion Ratinq Average Tran sm utation Tab le
Scale Ratin q Quality
COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) ,4 5 0 0-, 5 0
3-500 00
COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfacto ry )
Very Satisfactory (4) ,3 5 0 0-4-499
Satisfactory (3 ) 2,5 0 0-3-499
Unsatisfactory (2) ,1 5 0 0-2-499
Poor (1) 1-000-1-499
RPMS Tool for SY 2021-2022 1 Proficient Teachers
KRA 2: Learning Environment
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
5. Established Class room Observation Demonstra ted Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
safe and Tool (CO T) rating sheet or Leve l 7 in Level 6 1n Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
secure learning inter-observer agreement ObJe ctive 5 Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as
environments to form from as shown in shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT
enhance 1. an observation of COT rating rating sheets I rating sheets I rating sheets I rating sheets /
learning through synchronous sheets I inter- inte r-observer inler-observer in ter-observer inter-observer
the consistent teaching (limited face- observer agreement agreement agreement agreement
i mpleme ntation to-face teaching, online agreement forms fo rms forms forms
of policies, teaching, or two-way form s
guid elin es radio instruction) or
and proced 2. if option 1 is not
ures possible, an observation Quality No acceptable
of a recorded video evidence was
lesson or audio lesson shown
that is SLM-based or
3. if options 1 and 2 are not
possible, an observation
of a de monstration
teaching • via LAC
For m odular approach , demonstration teachmg via LAC must reflec t the teach1ng - leammg process 111 the said m odali ty. The MOY (COT ra n g sheet or 1nt e r -<Jb server agreement fonn) shall
also be complemen ted with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, notels showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through , m onitoring,
Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating;
(ii) calculate the .average of the RPMS ratings ; and (iii) find the tra11s mu t ed RPMS rating _ S ee s ample comp u tat ion below :
COT RP MS 5-poi RPMS Rat ing for RPMS Rating
Means of Verifi ca t ion Average
Ratinq nt Scale Rati Qual ity Trans m utati o11 Ta
nq ble
COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000
COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (>/ery Satisfactory ) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 1 Proficient Teachers
KRA 2: Learning Environment
OBJECTIVE Outstanding Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(5) 141 (3) (2) (1I
6. Maintained Classroom Observat ion Demonstrated Demons trated De monstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
learning Tool (COT) rati ng sheet or Level 7 in Leve l 6 in Leve l 5 in Leve l 4 in Level 3 in
environment inter-observer agreeme nt Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as
that p romote form from shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT
fairness, 1. an obse rvation of rating sheets / rating sheets / rating sheets / rating sheets I rating sheets /
respec t and synchronous inter-observer inter-observer inter-observer inter-observer inter-obse rver
care to teaching (limited agreement forms agreement agreement agreement forms agreeme nt fo
face- rms
enco urage to-face teaching, online forms forms
learning teaching, or two-way or
radio instruction)
Qua lity
2. if option 1 1s not No accep table
possib le, an observation evidence was
of a recorde d video shown
lesson or audio lesson /
that is SLM-based or
3. if options 1 and 2 are not
possible, an observation
of a demonstration
'For modular approach, deteaching•
LAC via LAC must reflect the
teach1ng - l e ammg process m the said modality. The MOV (COT rabng sheet or 1nt e r-0b server agreement form) shall
also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instan t m essag ing , noteis showing instructions. narrative) indicating occurrence off ollow throug h, m
onrtoring, etc.
Note: For this objective, two MOV s are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i ) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of eac h COT rating ;
(ii ) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample co mputatio n below :
COT RPM S 5-po int RPM S Ra t in g fo RPM S Ra ti n g
Mean s of Ver ifi cation Ratina Ave rage Transmutmi on Table
Sc ale Rali na r Qualit v
COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 O uts tanding (5) 4.500-5.000
CO T Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisractory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1 500-2 499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 1 Proficient Teachers
Objectives that
have SET A or SET
B MOVs may be
considered as
either COI or NCOI