Herbal Medicine For Pets

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Herbal Medicine for Pets

Traditional herbal medicine provides several remedies for strengthening the body's resistance to illness through effects on immune system components. Finding healing powers in plants is an ancient idea. People in all continents have long used hundreds, if not thousands, of indigenous plants for treatment of various ailments dating back to prehistory

Usage of herbal medicine in animal health care especially in pet segment is on a rise. People have identified herbal medicines or remedies as an easy alternative for the various allopathic parallels available in the market.

Project Title

To find the market potential of herbal medicines for companion Animals (pets) in international markets. markets.

If the market seems promising to develop a product concept for formulation.

Executive Summary
Pet population and market trends in various countries Reasons why people increasingly adopting pets The herbal remedies available for the indications The top ten indications The popular reasons for vet visits for pet owners The indications in pets, most responsive to herbs Regulations regarding herbal medicines for pets in various countries The documents that regulatory authorities require The market entry routes for herbal formulations in pet segment The Top 4 Exporting Companies for herbal products in the Animal health in India The ingredients for successful market entry in the international market The ingredients with Wockhardt The model for successful entry of pet herbal products in international markets

Pet Population & Market trends

For US and CANADA Market size: 1 billion $ Growth rate: 17 to 22 % rate:

In USA, There are an estimated 105,480,101 households out of which 105,480, 33,331, 33,331,712 own dogs as a pet and 63,077,593 own cats as a pet. 63,077, pet. Total number of dogs in USA is 56,330,593 and Cats is 56,330, 138,138,850. 138,138,850.

Number of Dogs Receiving Herbs is 3,943,142 and the number of 943, cats receiving herbs is 9,669,719. 669,719.

In Canada, Canada, v There are an estimated 10,820,050 households, out of which 3,419,139 own dogs as a pet and 6,470,390 have cats as a pet. v Total number of dogs in Canada is 5,778,340 and Cats is 14,170,154.

For Europe & UK

Market Size: Total UK over-the-counter Size: over-thepharmaceuticals market will be worth 2.1bn (OTC)

Growth Rate: Rise year on year from 4.5% in 2006 to Rate: 6.5% by 2010 7.5 million cats and 6.1 million dogs in UK alone and an estimated 21 to 25 million pets in entire Europe

Market size: for the Pet care products is A$ 463 million Growth rate: Pet food and pet care products in Australia saw growth rate: of 4% over 2004 in current value terms.

In Australia, A total of 29 million companion animals

12 million Australians are associated with pets. 64% of the 7.5 million households in Australia own pets. Australia has one of the highest incidences of pet ownership in the world.

Reasons why people are increasingly adopting pets !

Pets are nowadays considered as the source of emotional support Studies have shown that pet owners have measurable lower levels of cholesterol and blood pressure An American study found that men who own cats or dogs have lower resting heart rates and blood pressure than those who don't. The pet owners are able to talk to their animals at the time when they felt unable to share their feelings with other people. people. Pet-owning children attended school for an additional three weeks Petextra school compared to non-pet owning children non recent scientific evidence suggests that the opposite may hold true and pets have an important role to play in building up a child's immune system. system. Psychiatrists advice there Patients to have pets in order to fight emotional stress and mental tension. tension.

The indications for which herbal remedies for pets are available

On the basis of collected 237 different products , identified 97 different indications for which there are herbal remedies in the pet segment . Also collected the companies that manufacture these products, their price as on the auction sites, there presentation details and their formulations wherever available

Sno medicines 1 Halo's Cloud Nine Herbal Shampoo 2

Species Cats & Dogs


Company 1 Halo's 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Native Remedies 1 Halo's 1 Halo's 1 Halo's 1 Halo's 1 Halo's 1 Halo's 1 Halo's 1 Halo's


