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Kunal CE (PE) 704A

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Dynamics of
and some

 Structural dynamics is a type of structural analysis

which covers the behavior of a structure subjected
to dynamic (actions having high acceleration) loading.
 Dynamic loads include people, wind, waves,
traffic, earthquakes, and blasts. Any structure can be
subjected to dynamic loading.
 Dynamic analysis can be used to find
dynamic displacements, time history, and modal
Structural analysis is mainly c o n c e r n ed with finding out the
behavior of a physical structure w hen subjected to force..

This action c a n b e in the form of loa d d ue to the weight of

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under C C BY-SA things such as people, furniture, wind, snow, etc. or som e other
. kind of excitation such as a n earthquake, shaking of the
ground due to a blast nearby, etc. In essence all these loads
are dynamic, including the self-weight of the structure
b e c a us e at s ome point in time these loads were not there.

The distinction is m a d e between the dynamic a n d the static

analysis o n the basis of whether the applied action has
e n o u g h acceleration in comparison to the structure's natural
frequency. If a load is applied sufficiently slowly, the inertia
forces (Newton's first law of motion) c a n b e ignored a n d the
analysis c a n b e simplified as static analysis.
Sim p l
This Photo by Unknow n author is licensed under C C BY-NC-ND.

This Photo by Unknow n author is licensed under C C BY-NC-ND.
Examples of dynamics
in structures are:-

 Soldiers breaking step as they cross a

to prevent harmonic excitation;
 The Tacoma Narrows Bridge footage,
failure caused by vortex shedding;
 The London Millennium Footbridge:
lateral synchronize excitation.
Single Degree-of-Freedom Systems.

Considering Figure, the forces resisting

the applied loading are considered as:
1. A force proportional to displacement
(the usual static stiffness);
2.A force proportional to velocity (the
damping force);
3. A force proportional to
(D’Alambert’s inertial force).
We can write the following
symbolic equation:-
Fapplied= Fstiffness+ Fdamping+
Multi Degree of Freedom
 Considering Figure, we can see
that the forces that act on the
masses are similar to those of the
SDOF system but for the fact that
the springs, dashpots, masses,
forces and deflections may all
differ in properties.
 Also, from the same figure, we can
see the interaction forces
between the masses will result
from the relative deflection
between the masses; the c h a n g e in
distance between them.

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