Family Nursing Care Plan

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- It is the blueprint of the care that the nurse

designs to systematically minimize or
eliminate the identified health and family
nursing problem through explicitly formulated
outcomes of care ( goals and objectives) and
deliberately chosen interventions, resources
and evaluation criteria, standards, methods
and tools
Establishing Goals and Objectives
Goals- desired observable family response to
planned interventions in response to a
mutually identified family needs.
Objectives- the desired steps by step family
responses as they work toward a goal.
A cardinal principle in goal setting states that goal
must be set jointly with the family. This ensures
family commitment to realization.

Basic to the establishment of mutually acceptable

goals is the family recognition and acceptable of
existing health needs and problems/.
Workable, well stated objectives should be SMART

-this is the capacity to provide management

-it is the professional phase of nursing process

- it is the time when the PHN executes the standard

function of an RN (promotive, preventive, curative,
3 standard functions
1. Dependent-

2. Independent-

3. Interdependent-
Categories of nursing Interventions

 Supplemental interventions-
 Facilitative interventions-
 Developmental Interventions-
Aspects of Evaluation
Case: #1

This is a case of M Family. M

Family is composed of 5 children and both parents were
alive. Upon observation, the family practices improper
hygiene in eating and waste disposal. The 5 children
have 2 to 3 years of age gaps, having the youngest child
to be 1 year old and the oldest to be 9 years old.
: Inability to thin 3 hours Within 3 hours of 1. Check if Hom Visual aids After 3 hours
provide a of nursing nursing interventions, the family e Demonstration of nursing
improper home interventions, the family will be able is aware of Visits Hand washing interventions,
hygiene environment the family to: their supplies the goal was
in eating conducive will be able health Time and met. The
and for health to recognize 1. Recognize the need Eff ort for the parents were
waste and the current for proper family able to
disposal. maintenance home handwashing before 2. members as demonstrate
due to environment and after meals as Demonstra well as to the proper
inadequate and health well as after using the te the nurse handwashing.
knowledge practices. toilet proper The siblings
of They must be handwashi who were
importance able to 2. Enumerate factors fi ve years old
ng. 3.
of hygiene identify that promote in and above
and healthy unhygienic practices were able to
sanitation practices and the wash their
be able to 3. be knowledgeable importance hands with
practice them in ways on how to of proper assistance
habitually. maintain hygiene hygiene in from their
preventing parents.
4. Accept the health Lunch was
importance of proper served and
hygiene in the the children
activities of daily living 4. Listen to fi led for a line
5. Exhibit the desire to the in washing
change the current concerns of their hands
unhygienic practices the family before and
hygiene in the regarding after the
activities of daily living the meal
5. Exhibit the desire to hindrance
change the current to practice
unhygienic practices such
Family Nursing Problem
* 37 year-old mother of seven at 21 weeks AOG, with BP of 140/90 and slight pedal edema; weight: 118 lbs.
* Mother verbalized, “I did not have problems during my previous pregnancies, and even with my present
pregnancy. It just happened that I passed by the health center on my way to my in-laws so I thought of dropping by
the clinic, but actually I feel alright, I don’t think I have to worry because I have had seven pregnancies and they
were all normal.”
* Busy with work as fish vendor, hardly has time to go to center for follow-up.
* health center is 3 km. from the house
*laboratory for urinalysis is 10km from the house,
not situated within the community
* Rina, three years old, weighs 10kgs., looks pale, lethargic and apathetic, markedly underweight and
*Mother verbalized, “Rina is really small in built since she was a baby, she is not fond of eating too.”
*three pre-school members are usually left to the care of eight-year old sister when parents are working and older
children are in school
*mother is very busy helping earn a living that she could hardly see the needs of the children
*Family income is P500.00 a day.
*Nine members stay in a two-room house; each room with a dimension of 3 meters by 3 meters.
*Family income is P500.00 a day.
*Garbage disposal is dumping in an open pit situated at the back of the house, two meters away; with plenty of flies
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