Remedy for shampoo

PetAlive Aggression Formula

3 Pet Calm 4 PetAlive UTI-Free 5 C- Caps 6 Skin and Coat Tonic 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29

Natural Moves for Pets PetAlive GlucoBalance Digestive Support Problem Pet Solution Vi-Pro Plus PetAlive Heart and Circulation Tonic Immunity and Liver Support capsules Muscle & Joint Support PetAlive LiverAid GlucoBalance PetAlive UTI-Free SlenderPet Halo's Derma Drean Salve Halo's Dream Coat Halo's Ear Wash Halo's Herbal Eye Wash Healthy Snacks Halo's Vita-Mineral Mix Halo's Vita-Dreams Daily Greens WhelpEase

20 Dream Coat for Dogs and Cats

Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs
Cats & Dogs

$29.95 Agression $29.95 Agression $29.95 distemper n infection $39.95 Cancer $29.95 shining coat $21.95 Constipation $29.95 Blood sugar level $26.95 Digestion $29.95 hyperactivity $49.95 distemper n infection $26.95 Blood circulation $29.95 liver ailments $39.95 Muscle pain,Joint $26.95 liver ailments $29.95 Blood sugar level $29.95 Dehydration $26.95 weight control $11.98 skin care $10.98 skin care $18.98 skin care $10.98 ear care $15.98 Eye care $8.98 misc $11.98 misc $15.98 misc $4.99 Dental 8.75 6.49 6.85 6.85 Agression Skin care(flea) Skin care(flea) Skin care(flea)

28 Animal Essentials Bowser Breath Herbal Breath Drops

Canine Calm 30 FleaOrDie 31 Flea Safe 32 Canine golden Garlic

33 100%Natural Coat Conditioning Spray

A/T Blood Clenser 35 Eye Formula 36 Eye Formula 37 Heart formula


Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs Cats & Dogs

100gm 125 ml 250ml 125ml 125ml 8 oz 1 oz 1 oz 2oz 1 oz

herbal and heath ltd 1 herbal and heath ltd herbal and heath ltd herbal and heath ltd herbal and heath ltd herbal and heath ltd Quantum herbal products Quantum herbal products Quantum herbal products Quantum herbal products

$21.00 Skin care(flea) $16.35 Blood purification $14.00 Eye care $25.90 Eye care $14.00 Heart Care

The Top Ten Indications

Top 10 indication
25 20 15 10 5 0 1 Indications
Muscle pain, arthritis agression/ anxiety/ anxiousness immune support / cancer liver kidney Antiallergic digestion/ gastrointestinal urinary tract Blood purification Dental Care

The popular indications for which the pet owners visit veterinarians

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Top reasons for vet visits for cat owners

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Top Reasons for vet visits for Dog owners

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Dig es t io n

The indications in pets, most responsive to herbs

The canine ailments most responsive to herbs

25 20 15 10 5 0

Ar th i riti s

All li ve erg r i es /s k in ca re

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Ca nc er oi nte s ti na l

uri Kid na ne ry ya tra i lm ct e


feline ailments most responsive to drugs

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The herbal characteristics that people look for before buying

efficacy pro uct uality s tan ar s clinical trials


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clinical trials


US and Canada
Neither the FDA ( Food & drug Authority) in the United States nor the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in Canada seems to have any set regulations on the use of herbal or supplements in companion animals. Since these animals are very unlikely to become part of the human food chain there is less concern in this area about regulations. However these can not make a claim for cure as if they do so the FDA considers it as a drug and then the procedure that is followed for other drugs is followed

Europe & UK
The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) & Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are the governing authorities for Europe &UK There are four different legal categories of herbs: herbal remedies with a product license, which could be prescription only, pharmacy only or general sale list medicines; herbal remedies exempt from licensing; herbal products marketed as food supplements; and herbal products marketed as cosmetics. Herbal products, without licenses, must currently be sold as 'food products'.

In Australia, The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is responsible for administering the provisions of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act). The definition of a herbal substance in the Regulations includes details of acceptable production processes. processes.

