DNA Computing: A New Technology To Be Discovered
DNA Computing: A New Technology To Be Discovered
DNA Computing: A New Technology To Be Discovered
Presented By: JAGDEEP PANI Roll-107439 Regd.no-0701211180 Comp. Science & Engg.
Began in 1994 when Dr. Leonard Adleman wrote the paper Molecular computation of solutions to combinatorial problems. Adleman first solved a 7-point hamiltonian problem using bio-molecules.
Israeli scientists have devised a computer that can perform 330 trillion operations per second, more than 100,000 times the speed of the fastest PC.
DNA Parallelism
DNA is modified biochemically by a variety of operational proteins called ENZYMES DNA has CUTTING, COPYING ,PASTING , REPAIRING as basic suite operations which allows it to perform even complex calculations. Enzymes work over many DNA molecules simultaneously providing DNA Parallelism.
Biological computer developed that could be used to fight cancers.
Designer DNA identifies abnormal and is attracted to it. The Designer molecule then releases chemicals to inhibit its growth or even kill the malignant cells. Successfully tested on animals.
Advantages Continued
DNA computers can be made many times smaller than today's computers. It is a cheap resource. DNA computers are massively parallel in their computation. Excellent for NP-complete problems such as the Knight problem and the Travelling Salesman problem. One pound of DNA has the capability to store more information than all the electronic computers ever built. One cm3 of DNA can hold approximately 10 terabytes of data. DNA computer the size of a teardrop would be more powerful than the worlds most powerful supercomputer
In the basic von Neumann architecture computer, instructions are handled sequentially. A von Neumann machine, which is what all modern CPUs are, basically repeats the same "fetch and execute cycle" over and over again. DNA computers, however, are non-von Neuman, machines that approach computation in a different way from ordinary computers for the purpose of solving a different class of problems. When many copies of the replication enzymes are allowed to work on DNA in parallel, what happens after each replication is finished - the number of DNA strands increases exponentially (2^n after n iterations).
Atlanta Detroit
Adlemans Experiment
Generate all possible routes. Select itineraries that start with a proper
city & end with the final city.
City Encoding
Route Encoding
Atlanta ACTT GCAG Atlanta Boston Atlanta to Boston GCAGTCGG
Output of Stage I
Source Atlanta
Detroit Destination
PART II : Select itineraries that start and end with the correct cities
STRATEGY : Selectively copy & amplify only selection of DNA that
start with Atlanta & ends with Detroit .
Technique used is POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) Allows to produce many copies of a specific sequence of DNA
PART III : Select itineraries that contain the correct no. of cities
STRATEGY: Sort the DNA by length & select the DNA whose length equals to four cities
Long DNA
Short DNA
Affinity Purification
Uses multiple copies of DNA molecule that encodes complementary name of a city. Molecules are attatched to iron balls. Those molecules that contained the desired citys name will anneal to the given molecules. Magnet is placed to attract the annealed molecules towards the side of test tube.
Classical computers
fast at individual operations can do substantially fewer operations simultaneously
can provide huge memory in small smaller memory. at most 10^14 bits space. One cubic centimeter of DNA soup could store as much as 10^21 bits of information. setting up a problem may involve considerable preparations DNA is sensitive to chemical deterioration setting up only requires keyboard input electronic data are vulnerable but can be backed up easily
DNA computing is in its infancy, and its implications are only beginning to be explored. As of now, the DNA computer can only perform rudimentary functions, and it has no practical applications. "Our computer is programmable, but it's not universal," said Shapiro. "There are computing tasks it inherently can't do."
Limitations Continued.
The device can check whether a list of zeros and ones has an even number of ones. Also, it can only answer yes or no to a question. It can't, for example, correct a misspelled word.
DNA , the genetic code of life itself , certainly has been the molecule of this century and most likely the next one. The future of DNA manipulation is speed, automation, and miniaturization. Perhaps it wont be used to play games or surf the web things that traditional computers are good atbut it certainly might be used in the study of logic, encryption, genetic programming and algorithms, automata and lots of other things that havent even been invented yet.
Conclusion Continued..
In the future, there may be hybrid machines that use traditional silicon for normal processing tasks with DNA co-processors for specific tasks. Some scientists predict a future where our bodies are patrolled by tiny DNA computers that monitor our well-being and release the right drugs to repair damaged or unhealthy tissue