Software Engineering: UNIT-1

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Syllabus:-Introduction to Software Engineering:

The evolving role of software, Changing nature of
software, Software myths,
The software problem: cost, schedule and quality,
Scale and change.

Familiar with the fundamental concepts of

Prescribed Text books
1. Pankaj Jalote, “A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering”,
Springer International Edition.
2. Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering”, 7th edition, TMH.

Reference Text books

1. K.K Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, 3rd Edition,
New Age Publications.
2. Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 8th edition, Pearson.

• To illustrate basic taxonomy and terminology of the

software engineering.
•To plan and monitor the control aspects of project.
Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the students will

be able to
•Explain the basic concepts of Software Engineering.
•Select the suitable process model based on the client requirements.
•Calculate software proficiency in terms of cost and schedule.
•List the specifications of end-user according to business needs
•Choose the appropriate architectural style for a given Scenario.
•Infer the system model for a sample case study.
•Deduce test cases by following different testing methodologies.
Unit-1: Introduction to Software Engineering
Unit-2: Software Process
Unit-3: Planning a software project

Unit-4: Software requirement analysis and

Unit-5: Software Architecture and Design
Unit-6: Coding and Unit testing
1. The Evolving Role of Software:-
•The role of computer software has undergone significant
change over the last 50 years.

•Dramatic improvements in hardware performance, profound

changes in computing architectures, vast increases in memory
and storage capacity, and a wide variety of exotic input and
output options have lead to the development of sophisticated
and complex computer-based systems.

•Popular books published during the 1970s and 1980s

described the changing nature of computers and software and
their impact on our culture.
•Some of them stated that computers and software
Caused new industrial revolution
Lead to a transformation from an industrial society to an
information society
Are the key to knowledge interchange throughout the world

•As the 1990s began, computers and software lead to a

democratization of knowledge.

•During the later 1990s, the internet became very popular and
lead to the development of web-based software systems. During
this time many sectors like banking, insurance, airlines etc. have
•Today, ubiquitous computing has created a
generation of information appliances that have
connectivity to the Web to provide a blanket of
connectedness over our homes, offices and

•Software’s role continues to expand still.

1.2 Software

Software is a set of
Instructions that when executed provide desired function and
Data Structures that enable the programs to manipulate
Documents that describe the operation and use of the programs.

•Software is a logical rather than a physical system element.

1.2.1 Characteristics of Software
Every software exhibits three kinds of characteristics.
1. Software is developed or engineered, it is not manufactured
• Hardware is manufactured, but software is developed.
• Both activities require the construction of a product but the
approaches are different.
2. Software doesn't "wear out"

•Environmental problems such as dust, vibration, abuse, temperature

extremes etc. may cause the hardware to wear out. On the other hand,
environmental problems can’t influence the software and therefore it does
not wear out.
•Figure 1.1 depicts failure rate as a function of time for hardware. The
relationship is often called the "bathtub curve". It indicates that
hardware exhibits relatively high failure rates early in its life.

•These failures are often due to design or manufacturing defects.

•These defects can be corrected and the failure rate drops to a steady-
state level (ideally, quite low) for some period of time.
•Figure 1.2 depicts failure rate curve of software and it takes the
form of “idealized curve”.
•Undiscovered defects will cause high failure rates early in the life of
a program. However, these are corrected and the curve flattens as
shown in Figure 1.2.
•During its life, software will undergo change (maintenance).
•As changes are made, it is likely that some new defects will be
introduced, causing the failure rate curve to spike as shown infig1.2
3. Although the industry is moving toward component-based

assembly, most software continues to be custom built

•A software component should be designed and implemented so

that it can be reused in many different programs.

•Modern reusable components encapsulate both data and the

processing applied to the data, enabling the software engineer to
create new applications from reusable parts.

•For example, today's graphical user interfaces are built using

reusable components such as windows, pull-down menus, and a
wide variety of interaction mechanisms.
2. Changing nature of software

•The nature of software has changed a lot over the years. It has
changed from writing programs by individuals for their personal
use to writing very complex software to run a nuclear power
•Its nature mainly depends on the type of software used. Given
below are the different types of software being used in different
1. System Software
System Software is a collection of programs written to provide service
to other programs.
• It needs heavy interaction with computer hardware.
• It contains complex data structures and multiple external interfaces
Examples: Compilers, Editors, File Management Utilities, other
System Applications Drivers and Networking Software.