The documents that the Regulatory Authorities of various countries require

Detailed product information Dossier of the product Labeling details Safety data, Clinical trial data. data. An herbal remedy should be projected as good for the indication but should not claim the complete cure or healing effects A product information sheet issued by different regulatory authorities in order to register the Product, depending upon the regulatory requirements of the country.

The Market Entry Routes for herbal range of products

Retail chain stores 3rd party i.e. using another company The internet retail sites Exhibitions and exposition

Retail chain stores

These are on of the popular means by which the product reaches the target customer The rack charges of each store differ and if we purchase a rack at the store the promotion and advertising is taken care by the store authorities The U.S. retail industry generates $3.8 trillion in retail sales annually ($4.2 trillion if food service sales are included), approximately $11,993 per capita Some of the retail chain stores are Wall mart Shop rite, Wall greens Co Rite aid, Fred Meyer stores. stores.

Online Retailing Sites

Online retail is expected to hit $211.4 billion in 2006, a 20 percent gain over revenues of $176.4 last year. pet supplies ($500 million) are expected to experience over 30 percent growth in 2006, more than any other categories. Some of the pet herbal products retailing Sites are

www.naturespet.com www.epetpals.com www.onlynaturalpet.com www.dogpack.com www.cdnholisticpet.com www.hppets.com www.ilovemypet.com

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Another route that we can use for the herbal products for pets is that we market our formulations to other companies and let them do the entire marketing and promotion. Some of the established Herbal products company in the pet care sector are: are: Robert McDowell's Herbal Treatments, Australia Native remedies (Pet alive), it is based in US Benedictine healing products, it is also based in US

Exhibitions & Trade shows

These provide a huge platform to a company for launching the product in a market. Generally these trade shows or exhibitions are conducted every quarter in different parts of US, and other countries such as Europe and UK. These shows are organized by AHPA (American herbal products association) in America. In UK, Full Moon Communications (FMC), a company that worked exclusively in the natural, organic and complementary health sectors, organizes such trade shows.

Ingredients with

Wockhardt is an established organization with a presence in more than half the world, namely it has its own establishments in UK i.e. Wockhardt UK, in Europe as Espharma GmbH, In USA as Wockhardt USA Inc. Inc. The network and name of Wockhardt is well known and it is one of Indias fastest growing Pharma giant The base in very much existent in US, UK and Europe. We can take help from the existent network and use there networking for our pet herbal range of products. Entering into a country with already existent operations is an additional advantage. advantage.

The manufacturers: we can also make use of the manufacturers: network and knowledge of pharmanza if we are able to forge successful ties with them. Or we can contact the them. various manufacturers from the list attached in my report The Distributors: a list of various distributors in the Distributors: markets that we are targeting has been prepared, they can be contacted for further networking and business. business. Besides this we can also contact the retail stores and online retailers mentioned in the list Brand promotion and advertising campaign: for this campaign: we need to have an excellent strategy that sells our product. product. We can start with advertising in the relevant pet journals, sites that deal with pet products or we can put our products in various exhibitions and trade shows where the product can be noticed. noticed.

Though efforts have been made to the best of my abilities to collect all the relevant data, but still there has lots to be done. There needs to be more concerted efforts and commitment towards this range of products, the markets are easy to get into but it needs most aggressive marketing and advertising- promotion mix to be advertisingsuccessful.

My Recommendations
Undoubtedly it is a growing segment but does not have any solid base in Indian Market; therefore this range of products should be launched in international markets only. For the Launch of the product, the ideal region is US & Canada. The reason behind it is that US & Canada are the largest markets for this sector in particular i.e. nearly 1 billion $ and the growth rate is 17- 22%. Moreover, the 17regulations for companion animals herbal formulations in US is minimum Firstly, establish product range in markets of US & Canada and then expand to the other regions.

Choosing one region for starting the range shall give us more focused approach and a better and concentrated platform. The major focus while launching this range should be aggressive and strong marketing and advertising promotion mix. As these [products are successful only based on these parameters The best of the 4 routes for market entry is putting our products at the retail chain stores and websites.

Thank you

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