MV Switchgear Testing & Maintenance Procedure: Unit 5

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 Switchgear components, such as circuit
breakers, disconnect switches, fuses, and
insulators, require regular inspection and
 Switchgear can be of indoor or outdoor type
and can be from different manufacturers.
 However, the maintenance of all types of
switchgear can be carried out by following the
basic maintenance operations.
1. Inspect the circuit breaker for damage that may
have occurred in transit.
2. Check the nameplate data and the packing list
provided with the equipment delivered.
3. Inspect the arc chutes of the Circuit breaker for
cracks damage, or foreign material.
4. Inspect the shield on each of the fixed arcing
contacts of the Circuit breaker for cracks.
5. Lift and let down circuit breakers slowly.
6. Do not use the bushing as handles when handling
the breaker.
7. Always roll and maneuver the breaker by grasping
the top edge of the breaker cover.
8. Avoid any sudden jerks when moving the breaker.
9. If the breaker must be stored before it is put into
service, keep it in a clean, dry, and noncorrosive
10.Coat all bare metal surfaces with grease to prevent
rusting or oxidation.
Electrical Switchgear Testing

Before conducting any other tests, an insulation resistance test

(Megger) should always be conducted first to determine if it is
safe to conduct other HV tests.
Switchgear testing:
 DC or AC hi-pot test.
 Power factor or dielectric loss test.
 Circuit breaker contact resistance test.
 Circuit breaker time–travel analysis test.

 DC or AC hi-pot test
 Circuit breaker contact resistance test.
 Circuit breaker time–travel analysis test.
Preventive Maintenance of RM6 Switchgear

1LV compartment

2Earthing covers

4MV socket

5Fuse compartments

3Operating mechanisms
Corrective Maintenance

● self-locking nut;
● contact washer;
● locking rings;
● mechanical pin.

● open the switches;

● close the earthing switches;
● cut the supply to the LV circuits.
Replacing a Charging Motor Removal a Charging Motor

1-Remove the 3 nuts

1 - Remove the fuse compartment cover.
fixing the motor support.
2 - Remove the LV cable trough 6 screws. Disconnect the motor
supply wiring.
3 - Remove the mimic panel front plate.
2-Remove the motor
support by pulling it
Replacing a Printed Circuit
1 - Remove the fuse compartment cover.
Disconnect the connecting cable 2 - Remove the LV cable trough 6 screws.
3 - Remove the mimic panel front plate.
Preparing the new circuit board front plate
Replacing the LV Contacts

• Remove the position indicator A. Remove interlocking

B (elastic ring and spring).
• Remove contact support S1 without disconnecting the
• Remove contact S3 without disconnecting the
• Remove the contact support S2, S4, S5, S6 and S7
without disconnecting the wiring.
Fitting the Contacts and Wiring Connection

• Fit contacts S1 to S7 to replace the former contacts. Fit

the position indicator and interlocking.
• Disconnect the contact wiring S1 disassembled, and
connect it to the new contact.
• Repeat this operation for all the contacts (S2 to S7).
Preventive Maintenance of GMA Switchgear

Insulation gas
GMA series panels have a hermetically sealed pressure
system in accordance with IEC 62271-200. It does not
require servicing over its entire service life.
The pressure tanks are made of stainless, non-magnetic
■■ The tank must be kept free from any deposits of
external metal.
■■ Any risk of pitting corrosion must be avoided.
Switching units

The components in the cladded high-voltage parts of the

panel (vacuum circuit breaker disconnector and earthing

switch) do not require any maintenance either.

Drive mechanisms / covers

Drive mechanisms and covers outside of the enclosure

are corrosion-protected.

Damage to the paint, scratches and deterioration must be

repaired immediately to avoid corrosion.

 A visual inspection includes a complete check of the panels by
certified staff for contamination, condensation and damage.
 Should impurities or condensation be detected, the panels must
be cleaned in an expert fashion. To this effect, only cleaning
products approved by the manufacturer may be used.
 Check the drives for sufficient lubrication. Subsequently, the
functionality of the drives, interlocks and position indicators
must be checked.
 If damage is detected on the panels, it must be repaired or
components be replaced immediately .
Lubrication instructions
 Maintenance work may only be performed by specialists who
are familiar with the switching devices installed and the drive
mechanisms they use.

 Once the operating shutter has been removed, the drive is

accessible from the switchgear front end (see assembly
instructions). Remount operating shutter once maintenance is

 All joints and all surfaces in the circuit-breaker, disconnector

and earthing switch drives which are sliding on each other
must be lubricated. The drive is completely lubricated at the
factory with synthetic lubricant (KL).

A mobile accessory board can

accommodate the following
• crank of 3-position switch.
• emergency crank, energy-
storing device of the circuit-
• double-bit key
• kit of pluggable voltage
• switchgear documentation.
Preventive Maintenance of ORMAZABAL Switchgear

The live parts of the CGMCOSMOS cubicle main circuit and switching
equipment do not require inspection or maintenance, as they are completely
insulated in SF6 and therefore unaffected by the external environment. Class E2
electrical endurance tests mean there is no restriction on maintenance of the
breaking components.