2. Application Software
•Application Software consists of standalone programs that are used to
solve specific business needs.
•It is used to process technical data/technical decisions and control
business functions in real time.
Examples: Conventional Data Processing Applications, Real-Time
Manufacturing Process Control, point-of-sale etc.
3. Engineering/Scientific Software
•It is characterized by conventional numerical algorithms.
•It is used to create interactive applications to take on real time.
Examples: Computer Aided Design(CAD/CAM), System Simulation,
Weather prediction system, Interactive Applications in Educational

4. Embedded Software
Software that resides within a product or system is called as
Embedded Software.

Examples: Keypad control for a Microwave Oven, Smart dustbins

5. Product-line Software
This type of software provides specific capability for use by many
different customers.
Examples: Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Computer Graphics,
Database Management, Multimedia & Entertainment and Business
Financial Applications.

6. Web Applications
•It can be considered as a set of linked hypertext files.
•Web Application Software has grown relevant as E-Commerce & B2B
applications grow in importance.
Examples: E-commerce sites, Air line reservation system, IRCTC
7. Artificial Intelligence Software
This type of software uses Non-Numerical Algorithms to solve complex
Examples: Robotics, Expert Systems, Pattern Recognition(image and
voice), Artificial Neural Networks, Theorem Proving, Game Playing.

8. Open Source
Open Source Software refers to the software whose source code is
public to everyone to develop, test or improve.
Examples: Linux Operating System, Apache Web Server Application,
LibreOffice Application, GNU Image Manipulation Application.
3. Software myths

Are the false beliefs that managers, customers, and developers have
on the software development.
3.1 Management myths

Myth1: Development problems can be solved by developing and

documenting standards.
Reality: Standards have been developed by companies and standards
organizations. They can be very useful. However, they are frequently
ignored by developers because they think that they are irrelevant and
sometimes incomprehensible.

Myth2: Development problems can be solved by using state-of-the art

Reality: Tools may help, but there is no magic. Problem solving
requires more than tools. It requires great understanding.
Myth3: If we fall behind schedule in developing software, we can
just put more people on it.
Reality: If software is late, adding more people will merely make
the problem worse. This is because the people already working on the
project need to educate the newcomers. So, this does not immediately
reduce the work.

Myth4: If I decide to outsource the software project to a third

party, I can just relax and let that firm build it.
Reality: If an organization does not understand how to manage
and control software projects internally, it will invariably struggle
when it outsources software projects.
3.2 Customer myths

Customers often underestimate the difficulty of developing software.

Sometimes marketing people encourage customers in their
Myth1: A general statement of objectives is sufficient to begin writing
programs— we can fill in the details later.
Reality: A poor definition of the problem is the major cause of failed
software. A detailed description of the information domain, functions,
behavior, performance, interfaces, design constraints, and validation criteria
is essential before writing the programs. These can be determined only after
thorough communication between customer and developer.

Myth2: Project requirements continuously change, but change can be

easily accommodated because software is flexible.
Reality: It is true that software requirements change, but the impact of
change varies with the time at which it is introduced. If change is requested
in design, then it costs 5 times more as if it is done in analysis. If it is
requested in coding, then it costs 10 more, in testing it is 50 times more and
if it is requested after delivery, then its cost increases
3.3 Developer’s (Practitioner's) myths

Practitioner's often want to be artists, but the software development

craft is becoming an engineering discipline. However myths remain:
Myth1: Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done.
Reality: Commercially successful software may be used for decades.
Developers must continually maintain such software: they add features
and repair bugs. Maintenance costs predominate over all other costs;
maintenance may be 60% of the development costs. This myth is true
only for shelfware --- software that is never used.

Myth2: Until I get the program "running" I have no way of assessing

its quality.
Reality: One of the most effective software quality assurance
mechanisms is formal technical review. Software reviews can effectively
detect the problems in requirements documents, design documents, test
plans, and code.
Myth3: The only deliverable work product for a successful project is
the working program.
Reality: A working program is only one part of a software delivery.
Apart from this several other documents such as analysis, design and
testing documents, user manuals etc. may also be created during software

Myth4: Software engineering will make us create voluminous and

unnecessary documentation and will invariably slow us down.
Reality: Software engineering is not about creating documents. It is
about creating quality. Better quality leads to reduced rework and
reduced rework results in faster delivery times.
4. The Software Problem

The software developed by a student as part of his laboratory work

consists of few hundred Lines of Code (LOC). Such systems tend to have a
very limited purpose and a very short life span. We can afford to throw
them away and replace them with an entirely new software rather than
attempt to reuse them or repair them.
On the other hand, industrial strength software is developed by a team of
people and consists of few thousand Lines of Code (LOC). These are the
applications that exhibit a very rich set of behaviors and are used by a
large number of customers. Such systems tend to have a very long life
span. Ex. Air-traffic control system, Railway Reservation System etc.
Thus, the problem domain for software engineering is developing an
industrial strength software. This should be produced at reasonable
cost, in a reasonable time, and should be of good quality.

Thus, the basic elements of industrial strength software are cost,

schedule and quality.
4.1 Cost

Cost of software is measured based on its size. The size of the software
is measured in Lines of Code (LOC) or Thousand Lines of Code (KLOC).
As the main cost of producing software is the manpower employed, the
cost of developing software measured in terms of LOC (or) KLOC per
Generally, software companies charge the client between $3000 -$15000
per person month.
For Example, assume that size of software is 50 million LOC and a
person can write 5000 LOC in a month. Let the company charging
$6000 per person month.
Then the cost of software can be calculated as
Person months required = 500,00,000/5000 = 10000
Cost = 10000X6000 = $6,00,00,000

Schedule is very important for developing projects.

Business trends are dictating that the time to market a product should
be reduced. It means that software needs to be developed faster, and
within the specified time.
Unfortunately, the history of software shows that it is usually delivered
Therefore, reducing the cost and time for software development are
central goals of software engineering.

Besides cost and schedule, the other major factor driving software
engineering is quality.
Today, quality is one of the main mantras, and business strategies
are designed around it.
The international standard on software quality suggests six main
attributes of software quality as shown in the figure below.
Software quality attributes
These attributes can be defined as follows
Functionality: The capability to provide functions which meet stated
needs of software.
Reliability: The capability to provide failure-free service.
Usability: The capability to be understood, learned, and used.
Efficiency: The capability to provide appropriate performance relative
to the amount of resources used.
Maintainability: The capability to be modified for purposes of making
corrections, improvements, or adaptation.
Portability: The capability to be adapted for different specified
environments without applying actions.
One measure of quality is the number of defects in the delivered
software per unit size (generally taken to be thousands of lines of
code, or KLOC).

Current best practices in software engineering have been able to

reduce the defect density to less than 1 defect per KLOC. Though cost,
schedule, and quality are the main driving forces of industry strength
software, there are some other characteristics of it.

Most industrial-strength software systems tend to be large and

complex, requiring tens of thousands of lines of code. For example, sizes
of some of the well-known software products are given below;
Developing a large system requires a different set of methods compared to
developing a small system. i.e. the methods used for developing small
systems often do not scale up to large systems.

As an example, consider the problem of obtaining the opinion poll of people
in a room as well as across the country. It is obvious that, the methods used
for obtaining the opinion poll of people in a room will just not work for
obtaining the opinion poll of people across the country. A different set of
methods will have to be used for this and will require considerable
management, execution and validation.

Similarly, methods that one can use to develop programs of a few hundred
lines of code cannot work for the software consisting of hundred thousand
lines of code. A different set of methods must be used for developing such
large software.
Any software project involves the use of engineering and project
management. In small projects, informal methods for development and
management can be used. For large projects, more formal methods are
used. This is shown below.
As shown in the above figure, more formal methods are used for
developing large and complex projects to make sure that cost, schedule,
and quality are under control.


Change is another characteristic of the problem domain and should

be handled properly.
It is obvious that, all the requirements of the system are not known at
the beginning. As the development proceeds and time passes, additional
requirements are identified, which need to be incorporated in the
software being developed. This requires that, suitable methods are to be
developed to accommodate the change efficiently. Otherwise, change
requests can trouble the project and can consume up to 30 to 40% of the
development cost.

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