‫ا‬:‫ة تمام‬:‫ا معزول‬:‫ ألنه‬،‫يانة‬:‫و الص‬:‫ش أ‬:‫ب التفتي‬:‫ل ال تتطل‬:‫ وأجهزة التبدي‬CGMCOSMOS ‫ية‬:‫ن الدائرة الرئيس‬:‫ة م‬:‫األجزاء الحي‬
‫يانة‬::‫ى ص‬:‫ي عدم وجود قيود عل‬::‫ة يعن‬:‫ الفئ‬E2 ‫ة‬::‫ل الكهربائي‬:‫ اختبارات التحم‬.‫ة الخارجية‬:‫ر بالبيئ‬:‫ي ال تتأث‬:‫ وبالتال‬SF6 ‫ي‬::‫ف‬
.‫المكونات كسر‬
• The operating mechanism for the CGMCOSMOS system switching
equipment does not require lubrication for correct operation throughout its
estimated lifetime, according to the service conditions specified in IEC 62271-
• These mechanisms must be inspected when used under extreme conditions
(dust, salt, pollution). It is advisable to carry out at least one operation during
the inspections.
• Components manufactured from galvanized sheet steel have been painted to
ensure their resistance to rust. Any scratches, dents or similar on them must be
repaired to prevent corrosion.

‫حيح طوال‬:‫لص‬:‫ل ا‬:‫ت التشغي‬:‫ تزيي‬CGMCOSMOS ‫ل نظام‬:‫ل معدات تبدي‬:‫ة تشغي‬:‫ب آلي‬:‫ال تتطل‬
‫ ويجب فحص هذه اآلليات‬.IEC 62271-1 ‫ة المحددة في‬:‫لخدم‬:‫ وفقا لشروط ا‬،‫ا المقدر‬:‫عمره‬
‫ة‬:‫ذ عملي‬:‫تحسن تنفي‬:‫ن المس‬:‫ م‬.)‫ح والتلوث‬:‫ية (الغبار والمل‬:‫ي الظروف القاس‬:‫تخدامها ف‬:‫د اس‬:‫عن‬
‫ة‬:‫لب ورق‬:‫ن الص‬:‫نعة م‬:‫مص‬:‫مت المكونات ال‬:‫د رس‬:‫ وق‬.‫ل أثناء عمليات التفتيش‬:‫ى األق‬:‫واحدة عل‬
‫ع‬:‫ك لمن‬:‫ه ذل‬:‫ا شاب‬:‫و م‬:‫و خدوش أ‬:‫ي خدوش أ‬:‫الح أ‬:‫ص‬:‫ب إ‬:‫ يج‬.‫دأ‬:‫ا للص‬:‫ن لضمان مقاومته‬:‫المجلف‬

• presence indicator to 230 Vac

with 4 mm terminals, which ekorSAS

are placed in the indicator

between the earth test point
and the test point for the L1
• Maintain the auxiliary power
for 5 minutes, after which time
the lever is inserted in the
earthing switch shaft in order
to carry out the operation.
• The alarm starts to sound and
continues to sound for at least
Location of the ekorSAS device in
30 seconds. CGMCOSMOS cubicles
• It will stop when the lever is
The ekorSAS alarm can be replaced if necessary, since it is joined
to the associated units with two friction-fit PCB connectors:
• One 3-pin connector, polarized for the Voltage Presence Indicator.
• One 2-pin connector for the lever micro switch.

The process is as follows:

• Remove the screws which hold the upper cap panel and remove it.
• Remove the driving mechanism cover.
• Gently press the lower fastening flanges on the ekorSAS unit to
remove it.
• Undo both connectors and replace the damaged unit; then connect
it to the lever micro switch.
Replacing the ekorSAS in CGMCOSMOS-V type RA(M)V cubicles

The process is as follows:

1. Remove the screws which hold the
upper cap panel and remove it.
2. Remove the driving mechanism
3. Unscrew the bolts holding the
ekorSAS unit in place to remove it.
4. Undo both connectors and replace the
unit, re-connecting it to the micro
switch (2-pin connector) and the voltage
indicator (polarized 3- pin connector). Location of the ekorSAS device in
CGMCOSMOS-V cubicles
 The driving mechanisms and other elements outside the gas
tank may require preventive maintenance; the frequency of
this maintenance depends on the existing environmental
conditions (harsh environments, dust, extreme temperatures,
etc.), and should be established based on the installer's
experience and their responsibility.
 The maintenance should take place every 5 years or 2000
operating cycles, unless, based on the conditions of use, the
user, together with Ormazabal’s Technical – Commercial
Department, consider otherwise.

‫يانة‬:‫د تكرار هذه الص‬:‫ة؛ يعتم‬:‫يانة وقائي‬:‫ر أخرى خارج خزان الغاز ص‬:‫ب آليات القيادة وعناص‬:‫د تتطل‬:‫ق‬
، )‫ك‬:‫ى ذل‬:‫ا إل‬:‫وى وم‬:‫ية والغبار ودرجات الحرارة القص‬:‫بيئات القاس‬:‫ة (ال‬:‫ة الحالي‬:‫ى الظروف البيئي‬:‫عل‬
‫و‬:‫نوات أ‬:‫ س‬5 ‫ل‬:‫يانة ك‬:‫م الص‬:‫ن تت‬:‫ب أ‬:‫ يج‬.‫ؤوليته‬:‫ت ومس‬:‫ة المثب‬:‫ى تجرب‬:‫تنادا إل‬:‫ا اس‬:‫م إنشاؤه‬:‫ن يت‬:‫ب أ‬:‫ويج‬
،‫ا إلى جنب مع اإلدارة الفنية والتجارية في أورمازابال‬:‫ جنب‬،‫ ما لم يكن المستخدم‬،‫ل‬:‫ دورة تشغي‬2000
.‫ بناء على شروط االستخدام‬،‫يعتبر خالف ذلك‬

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